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Results 53061-53070 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to congratulate my ever respectable & honored friend on the events of late establishd between Great Britain & America, which naturally tend to restore both parties to their mutual good humor, & that common confidence in each other, wch the late fatal & ingloriously unnatural Contest had unhappily for this Country at least interrupted a...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society It is a long while since I have heard from you or indeed since I writ to you. I heartily congratulate you upon those pacific events which have already happened and wish to see all other final Steps of Conciliation succeed speedily. I send you Copies of two Papers which I have already communicated to Mr. Laurens the one called conciliatory Propositions in...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Yesterday Captain Barney brought me your much esteemed Favor of 26th: Decr.— I hope we shall not be long ’till we hear that Peace is concluded on, it is an Event much wished for here, except by a few self-interested Individuals— Should you upon a Peace determine upon returning to your native Country; my inclination would lead me to pay a visit to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I chearfully embrace this opportunity of writing to you, the rather, as the paper I write upon is to be the cover of a letter from a worthy old friend of yours & mine, who does not rejoice more sincerely or heartily than I do, in the honours & merit you have acquired by the services you have done to your country & the world. For the conveyance of this I am...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr: Nesbitt’s most respectful Compliments wait on Doctor Franklin, & requests that he will grant a Pasport for a Gentleman (a Mr. Bacon) who goes for England tomorrow. If Dr. Franklin has any Commands for England, Mr Bacon may be depended upon. Possibly the Bacon who received a passport the previous June: XXXVI , 379.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Please to accept My Sincere congratulations for the Restoration of Peace , and the Natural rights of Mankind , in America . That all the Provinces may be Settled and Governed by Laws calculated for the Mutual benefit of every individual is the Ardent wish of Sir Your Most Obedient Servt Pray did the things contained in the bottom of the Clock-Case come Safe...
ALS : American Philosophical Society After congratulating your Excellency, on having established the United States of America on the Basis of Civil, Religious and Commercial Liberty; permit me to Sollicit your Protection of my Infant Sons, Natives of New York, who owe their Allegiance to the New Republick.— After the Death of my Husband Richard Nicholls Colden (eldest Son of Mr Alexander...
ALS : Library of Congress; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief J’ai reçu des mains de Mrs Wheelock la Lettre dont il vous a plu m’honorer; avec la juste sensibilité que j’aurai toujours pour toutes les marques que vous voulez bien me donner de votre précieux souvenir. Il y a effectivement trop longtemps que nous ne nous étions donné signe de vie, & que nous n’avons qu’indirectement des nouvelles...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens De Comettre unne Etourderie Dont je vous prie De Recevoir mes Excuses. Mr. gatellier ma Envoyé trois Exemplaires De son ouvrage pour vous Les faire passer, jay Cru que La Lettre qui Etoit De Dans Etoit pour moy, & dans Cette idee je Lay ouvertte, jespere que vous voudres bien avoir De Lindulgence pour unne fautte involontaire je vous Le Demande Et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous avez eu sansdoutte la complaisance de lire le prospectus sur la propagation du son dans des tuyaux que Monsieur Dufourni de Villers, eut la bonté de vous remettre au Musée le 6 du présent, et j’aime à croire que le projet d’une Experience de cette nature, quelqu’en soit l’issüe, n’a put manquer d’interesser un vrai savant, puis qu’elle tend à fixer nos...