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Results 53251-53300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The Constitution of the State of Ohio requiring that a man to be eligible to the Legislature should not hold any office under the United States, and the election taking place on Tuesday next, Colo. Worthington who is a candidate has been obliged to resign his two offices. He wishes the resignation may be accepted on Monday . Mr Ellicot claims compensation for the service mentioned in the...
As I do not know where Mr. Short is at present, I take the liberty of inclosing you a letter for him, which you will much oblige him, as well as myself by forwarding. I am Dear Sir Your Very humble servt. RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson esqr.”; endorsed by TJ as received 13 Jan. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure not found.
Self Interest once forced me to intrude upon the busy moments of your Excellency, for the purpose of showing how much it was my own choice to hold a Commission “during the Pleasure of the President of the United-States for the time being.”   A more generous motive leads me to intrude a second time, for the purpose of proving how much I am convinced that my watchful concern for my own...
I yesterday received the enclosed Letter from the Treasurer of the Western Shore of the State of Maryland together with the Account of a quarters Interest due 1t. Instant to the said State on the Loans of $200,000 in the Treasurers Letter mentioned— The funds of the City do not at present enable me to make the payment as required, nor do I beleive a sufficient sum for the purpose could be...
I am happy to see you here , to take you by the hand, & to renew the assurances of our friendship. the journey which you have taken is long: but if it leads to a right understanding of what either of us may have misunderstood it will be useful for all. for, living in the same land, it is best for us all that we should live together in peace, friendship and good neighborhood. I have taken into...
Your Excellency will be pleased when you see that I am the son of John Ruddock Esq. of Boston, who was the only man that stood forth to defend the Liberty of The United States by the side of Saml. Adams Esq. Late governor there—These two men were the first opposers of the British Government in finuel Hall in Boston—They risked their lives & property for the liberty of their Country which has...
I understand that the office of a judge for the Indiana Territory is vacant by the death of Mr. Clarke, and that Mr Ninian Edwards of Kentucky has been proposed for that appointment. I hope that I am not presuming too far on my acquaintance with you in certifying my opinion of Mr. Edwards. Having known him from youth to manhood, I feel a pleasure in having it in my power to declare, with...
I expected to have had the pleasure of see[i]ng you before this in my route to New Yk., but a late indisposition and the pressure of my private concerns, compell me to postpone a visit to my friends to the claims of business which will lead me first to the westward. The day of my departure is not positively fixed, but will be in a few days. I shall pass thro’ the federal city in March when I...
7 January 1803, London. Acknowledges JM’s 9 Nov. letter [not found] advising the firm that James Simpson was authorized to draw on them for his $2,000 annual salary and that a remittance would be made to them for that purpose. “We receiv’d notice the 4th. Octr from Mr Brent that on your application a remittance wou’d be immediately made to us by the Secretary of the Treasury of fifty odd...
Feeling an irresistable impulse for the Glory of your Administration; & convinced your Friendship will Pardon the Intrusion; I cannot forbear addressing you upon the present Political Crisis.—The Governour, & the Intendant of New Orleans, in shutting that Port, & refusing a depot for our Produce down the River; Strikes me as a preconcerted Measure between the Ministers of France & Spain; but...
I beg request You would Give me an appointment, [if it could?] be, for this City , it would be more agreeable: if not, for Alexandria, Baltimore, New York, or Boston, tho’ I own to You I would prefer this place, where I have always lived. from our long acquaintance , I take the liberty of addressing You freely. Commissioners are going to Madrid one is not Yet appointed (as I am Informd) I wish...
I have received your favor of the 31. ulto. & thank you most sincerely for your attention & liberality to our Seminary. I trust our exertions to revive it will be crowned with success. It is matter of real concern, that those places which have acquired celebrity, on the score of education should unfortunately be under the influence of false principles. Every honest mind must feel afflicted,...
I submit for your approbation and consent a Convention entered into with the Choctaw nation of Indians, for ascertaining and marking the limits of the territory ceded to our nation, while under it’s former government, and lying between the Tombigby and Mobile rivers on the East, and the Chickasawhay river on the West. We are now engaged in ascertaining and marking in like manner the limits of...
