53061To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Franklin Bache, 30 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have receiv’d the 24 May your kind letter dated the 2 and Mme Montgomery’s which was inclosed in it, By Mr Ridley Conductor of the young Morris’s as well as the medal you please to Send me you Refuse me a wacth I dont Insist on asking it no more. I thought that I could obtain one for 2 reasons 1° Every Boy of my Society has one or gold or at lest Silver...
53062To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Morris, 30 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society I have received your private Letter of the twenty third of December. When I informed you of what was said by your Enemies I did not mean to insinuate any Doubt of your Exertions in my own mind. With Respect to your Resignation I personally lament it, and more so on the Part of the United States. But I shall readily agree that you will more consult your own...
53063Robert R. Livingston to the American Peace Commissioners, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives Congress were yesterday pleased to pass the enclosed Resolutions on the subject of the payment of British Debts— The language they speak requires no Comment— I complained in my last of your long Silence, or rather laid before you the Complaint of Congress. These I think receive...
53064To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Bache, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Musée de Blérancourt I have wrote repeatedly to you since the receipt of your last favor of 26 Decr.— I hope the Bills I sent you have reached you— There appears very little disposition in some of the States, to pass the necessary Laws for establishing a fund for the payment of the interest of the national Debt, notwithstanding the repeated recommendations of Congress for this good and...
53065To Benjamin Franklin from Bache & Shee, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society We were honored yesterday by your recommendatory Letter of 22d. February last, of Torris & Wante’s house of Dunkirk; their Brig Franklin with a supercargo on board, is safe arrived; but to a bad Market, as our Port is glutted with every species of Goods; we shall however do every thing in our power to serve the interest of this House, and we trust, not...
53066To Benjamin Franklin from William Barton, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Altho’ I am, personally, an entire Stranger to your Excellency, you may perhaps recollect the late Revd. Mr. Barton, a Clergyman of Lancaster in this State, whose Son I am. Permit me, Sir, to introduce to your Notice as an American, the Bearer of this, my Brother Matthias Barton; who has resided some Time at L’Orient, as a Merchant, in Copartnership with a...
53067To Benjamin Franklin from Robert R. Livingston, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives I informed you some time since, that I had written to the Court of Appeals on the subject of the Nostra Signora da Soledade Saint Miguel e Almas, and lay’d before them the papers you sent me, the cause has since been determined in such way as I hope will be satisfactory to her...
53068To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library With this you will receive a Letter from Capt Alexander Heguye(?) inclosing a Memoire to the Marquis de Castries.— The Favour requested is highly merited and is in itself such as ministers have frequently granted on Slight pretentions— It is only to have Lettres de Capitaine which in this Country is necessary to have, before a man (however he may be...
53069From Benjamin Franklin to Ingenhousz, 1 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be delivered to you by an ingenious young Friend of mine, Mr. S. Vaughan, who travels with a View of improving himself in Mineralogy. He will be much oblig’d by the Informations & Counsels that you can give him; and as I have a great Regard for him, and for his Family, I earnestly recommend him to those Civilities which you are accustomed to show...
53070David Hartley to the American Peace Commissioners: Memorial, 1 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Copies: National Archives (two), Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society, Public Record Office; transcript: National Archives The proposition which has been made for an universal & unlimited reciprocity of Intercourse & Commerce, between Great-Britain and the American United-States, requires a very serious Consideration on the part of Great-Britain, for the reasons already stated...
53071To Benjamin Franklin from Sarah Bache, 1 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Our worthy Friend Mr Oster just now called to let me know he goes on board Ship amediately, as there is seldom a week passes, but he sees the Family two or three times, he will tell you how we all look, he caught me to day playing with the Children and rabbits, I see Betsy the day before yesterday she is with Miss Beckwith who is like to do extreamly well,...
53072To Benjamin Franklin from the Chevalier de Chastellux, 1 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Monsieur coste qui vous remettra cette lettre est mon cher docteur, un três habile medecin et un excellent homme. Il étoit premier medecin de notre petite armée americaine. Il a souvent eté dans le cas de traitter vos soldats et il l’a fait avec zele et avec succès. Il aime vos compatriotes et en est aimé. L’ouvrage qu’il vous presente prouve l’estime...
53073To Benjamin Franklin from John Sargent, 1 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society It must seem strange to You, that You should not have had an answer from me to a Letter that You favourd me with so long agoe as the 27th of Jany last— But it is owing to a strange Concurrence of unlucky Incidents— In the first place, the Post master of 7 Oaks, the most negligent in his Line of Christendom,—it coming in my Absence,—let it lay in his Office,...
53074To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Georges Treuttel, 1 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society A la priere, que mon ami à Berlin au quel je suis attaché prend la liberté de Vous adresser, je n’ajoute que, s’il y a des frais, je constitue le Sr. Durand Neveu Libraire rue Gallande à Paris pour y satisfaire & en même temps pour recevoir & m’expédier tout ce qu’il plairoit à Votre Excellence d’envoyer à M. Spener. Je profite de l’occasion, Monsieur, pour...
53075Ferdinand Grand to the American Peace Commissioners, 2 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Quoique la lettre que vous m’aves fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22e du mois passé, ne me flattat pas de recevoir les Secours dont les Finances du Congrès avoient besoin; Néantmoins, l’Espérance du Succès des Soins que j’étois bien assuré que vous donneriès, Messieurs, à un objet aussi intéressant, m’a fait parvenir à Satisfaire à tous les payemens qui se...
53076To Benjamin Franklin from Elias Boudinot, 2 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Dr. Waring a Gentleman of exceeding good Connections in South Carolina, having served his Country very faithfully & honorably during the War, is about making a Voyage to Europe for his advancement in medical Science— At his earnest Request, I must beg leave to introduce him to your Excellency, and to request your Notice of him, as one who has...
