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Results 53201-53250 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The loss of the records of our state during the time of my administration there, has left it...
The day is so very bad that I hardly expect a council, and there being nothing that I know of...
Instructions were given a few days ago to Colo. Baylor to proceed to Virginia and in concert with...
You are immediately to proceed with the detachment under your command to Chester County, and...
[ Skippack Camp, Pennsylvania ] October 11, 1777 . Orders Jameson to collect horses, clothing,...
The quantity of provision, Flour especially, that is carried into Philada is by all accounts so...
Letter not found : to Lt. Col. John Jameson, 18 Sept. 1780 . GW’s secretary Robert Hanson...
I wish every precaution & attention to be paid to prevent Major André, from making his escape. He...
Your favor of the 30th Ulto has been duly received, as has been a letter from a Gentleman, who I...
You are hereby directed to repair to the East Side of Schuylkill and take the command of the...
I recieved last night your letter of the 4th. I remember that mr Bacon in furnishing me with a...
I have duly recieved your letter of the 4th. inst informing me that at a meeting of the American...
A pressure of business for some days past has prevented my acknoleging the reciept of your favor...
I have recieved your favor of the 6th. inst. informing me that the American Philosophical society...
11 January 1805, Department of State. “I have received your letter of the 8th. and the power of...
M r Goodman my manager here informs me you will furnish me 20. bushels of salt at 5.½ D. taking a...
Messrs Balfour & Barraud of Norfolk died indebted to me in a pretty considerable sum. Meeting...
If the Sails & Rigging which I be spoke for Mr John West, are not already come of, be so good as...
Mr Robt Adam sends 40 Barls of Flour in my Vessel to you, the freight of which, he says I am to...
I yesterday received a Letter from Mr. Jefferson relative to the Suit Intended against Coll....
At the particular request of the Honble Danl Dulany Esqr., I address this Letter to you—a certain...
[ Paris, 13 Jan. 1785 . Entry in SJL reads: “Neill Jamieson. N. York. Acknolege receipt of his of...
[ New York ] November 3, 1785 . Encloses a document relating to the case of Samuel Griffin adsm....
By a letter of Jan. 13. I took the liberty of requesting you to send me such of the New York...
Colo. Lowrey informs me that you are possessed of a horse which he had recommended, previous to...
I take the opportunity by General Mansell to acknowledge the receipt of your polite letter of the...
I recd yours of the 11th: It is my wish to indulge every Officer, who thinks himself aggrieved by...
Accept my thanks for your obliging Letter of the 28 ult— The motives which prompted, and the...
I have received your several letters of 3d. 10 14 22 Augt. 6. 11. 22 Septr. 1 & 12 October last....
I take this opportunity from Alexanda. of acknowledging your very valuable favor by the vessel...
I have to acknowledge the reciept of your several letters of June 20. Aug. 1. Oct. 11. 28. and...
Your favors of Aug. 10. & Oct. 25. were both recieved, the last not till Jan. 6. some time after...
Our newspapers recieved yesterday evening, gave me the first information of your arrival in...
Since my letters of the 19th. & 20th. of July 1804. I have recieved your favors of Oct. 6. Nov....
Your favor of Oct. 26. as also the 2. pipes of Termo came safely to hand in the course of the...
I have just written to you by another vessel acknowledging the receipt & the favor of your...
The President of the United Insurance Company, of New York, has represented to this Department,...
Having just recd notice of the proposed trip of Mr. Smith to Madrid thro’ Lisbon I avail myself...
Since my last of the 17th ult, I have received your letter of the 16th November. The obstruction...
I wrote you a letter of detail yesterday covering the 1st. of a set of Exchange drawn by James...
"... The Message of the President to Congress has already been sent you... You will find by it...
Letters not found. 17 June 1810 (two letters). Acknowledged in Jarvis to JM, 26 Aug. 1810 ....
Your two Letters of the 8th. and 23d. of April have been received. In consequence of the first, a...
I thank you for your favour of February 17—and for the valuable volume called the Republican— Not...
I thank you, Sir, for the copy of your Republican which you have been so kind as to send me; and...
The Secretary of State presents his Compliments to Messrs. Viar and Jaudenes, and informs them...
We lately received from Mr: Seagrove our Indian Agent for the southern department a letter, of...
Extract of a letter from the Governor of Louisiana to the Chargés des affaires of his Catholic...
I have laid before the president of the United States the letter of May 10th. of Captain Henry...
I have duly received your favor of the 15th. and return you my thanks for the observations you...