I was considerably amused by a News paper publication some few Weeks since, Which Paper I have lost or mislaid.—It was a description of something that tended to the great and long desideration of ascertaining Longitude. A Gent. was said to have departed on a Voyage from Philadelphia for some Port on the Eastern Continent, and during the Voyage, told the precise Longitude the Vessell was in...
6 January 1803, Amelia. Encloses a letter received from Thomas Worthington so JM may apprise the president of observations it contains regarding the appointment of a district judge for Ohio. Regrets that his state of health prevents him from performing his duties in Congress during the present session. Had intended to proceed to Washington on “the first relaxation” of his “complicated...
6 January 1803, Georgetown. “By information received this evening by Mr. Pichon he is led to believe that the aid de camp of Gnl. Leclerc from St. Domingo now on his way to washington brings dispatches relating to Louisiana. Mr P. has nothing Yet from the Gentleman and expects him to morrow.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Leclerc died of yellow fever on 2 Nov. 1802, and Hector Dauré, acting captain general...
We beg leave to recommend the following Gentlemen, as proper Characters to act as Commissioners of Bankruptcy within the State of Tennessee— Edward Scott Esqr atty at Law, Mr John Crozier Merchant, Moses Fisk Esqr Atty at Law—and Mr. George M Deaderick Merchant—The two former of Knoxville—the two latter of Nashville— with Sentiments of Very great respect— RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR ); in Anderson’s...
53268From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson will be obliged to mr Barnes for 20. or 30. D. in small bills. Jan. 6. 1802. i.e. 1803   RC ( ViU : Edgehill-Randolph Papers); addressed: “Mr. Barnes”; notation by Barnes: “sent $30—pr Mr Dougherty”; endorsed by Barnes as a letter of 6 Jan. 1803. Not recorded in SJL . In his financial memoranda, TJ recorded the receipt of $30 from Barnes on 6 Jan. 1803 ( MB James A. Bear, Jr.,...
Possessing but little self confidence, it is with great diffidence that I address you, with an offer of my services to the Public.—Some eight or nine years ago, I was solicited to accept a Consulate Office at some important Port among our commercial relations in foreign Countries—my engagements in Commercial pursuits then were such, that self-interest forbade my acceptance—but I have since...
Last March was a Year since I have made Application for the Consulship of Belgium without Success, altho I had every flattering hope before my Departure from Philadelphia where I am naturaliz’d and remain’d for about twenty Years always strongly attach’d to your present Administration, testes Andrew Ellicott, General Muhlenbergh, Wm. Jones, Member of Congress &c &c the place of Consul or Agent...
I received, yesterday, your favor of the 27 th: ult. and thank you, for the wholesome admonitions, it contains. Your advice will always receive due attention, both from myself and our friend. When you shall have received and perused, the concluding numbers of the Port Folio, & taken with you the consideration of the extreme rapidity with which they were published, I think you will discover...
The President has received the letter you addressed to him on the 1st. Inst. As the constitution of the United States has left with Congress the exclusive authority to permit the acceptance of presents from foreign Governments by persons holding Offices under the United States, the President has thought it most proper that the ornaments addressed to Mrs. Humphreys by the Queen of Spain should...
5 January 1803, Annapolis. Requests postponement of his son’s appointment as consul for Madeira until after the son’s anticipated return from London in March. Wishes to withdraw the application if an appointment is required before then. RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Misdated 1802 by Christie and printed under that date in PJM-SS Robert J. Brugger et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of...
5 January 1803, Washington. Acknowledges JM’s 4 Jan. note with the enclosures. “Wm. Holliday devises to his son Robert, ’ 1,000 acres of back lands situate about six miles distant Kentucky river, in the North western territory , being so much of a survey of 1,500 acres of soldier’s right surveyed by John Machir on my account .[’]” Nathaniel Massie previously had surveyed for William Holliday...
William Conner of the County of Washington, and District of Columbia, petitioning, States—That at the late races , near the City of Washington, he was in a Booth, where a gaming table was kept by one—Mordacai—that permission was granted him to keep said table a few minutes, whilst some emergency called off said Mordacai to some other part of the race ground, which he did for the space of ten...
