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Results 5311-5340 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have just read a sketch of the life of Swedenborg , and a larger work in two huge volumes of Memoirs of John Westley by Southey , and your kind letter of January 22 d came to hand in the nick of time to furnish me with a very rational exclamation, “What a bedlamite is man”! They are histories of Galvanism and Mesmerism thrown into hotch potch , they say that these men were honest and...
5312Aug. 14. or 15. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Slept last Night, at Mr. Cranches, arose about Sunrise, and repaired to my Office. A fine, sweet, fresh Morning. The 14th was a Wednesday.
I nominate the following List of Officers for the Army Lieutenant Colonel Timothy Taylor Connecticut Majors John Ripley Connecticut Jabez Huntington Connecticut Captains John Benjamin Connecticut. John Meigs ditto Elihu Sandford ditto Stephen Ranney ditto Samuel Blakeslee ditto
Your favr. of Dec. 17. 1814 has lain too long unnoticed. “Votre deuil vous plait.” I have before recommended to you the Precepts and Example of Epictetus: I now Shall refer you to another respctable Authority and bright Pattern. Forty five years ago, living in cold Lane in Boston, and holding my Barristers Office in Kings Street I walked four times a day by an obscure house, in which I...
Your agreable Favour of May the first has lain by me neglected, not for Want of Inclination to answer it, but for Want of Time. You have deserved highly of this Country, sir, by Setting So amiable and laudable an Example of public Spirit in Signing the subscription for Fortifications. With great Pleasure I have learn’d that, the Harbour is pretty well secured. I hope, in a Post or two, to be...
I nominate the following List of Promotions and Appointments in the Army of the United State s Promotions and Appointments in the Army of the United States Chaplains. Israel Evans ... Massachusetts. Andrew Hunter ... New Jersey William Hill ... Virginia First Regiment of Artillerists & Engineers Lieut. James Sterret ... Captain... vice Demlar deceased. "
On my return from an Excursion to Devonshire with my Family, where We have been to fly from the Putrefaction of a Great City in the Summer heats, I had the Pleasure to find your favours of 17. & 23. of July. a Million of Guilders are borrowed on a new Loan in Holland, and I went over lately to Subscribe the Obligations, a Punctillio which the Brokers were pleased to think indispensible, to...
I have Occasion for a Cask of Bordeaux Wine, of the very best Quality, such as You sent Us, when I was at Passy. I wish You would be so good, as to send it me, as soon as possible, as I am in great distress for want of it, having none, and being able to get none so good for daily Consumption. Your Bill for the Money shall be paid punctually. Another favor I have to ask of You, and that is a...
I return your List of Appointments for the 16th Regiment and that of Major Theodosius Fowler for the 12th. approved. I inclose also the Recommendations of those officers, recd in yours of May 9th. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I have received three Letter[s] of the Tenor and Date of the within. I cannot find in any Gazetteer or geographical Dictionary any Such Place as Roscoff, and I can make nothing of the Story. I hope you have more Skill in Divination. I have no Letters from Congress, nor any Answer from the Ministry. Pray what are the Sentiments in France upon the American Acts of Navigation? And what has been...
I have received and read with more pleasure than I can express your polite and elegant Letter of the 24 Febry—The plan of a Philological Academy is so extensive and magnificent that though I am excedingly delighted with it—I have not sufficient knowledge—nor at my Advanced Age the patience of the thinking necessary to consider it in all its parts—and to foresee all the difficulties that may...
Last night I received yours of the 1. with the Letter from your Mother to you, by which it appears so uncertain when She will arrive or embark, that if you can persuade Mr. Smith to come over here with the Ladies when they arrive, I would not have you wait for them. Make a Visit to Mr. Whitefoord, and ask the favour of him in my name to procure you a Place in the Gallery of the House of...
5323Nov. 22. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Made a Visit to Dr. Bancroft, and spent an hour or two with him. Mr. Walpole he says is a Correspondent of Mr. Fox. I told him I wished I could have two hours Time with Fox.—Visited Mr. Mayo, Livingston, Vaughan, Rogers and Lady and Mr. Jay. Mr. Jay says that Oswald received a Courier from London last Evening. That his Letters were brought in while he was there. That Oswald read one of them...
I Yesterday, received the Letter which you did me the Honour to write me, on the 9/5 1780. There is no doubt to be made, that your Society may obtain, in America, an entire Liberty of Conscience, because this unallienable Right of all Men, is established in all the thirteen united states both by Law and Practice. It is no less certain, that you may enjoy all the Priviledges, which belong to...
The President of the United States requests The Secretary of State and the Attorney General to take into their Consideration the of the 2d Article of the Constitution of the United States. “He (the President) shall from time to time give for Congress, information of the State of the Union and recommend to their consideration, such measures as he shall judge necessary and Expedient. He may...
