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Results 53131-53140 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will herewith receive a set of Bills for £12..12 sterling which have taken the Lyberty to draw in favor of your Excellency on my very good friend Thaddeus Burr Esqr. Merchant at Fairfield, in Connecticut, who I am confident will give them due honor. I am concerned at being under the Indispensible necessity of troubling your Excellency in a...
This indenture made on the 11 th day of March July one thousand eight hundred and twenty one , between Thomas Jefferson of Albemarle on the one part and Philip Norborne Nicholas and William Nekervis both of the city of Richmond on the other part witnesseth that whereas Thomas J. Randolph of the same county of Albemarle
§ From James Simpson. 21 January 1806, Tangier. No. 105. “I had the honour of addressing you No 104 on the 26th. last Month with information on occurrences in this Country up to that time. I should have told you that in November Denmark paid Muley Soliman twenty five thousand dollars, corresponding with their Stipulation for 1803; thus two years are in Arrear. “Sweden has hitherto made her...
Yr. very friendly letter I duely recd, & altho I was persuaded you could not listen a moment to the base insinuations to which I referred, yet I felt not inconsiderable satisfaction in the explicit contempt which yr. answer manifests. This game yet continues, in a late aurora an absolute falshood is issued to the world in which I am at large named & my friend Ludwell Lee by initials. The...
I arrived in Town the Day before Yesterday—having taken the earliest Opportunity to acquire Information, I am sorry to inform you that I find Money Matters in as bad a Situation as possible—The Exchange, by the Concourse of Venders, has run down to five Shillings, & Bills are offered at that Rate in such great Numbers as to command all the Money which is to be disposed of; so that reducing the...
For a private individual, so little known as myself, to address the President of the United States, would by many be thought rude and presumptious; but knowing your mind to be as elevated as your station, & wholly free from the influence of vulgar prejudice, I feel confident of not offending.—I shall endeavour to recall your recollection to the person who now does himself the honour to write...
I have received the letter you did me the honor to write me on the thirtieth of last month inclosing an elegant masterly and patriotic address from the legislature of North Carolina. I pray you Sir to accept of my thanks for the very polite and pleasing manner in which you have communicated to me this important expression of the sense and the pleasure of a State of so much weight in the union....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been honored with several Letters by the Hands of sundry Gentlemen coming here with a View to serve our Cause; but from the Numbers of our own Officers and the foreign Gentlemen not being possessed of our language it was impossible for us to find Places or for them to distinguish themselves in our Service. You are conscious of this and therefore ’tis...
I present to you mr Rives , the bearer of this, an eleve of mine in law and politics. he is able, learned, honest, & orthodox in his principles. being just about to enter on the stage of public life he wishes first to see something more of our country at large. he will be one of the distinguished men of our state , & of the United States . in taking him by the hand while in Boston you will...
I seem to be under the necessity of availing myself of our former acquaintance, in any measure, to answer the expectations of the writer of the enclosed paper No. 1. His character & connexion with me are known to yourself & to the President. His abilities, integrity & diligence in his office are not called in question. I have enclosed his original Letter in proof that his faculties yet remain...