I have this morning procured a small quantity of Vaccine Infection, taken the 9th day of the disease, which I hope may succeed with Dr. Gantt.—I should have forwarded some before, but the opposition to Inoculation at this Season is so great, that I have not been able to procure even in the Dispensary, an opportunity to continue it.— I inserted a few days past in Mr. Paulsons Gazette, a...
A series of bad health which has endured above twelve months has withdrawn much of my attention from Philosophic objects, a favorable change having lately taken place, I perceive with satisfaction that my Mind & body are both recovering their former tone, and now again enjoy the pleasing prospect of dedicating my leisure hours to my favorite amusements; which however must for a time be...
Agreeably to the request of the House of Representatives I now transmit a statement of the militia of those states from which any returns have been made to the War-office. they are, as you will percieve, but a small proportion of the whole.   I send you also the copy of a circular letter written some time since for the purpose of obtaining returns from all the states. should any others, in...
Th: Jefferson requests the favour of Genl. John Smith of N.Y. to dine with him on Friday next, the 7th. Inst. at half after three, or at whatever later hour the house may rise. Wednesday Jany 5th. 1803. The favour of an answer is asked. RC ( NNPM ), printed form, with blanks filled by Meriwether Lewis reproduced in italics; addressed by Lewis: “The Honble. Genl. John Smith of N. York.”
I have deferred answering your letter, that I might be able to answer it more to your satisfaction than I could otherwise have done. My own Family is not a desirable place for the purpose, which you mention. I am too often & too long absent, at most all seasons of the year; &, when at home, am too much occupied by company, & various avocations, to render such attention as I would wish, even to...
Inclosed is a receept from Colo. Newton for the 100$ you gave me for him. Calender refused to give security for his appearance before the Court of Henrico, in the case of Hay agt. Calender; of course he was taken to Jail; Yesterday the trial commenced, & this eveng. Calender was discharged. I am dear Sir with Great respect Yours Sincerely RC and enclosure ( DLC ). RC docketed by JM. For...
4 January 1803, Department of State. “The Secretary of State requests the Attorney General to favor him with his opinion, whether a patent may be issued to the assignee of Robert Holliday for the land contained in the within survey [not found]. The doubt arises upon the variation between the survey and the description of it in the devise contained in the enclosed will [not found]. The land...
4 January 1803, New York. Asks to be excused for again addressing JM. A convenient opportunity to sail for the Mediterranean in three weeks is available, and “being particularly pressed through Mrs. Baker’s present Situation,” he solicits the favor of JM’s commands. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Baker”). 1 p. Docketed by Jefferson. See Baker to JM, 28 Nov. 1802 .
4 January 1803, Gibraltar. No. 110. “I beg leave to referr to my last dispatch No. 109 [27 Dec. 1802] ⅌ this Conveyance of the Constellation frigate, who put back by Contrary Wind and is still detaind here.” Forwards a packet from Eaton and encloses a copy of a letter from O’Brien to Cathalan. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Gibraltar, vol. 2). RC 1 p. Docketed by Wagner as received 17...
Letter not found. 4 January 1803, Paris. Offered for sale in Stan. V. Henkels Catalogue No. 686 (11–12 May 1892), item 1504, where it is described as a three-page letter in Lafayette’s hand.
I beg leave to referr to my last dispatch No. 109 ⅌ this Conveyance of the Constellation frigate, who put back by Contrary Wind and is still detaind here. I now have the honor of inclosing a Packet from Consul Eaton of Tunis, and anexing Copy of a Letter from Consul OBrion of Algeir to our Comercial Agent Mr. Cathalan of Marseilles, which being what Occurrs. I have the honor to be with...
Callender has been this day discharged from his recognizance by the County Court of Henerico—6 magistrates in favor of his discharge & 1 against it—The trial took up two days & the cause has been fully and ably argued—As I had not an opportunity of getting into the Court House from the concourse who attended I can give you no sketch of the arguments— Accept for your health &c My friendly...
I have recd your favor of the 15th of December.—I am not disappointed, through I regret the answer you have received from Mr Mifflin. I believe it impossible to get a Printer in America to undertake the publication of your Work. Such Studies are not to the Taste of our People. There is a Gentleman in Philadelphia, Mr Joseph Dennie, Editor of the Portfolio, who I believe would print it by...