53077From Benjamin Franklin to John Vaughan, 3 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received a Pacquet you were so good as to bring for me from Philadelphia; but it contains no Letters later than the 13th. of January. As the Ministry here received Letters at the same time, & I believe brought also by you, that are as late as the 4th of April, I cannot but be surpriz’d that we have no fresh Letters by the same Ship that you came in.— Can...
53078From Benjamin Franklin to Vergennes, 3 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Having long known Mr Williams to be a very just Man in all his Transactions, I hope the Favour he requests of a Surséance may be granted to him, being confident that it will be employed to the compleat Satisfaction of his Creditors. I therefore earnestly pray your Excellency to obtain it for him....
53079To Benjamin Franklin from James Walsh, 4 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Humble Case and petition of James Walsh Moast humbley sheweth that he as Been a prisoner in England since the 4th Day of April 81 until the 1st. of Last Month I Got My Liberty & Made the Best of My way over to Calais, wheare the American Agent was good a nough upon Examanation to give Me a pass and 2 Livers 16 sous and when yr. Excellencys petitioner...
53080To Benjamin Franklin from Lewis R. Morris, 5 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I had the Honor to remit by the Packet Washington the first Number of the enclosed Bills, with a particular State of your Account with the United States— Copies also went by the Ship Hope— These being such good Conveyances I am perswaded they will reach you safe— I have the Honor to be Sir with great Respect and Esteem your most obedient humble servant...
53081To Benjamin Franklin from John Adams, 6 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
L : American Philosophical Society Mr: Adams’ Compliments wait on Dr: Franklin, in return to his polite Invitation for Sunday the 8th. inst:— Mr: Adams will do himself the honor of waiting on Dr: Franklin. Addressed: Monsieur / Monsr: Franklin. / Passy. Charles Storer, who penned this letter, received a similar invitation from BF . He wrote his own note on June 6 accepting on behalf of himself...
53082To Benjamin Franklin from François Bernier, 6 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Lorsque j’eus hier l’honneur de rendre mes hommages a votre Excellence, avec Mr. le Marquis de la Salle, en vous engageant a venir voir nos travaux, j’eus celui de vous dire qu’il serait assés tôt sur les unze heures, mais aiant fait reflexions qu’il y a tres peu d’especes a fraper, nos opérations Effigiaires pourraient être finiës dés les huit heures, Jai...
53083To Benjamin Franklin from Bon-Joseph Dacier et al., 6 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society M. M. Dacier, Le Roi, Désormeaux et Dusaulx sont venus, en qualité de Députés de l’Académie des inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, pour remercier Monsieur Frankelin de la Médaille dont il a gratifié la Compagnie: Médaille où l’on regrette de ne point voir le nom du premier et véritable Auteur de la plus grande, de la plus belle révolution des tems modernes;...
53084To Benjamin Franklin from the Marquis de Lafayette, 6 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Printed invitation with MS insertions: American Philosophical Society The Marquis de la Fayette has the Honor to present his Compliments to Mr. Franklin and begs the Favor of His Company at Dinner on Monday next An Answer is desired June 9. BF was a frequent guest at the Monday dinners held at Lafayette’s magnificent new home: XXXIX , 520–1n; Louis Gottschalk, Lafayette between the American...
53085To Benjamin Franklin from Antonio Francesco Salucci & fils, 6 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous prenons la liberté de presenter a Votre Excellence nos tres humbles respects, et de Luy rendre compte que depuis le comencement du mois passé, nous avons fait partir directement pour Philadelphie notre propre Vaisseau du port de 150 Tx [tonneaux] portant Pavillon Toscan et chargé de Vin, huille, Chapeaux, Bas, Drogues, Soyeries, et autres produits et...
53086To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Harford, [before 7 June 1783] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being as your Excellency must know, very deeply interested in the welfare of America, permit me to congratulace the Congress in General and the state of Maryland in particular, thro your Excellency on the approaching acknowledgement of that independance that has been so Gloriously Struggled for, which cannot fail giving to the United States the wished for...
53087From Benjamin Franklin to [the Conde de Sousa Coutinho], 7 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS and transcript: Library of Congress I have perused carefully the Plan of a Treaty which your Excellency did me the honour to leave with me on Wednesday. I shall transmit it to my Sovereign as it is, to avoid delay; but in the meantime would make a few Remarks for your Consideration. 1. I apprehend the Words at the End of the first Article [ que celles dèja établies avec les Puissances les...
53088Portuguese Counterproposal for a Treaty of Amity and Commerce, [c. 7 June 1783] (Franklin Papers)
Copy and transcript: National Archives The initial negotiations for a commercial treaty between the United States and Portugal, conducted between Franklin and the conde de Sousa Coutinho, took place without the knowledge of the other American commissioners and have left no written trace. Whether Sousa Coutinho had pressed for secrecy is not known; neither do we know when discussions began in...
53089To Benjamin Franklin from Nathaniel Falconer, 7 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I inclose a Book that Came out yesterday hear and is Like to make Some Noise hear I Recd Letters yesterday from philadla via Newyork as Late as the 24 of April one Ship had arrivd from Irland and omitted to Land there Goods an order to the Collecter to Enter all vessells from Grait Britton I wrote you Sir on my First arrivall hear but as I have not heard...
53090To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Gauthier, 7 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous donner avis, qu’il vous manque encore, pour completter votre Exemplaire du Dictionnaire des Sciences Morale, Politique, &c. les Tomes 26 & 27. Les derniers que Votre Excellence a reçus étoient les Tomes 24 & 25. Je suis avec respect Monsieur De Votre Excellence Le très humble & trés obéissant serviteur Notation: Gauthier 7 Juin 1783...