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Results 53131-53180 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will herewith receive a set of Bills for...
This indenture made on the 11 th day of March July one thousand eight hundred and twenty one ,...
§ From James Simpson. 21 January 1806, Tangier. No. 105. “I had the honour of addressing you No...
Yr. very friendly letter I duely recd, & altho I was persuaded you could not listen a moment to...
I arrived in Town the Day before Yesterday—having taken the earliest Opportunity to acquire...
For a private individual, so little known as myself, to address the President of the United...
I have received the letter you did me the honor to write me on the thirtieth of last month...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been honored with several Letters by the Hands of...
I present to you mr Rives , the bearer of this, an eleve of mine in law and politics. he is able,...
I seem to be under the necessity of availing myself of our former acquaintance, in any measure,...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I received your obliging Favour of Nov. 15. I presented your...
531426 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty all Day. Drank Tea at home with Crawford. Spent the Evening at home with Mr....
I believe I mentioned in my last, that I was going to sketch a state of facts relative to Mr....
At length Longchamp is at an end. The company have just left me and I retire from the bustle of...
LS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copies: Library of Congress; National Archives...
I take the liberty to sollicit the attention of Congress to a matter, which very materially...
53147[Diary entry: 16 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
16. Clear, with but little [wind] & that Inclining to the Southward. Weather moderating.
[ Fishkill, N.Y., 1 March 1781 ]. In a long “Memorial” petition, Hazen details his services and...
Whereas by the expiration of the act for the regulating and collecting certain officers fees, and...
The Situation of our Country is such as ought to alarm Every Native American for the Honor an...
In applying the fund of 3000. D. to the highways appurtenant to the public buildings we must take...
It is very probable the enemy may have it in view to hover along the southern coast and endeavour...
We wrote you fully by the Virginia since which we have none of your favors. We did intend sending...
Letter not found: from James Piercy, 27 Nov. 1799. On 1 Dec. GW wrote Piercy “In answer to your...
Jai l’honneur d’exposer a Son exélance qu’etant, Infortunée, pére de famille, jai perdus ce quil...
Immediately on the Receipt of your Excellency’s Letter directing from 1000 to 1500 of the Militia...
… Having spent 6 days in Richmond in hearing two Gent’n on each side argue the great Question...
I recieved a letter from mr Callender dated in the jail on the 11th. inst. informing me he was...
Presuming that you will not have written an answer to my last letter , previous to the arrival of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The ponctuality of america in her engagement with us having...
53161[Diary entry: 2 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
2. Clear and exceeding Hot with but little Wind. Night also Warm.
If, in our Search of Principles We have not been able to investigate any moral phylosophical or...
The east wind of this day, will prevent the Sailing of the Galen, and it gives me the opportunity...
By Two Letters that I have received from algiers the 13th. and 26th. Last July, from Capn. Richd....
I now send James with a small cart and 2. mules for the salt, which I am in hopes you have had in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous verrez par le feuillet ci-joint, que nous ne nous...
Your letter which I had the pleasure to recieve some time since gave me so much satisfaction as...
The amount of my fees under the collection law from the 1st. of August 1789 to the 1st. of Jany...
I rec d . by the last mail, your Letter of the 26 Ult. informing me of the Death of Chancellor...
I am to thank you for the list of American ships inclosed in your favor of Aug. 23. and to desire...
AD (fragment): American Philosophical Society This fragment is the only extant manuscript in...
Influenced by a desire to ameliorate the condition of five orphan children (the family of the...
[ Philadelphia, June 7, 1792. On June 10, 1792, Randolph wrote to Hamilton and referred to “your...
The President of the United States, requests the Pleasure of Mr West’s Company to Dine, on...
5317524th. (Adams Papers)
This morning at about 10 o’clock I set out from Udevalla all alone in a Slay for Gottenburgh....
Observing by our Gazette of this day, that a resolution, dated, June 7th. had been laid on the...
AL (fragments): American Philosophical Society [ Top part of first surviving sheet is missing. ]...
This day Genl Wayne marched down towards stoney point to take a view of the enemy & if an...
On the 22nd Inst. I Receiv’d your Excellencys two Letters of the 20th. They found me at...
I thank you my dear Sir for your favor of the 10th of last month which I duly received. The...