3 January 1803, Department of State, Washington. “It appearing that the Ship Alnomac was registered at Newport, I request you to be pleased to communicate the enclosed translation of a letter, lately received by me, to the relati⟨ves⟩ of the deceased Capt. Chace.” RC and enclosure ( NjP : Crane Collection); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). RC 1 p. In Wagner’s hand, signed by JM....
3 January 1803, Boston. Has received JM’s 14 July 1802 letter [not found] naming him commissioner of bankruptcy but has not once been called on to serve. Presumes “that the intention of appointing six Commissioners for this District was, that three should form a Board, & officiate alternately in different cases as they occur’d.” Was unwell when the first case occurred and Judge Davis called...
3 January 1803, Natchez. “The enclosed hand bill [not found] has this moment reached me; it has every appearance of being an official publication.” The conduct of the Spanish government in Louisiana is “indeed extraordinary.” Recent acts manifest “determined hostility” to the U.S. “The violation of the Treaty, so far as related to the deposit at Orleans, gave rise to much agitation in this...
The obliging and ready condecension with which your Excellency has been pleased to answer the letter I addressed to you in October last, on the subject of a Patent , and how such may be procured, demands, and always will have, my grateful acknowledgments. On turning to the act of Congress you direct, I find but one serious impedimt to my taking out a patent at the present, and that is that I...
By a letter addressed to you by Isaac Williams Junr. War chief of the Wyandot Nation, you will observe that I am to pay attention to his buisiness at the seat of Government, the document relating to which, will be laid before you herewith by the Secretary at War: in two weeks I will be at the city of Washington , when I will do myself the hono’r of waiting on you, and be Govern’d by your...
I conclude absolutely to cover my terras with sheet iron , and have accordingly written to Philadelphia to see if I can procure sheets 15. I. wide and 9½ f. long.—The method of doing it is shewn below Fig. 1. it consists in forming gutters across the terras declining from the ridge pole to the eaves, the gutters being 21. I. horizontal measure each. We shall take off the present shingling, and...
I enclose the following papers vizt. a letter from the district attorney of Maryland on the subject of the suit against De Butts whom I think very unworthy, & likely through his council L Martin, to give us some trouble by instituting a suit against the Collector of Nottingham for damages on account of the seizure of the vessel suspected of having been intended for the slave trade.— a letter...
[ Isle of Man ], 3 Jan. 1803 . Confined within the limits of a letter, he cannot say as much as he should. He looks upon America as superior to Europe, “as the Sun is better than the Moon.” He believes that many engineers and mechanics have emigrated to America, but few or none have been clever and able. As for himself, he does not lack a situation; he “could get 50 in 40 days.” There are so...
Accept my grateful acknowledgement of the letter which you did me the honor to write on the 10th. ulto.—The appointment of Mr Judd under the Bankrupt Law will not be condemned as injudicious or unfit, even by those who are in the constant habit of condemning every act of the present administration. His age, experience, and respectable rank in society placed him on uncontested ground. The...
I beg your Excellencie’s pardon for troubling you again . The appearance of a reformed establishment of the mint of the United States induces me to do so; I flatter myself that I possess abilities sufficient to make myself useful in such an establishment. Some Medals of my engraving have been favorably received by the judicious part of the public; I have lately executed another of the masonic...
I have now received the Port-Folio, to number 48 inclusive; excepting N: 47 which yet remains in arrear— They have come to me lately, two and three at a time; but other subscribers have not been so well served— At Quincy N: 48 has been received but six or seven numbers immediately preceding it are missing— This procedure must be corrected The ode to Xanthias Phoceus, has produced some...
2 January 1803, Tunis. “On the 28. Sep. Com. Morris’s squadron left Cagliari after having lain there ten days—did not write me. On the 16. Oct. I signified to the Commodore that I had important communications to make to him. Mr. Cathcart delivered him the letter 2d. Nov. It has received no answer. He arrived at Malta 20th. Nov. and Mr. Cathcart writes me on the 25. that he will sail for Tunis...