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Results 53201-53250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Since I am embarked in a very doubtful speculation, and I am ready to own, that I am by no means...
I recd last night yours of the 6th.—I read the Account of the Small Globe rolling in a little...
I have enclosed a packet containing a number of astronomical observations for Mr. Delambre, one...
12 January 1803, Collector’s Office, District of Edenton. “I have the pleasure to transmit the...
Know Ye, That reposing special Trust and confidence in the Integrity, Prudence and Abilities of...
Will you be so good as to deliver or send the inclosed to Colo. Monroe. Yours affectionately PrC...
Messrs. Jones and Howell have forwarded to you for me [190.] bundles of nail rod and 8. do. of...
The mail is closing just as the inclosed is put into my hands. tomorrow we shall write to you...
I will be obliged to you to send back the Models , as I am packing up to set off for Philadelphia...
You gave me leave the last year to deposit in Richmond the money then due you for negro hire. as...
Mr. Jarvis of Lisbon informs me of his having addressed to your house for me two half pipes of...
I had the pleasure of recieving by the last post your obliging Letter of the 4 th . Instant— The...
At the date of my last I intended to have had an immediate personal communication with Dr....
The President of the United States has received your memorial respecting the spanish Brigantine...
11 January 1803, Philadelphia. The writers solicit JM’s intervention with the Spanish minister...
the petition of John Baker respectfully represents, that your petitioner is an extremely young...
We arrived here safe yesterday after a most disastrous journey sufficiently distressing in itself...
the petition of John Henderson respectfully represents, that your petitioner is not a common...
I inclose you the sum of three hundred and thirty Dollars to cover an order drawn on you this day...
We learn by the public papers that a great calamity by fire has happened to Portsmouth, and that...
The cession of the Spanish province of Louisiana to France, and perhaps of the Floridas, and the...
During the late recess of the Senate, I have granted commissions for the following persons and...
During the late recess of the Senate I granted commissions for the Promotions, transfers, and...
The Spoliations and irregularities committed on our commerce during the late war by subjects of...
I transmit you a report recieved from the Director of the Mint on the subject of that...
Painful necessity has for many months prevented me the use of my own pen,—nor have I seen any...
Since my letter of November 27th on the subject of what had taken place at New Orleans, a letter...
The subject of Mr. Briggs’s letter and of your note of yesterday is doubtless an interesting one;...
10 January 1803, Glasgow. Transmits a report of U.S. trade up to 31 Dec. 1802 [not found]. Did...
10 January 1803. Having taken into consideration the treaty concluded on 30 June 1802 between the...
I have the honor of transmitting you a Report of the Trade of the United States of America within...
Unwilling to tresspass, upon one moment of your time, which I know is devoted to the best...
in Consyquence of the misunderstanding among the Indin Nations agrebly to what they have laid...
I have the honor to transmit you a list of the appointments, promotions and Transfers which have...
List of appointments in the Army of the United States, made during the last recess of Congress A....
The Secretary of War has the honor of proposing to the President of the United States, that,...
I shall ever gratefully Remember your appointing me a Commissioner of Bankruptcey; And I hope you...
Not knowing whether Colo. Monroe is in Richmond, Albemarle or where, & it being important the...
As the subject of dry Docks, is now under consideration, I take the liberty of intruding a few...
I ought to dismiss all scruples, and apprehensions respecting the constitutionality of the...
I have but a moment to inform you that the fever into which the Western mind is thrown by the...
I have received letters from my Sons dated Octr 14th, about two weeks after they had opened their...
9 January 1803, Algiers. Reports that nothing extraordinary has transpired in U.S. affairs since...
9 January 1803, Museum. At the request of his friend John I. Hawkins, writes to inform JM of...
Letter not found. 9 January 1803. Acknowledged in Mitchill to JM, 10 Jan. 1803 . Discusses Isaac...
Since the departure of Captain Morris on the 29th. of november nothing Very extra has transpired...
Last night on my return home I had the pleasure to see by some letters from my court that the...
Relying on your goodness to excuse this intrusion on your time, I beg leave to interest myself in...
I should have acknowledged the rect. of your favor containing a copy of yr. message to the...
Yours of the 29 Decr. I did not receive ’till the Day before Yesterday. I marvel that you should...