5326Paris Septr. 7. 1783. (Adams Papers)
This Morning, I went out to Passy, and Dr. Franklin put into my hand the following Resolution of Congress, which he received last night, vizt., By the United States in Congress assembled, May 1. 1783. on the Report of a Committee, to whom was referred a Letter of Feb. 5 from the Honble. J. Adams. Ordered that a Commission be prepared to Mess rs . John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay,...
Enclosed is a letter from Mr. Otis & another from Mr. Bussey, recommending Mr. Payton Gay of Dedham to be an officer of marines. Enclosed also is a letter from Dr. Charles Blake requesting to be a surgeon in the army or navy. Dr. Blake served on board the constitution untill he was promoted in the army. I submit them all to your consideration With sincere esteem MHi : Adams Family Papers,...
53281774. Monday. Octr. 24. (Adams Papers)
In Congress, nibbling and quibbling—as usual. There is no greater Mortification than to sit with half a dozen Witts, deliberating upon a Petition, Address, or Memorial. These great Witts, these subtle Criticks, these refined Genius’s, these learned Lawyers, these wise Statesmen, are so fond of shewing their Parts and Powers, as to make their Consultations very tedius. Young Ned Rutledge is a...
5329August 13. 1796 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Three Load of Salt Hay Yesterday from the Beach Marsh. Got in 51 Bushells of Barley winnowed and raddled. Billing, Bass, Sullivan Lothrop and E. Belcher with Brisler poling off and carting Salt Hay. Tirrell and T. Lothrop threshing. Trask burning Bushes on Penns Hill. Reading Tullys Offices. It is a Treatise on moral obligation. Our Word Obligation answers nearer and better than Duty, to...
Yours of 14th are here. You must take hints: I cannot write Letters. Half recovered from a former Illness, the fine sleighing tempted me to Boston where I ran about in Irons and got a relapse and I can Scarcely hold Pen. Mrs A is recovered. The great Mr Mead, before Becker advanced the Doctrine which his grandson and Farmer pursued, But Enoch and Jude and Paul, and Calvin and Milton, and...
Colonel Smith spent the last evening with me, and presented me with your kind letter of the 29th of December. I have seen Mr. G.; he made me a visit which I returned. His conversation was agreeable enough; but he appeared, by all his discourse, to be a young gentleman of much ingenuity, a lively wit and brilliant imagination, enamoured to distraction with republican liberty, but wholly without...
This people must have their own way: They proceed like no other; there cannot be a more striking example of this, than the instructions given to privateers and letters of marque. The commander is ordered to bring his prizes into some port of the united provinces, or into the ports or roads of the allies and friends of this republic, especially France, Sweden, North America or Spain. And the...
5333[March 1776] (Adams Papers)
How is the Interest of France and Spain affected, by the dispute between B. and the C olonies ? Is it the Interest of France to stand neuter, to join with B. or to join with the C. Is it not her Interest, to dismember the B. Empire? Will her Dominions be safe, if B. and A merica remain connected? Can she preserve her Possessions in the W.I. She has in the W.I. Martinico, Guadaloupe, and one...
Inclosed is a Copy of a Letter, recd this morning from Col. Smith. I am at present at a loss to judge of it. Will you be so kind without favour or affection to give me your candid opinion of it. Whether his request can be granted in the whole or in part without injustice to other officers. And whether it is consistent with the military Ideas. I pray your Answer as soon as possible. I am, Sir...
I have recd your letter of the 10th and return you the Letters from General Wilkinson and the Qr. Mr. General. Inclosed is a Letter from John Hampdon Palmer of Vermont to Judge Cranch, requesting his Aid in procuring a Pair of Colours. This young Gentleman is a Grandson of old General Palmer my Neighbour, who was active and usefull in the early Part of the late Revolution, and indeed I believe...
Your favour of the fourteenth, with its ample Enclosures of Documents, has arrived in good order....I deliver all the Journals of Senate and House, all the printed Bills and other printed Papers you send me, to your Brother, who I presume preserves them all in order for your Use and his own. The Season here has been unexampled. We have had an Abundance of Snow but it has been melted almost as...
It is so long since I wrote You, that I am almost ashamed to recollect. I have been in the most curious Country, among the most incomprehensible People and under the most singular Constitution of Government in the World. I have not been able to write You, what could or would be done here, because I was not able to discover, nor did I ever yet find one Man in the Country, who would pretend to...
5338December 8. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
At home all Day. Mr. Jennings, Mr. Grand Pere et Fils, Mr. Mason and Mr. Hoops called upon me.
5339August 16. (Adams Papers)
Went to Church, to the Chappell of the Duch Embassador in Paris, where We had Prayer Books, Psalme Books in french and a Sermon. The Preacher spoke good French, I being judge, and with much grace. I shall go again.
I thank you for the honour you have done me, by your letter of the 16th. of last Month—and for the valuable present of the American Tutors Assistant—which I believe to be a valuable Book—At the moment I received these favours; I was deeply engaged in reading Cato Major—and I could scarce help thinking, that I was reading Tillotson Sherlocke, Buttler, or our Buckminster, or Everett—for there...