Thomas Jefferson Papers

List of Army Appointments, 10 January 1803

List of Army Appointments


War Department
10th. January 1803

List of appointments in the Army of the United States, made during the last recess of Congress

A. William King to be Surgeons mate, 10th. June 1802.
Joseph West  Ditto. Ditto. 10. June 1802.
John F. Heilaman  Ditto. Ditto. 2. July 1802.
G. W. Maupire  Ditto. Ditto. 5. Nov. 1802.
Alexander McComb Junr. to be lst. Lieut: in the Corps of Engineers to take rank from 12. Oct. 1802.
Joseph G. Swift 2d Lieut:  "   "  "   " Engineers to take rank from 12. Oct. 1802.
Simon Levy 2d Lieut:  "   "  "   " Engineers to take rank from 12. Oct. 1802.
Ephraim Emmory 2d Lieut: in the Regiment of Artillerists to take rank from 12. Oct. 1802.
Henry Brevoort Ensign in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry to take rank from  7. May 1802.1
Peyton Gay Ensign in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry, to take rank from 12. Oct. 1802.
Josiah Taylor Ensign in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry, to take rank from 12. Oct. 1802.
William L. Chew Ensign in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry, to take rank from 12. Oct. 1802.
William Simmons Ensign in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry, to take rank from 12. Oct. 1802.

Promotions and Transfers

Jonathan Williams to be Lieut: Colonel in the Corps of Engineers to take rank from 8th. July 1802.

Decius Wadsworth of the Regt. of Artillerists to be Major in the Corps of Engineers, to take rank from 9th. Jany. 1800.

Capt. George Ingersoll to be Major in the Regt. of Artillerists, vice Wadsworth transfered to take rank from 8th. July 1802.

1st. Lieut: Peter Tallman to be Capt. in the Regiment of Artillerists, vice Ingersoll, promoted, to take rank from 8th. July 1802.

1st Lieut: Thomas Swaine to be Capt. in the 2d Regt. of Infantry, vice, Vance, resigned, to take rank from 1st. July 1802.

2d. Lieut: Edward P. Gaines to be 1st Lieut: in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry, vice, Erwine, resigned, to take rank from 27. April 1802.2

Ensign George T. Ross to be 2d. Lieut: in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry, vice, Gaines, promoted, to take rank from 27th. April 1802.

Ensign Henry B. Brevoort to be 2d. Lieut: in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry, vice Barde, promoted to take rank from 1st. July 1802.

B. The following persons are respectfully nominated for the appointments, to their names respectively annexed.

Cary Clark, of Rhode Island, to be 2d. Lieut: in the Regt. of Artillerists.

Francis Newman, of Maryland, to be 2d. Lieut: in the Regt. of Artillerists.

James S. Swearingin, of Ohio, to be 2d. Lieut: in the Regt. of Artillerists.

W. S. Graham of Vermont to be 2d. Lieut: in the Regt. of Artillerists.

Thomas Coit Jr. of Connecticut to be Surgeon’s Mate in the Army of the United States.

H. Dearborn

MS (DNA: RG 46, EPEN, 7th Cong., 2d sess.); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Dearborn; endorsed by a Senate clerk. FC (Lb in DNA: RG 107, LSP). Enclosed in TJ to the Senate, 11 Jan. 1803 (third letter).

For background on the army appointments, promotions, and transfers approved by TJ during the last recess of congress, see Dearborn to TJ, 31 May, 10 June, 2, 8, 9 July, 7, 8 Oct., and 3 Nov. 1802.

1Clerk here canceled “Henry Irvine   Ensign in the 2d Regt of Infantry to take rank from 12 Oct. 1802.”

2Clerk here canceled “2d. Lieut: Robert G. Barde to be 1st Lieut: in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry, vice Swaine, promoted, to take rank from 1st. July 1802.”

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