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Results 53151-53200 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
18 January 1803, Algiers. Reports that the dey sent a messenger on the morning of 17 Jan. to say...
18 January 1803, Capitol Hill. Has received JM’s “litle notte of yesterday [not found].”...
On the morning of The 17th. of January 1803 the dey sent A messenger to inform me that his...
Recapitulation of an estimate of the sum necessary to carry into effect the Missie. expedicion.—...
Your’s by John came safely to hand, and informs me of your ultimate arrival at Edgehill. mr...
As the appropriation bill for the navy is ready to be reported, it is necessary to know in what...
Soon after the date of my letter to you of Dec. 16. the Memorial of the Senate & House of...
6. frigates & 1. schooner in commission including repairs & contingencies } 476,874.86...
As the continuance of the Act for establishing trading houses with the Indian tribes will be...
I inclose a report of the Secretary at War, stating the Trading-houses established in the Indian...
I now lay before Congress the annual account of the fund established for defraying the contingent...
The Inclosed Papers presented to your Excellency by the Undersigned Committee appointed in behalf...
The Subscribers beg leave to represent to the President that a man by the name of John Henderson...
I must answer your favours of Dec. 14 ult. and Jan the 3th. Want of time will once have the happy...
Your favor of December 6th has been duly receiv’d. You mention inclosing fifty dollars, the...
I duly received your letter of 25th. Novr. 1802. inclosing the letter to you from the Governor at...
17 January 1803, Department of State. Asks that Gallatin cause a certified statement to be made...
The appointment of Colo. Monroe as Envoy to the courts of France and Spain was communicated to us...
Yesterday morning I recieved information of Maria’s safe arrival at Edgehill. some apprehension...
Because I have inclosed for you a within Copy of our Lord, Christ Jesus His Letter, Ergo I...
A Copy of the letter of our Lord Jesus Christ found under a Stone, and carried to the City of...
Your’s from Gordon’s did not reach me till the 15th. and was the first information which relieved...
I have inclosed to you the letter directed to Col. Monroe, who I am informed left this place...
By Treaties held with the Creek and Chocktaw nations of Indians in the course of the last year,...
The Undersigned a Committe appointed by the Unanimous voice of the Legal Voters assembled in the...
It was with much pleasure I recognized the Hand writing of an old Friend, tho only in the...
I have lately been settling up the Accts. of my friends with officers of the Direct tax, which...
Mr. Hamilton presents his respectful compliments to the President, & with great pleasure, sends...
15 January 1803. “The writer of the inclosed letter is a Native of Lausanne in Switzerland and...
The bearer Mr. William Hill is an assistant in this agency as I have known him for five years and...
I have this instant returned from Williamsburg where I have been for some days, and find your...
Whereas by the first Article of the Terms and Conditions declared by the President of the United...
The next Post will announc the result of our Election of Governor & Representatives for this new...
Since my last of the 17th ult, I have received your letter of the 16th November. The obstruction...
14 January 1803, Baltimore. Forwards some intermediate numbers of the Leiden Gazette just...
14 January 1803, New York. “On the 20th Jany. last we stated to you the circumstances respecting...
14 January 1803, Collector’s Office, New York. “Herewith you will receive a list of Seamen...
Inclosed are some intermediate numbers of the Leyden Gazette just recd. & which serve towards...
I herewith enclose a rough draught of a report on Indian affairs. will you please to make such...
The inclosed copy of the proceedings in the suit Robert Morris assee. of Humphry Marshall against...
I have just seen your Excellency’s nomination of Mr. Monroe to the appointment of Minister to...
Your letter complaining of the attempt by Mr. Lewis S. Pintard, acting as Consul at Maderia, to...
In reply to the letter which I had the honor to receive from you of the 1st. Instt. requesting to...
13 January 1803 , “ Stabrock in Demerary .” Encloses a copy of his 14 Dec. letter [not found],...
13 January 1803, Fort Wilkinson. Introduces the bearer, William Hill, who has lived with Hawkins...
Enclosed is a Copy of a Letter which I did myself the honor of addressing you under Date the 14...
You have not returned any answer in the case of Colo. Worthington’s resignation. He recommends...
I happened to be extraordinarily pressed by business which prevented my answering on the subject...
I dropped you a line on the 10th. informing you of a nomination I had made of you to the Senate,...
The bearer brings your models. you have certainly misconcieved what you deem shyness . of that I...