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Results 53051-53100 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : Privately owned Your Favour of the 25th past, is but just come to hand. I think with you, that the making you pay 23£ for our Passport is a shameful Imposition. Your Secretaries had 200 of us; in exchange for as many of theirs indeed; but we had no Occasion for a quarter of the Number; and those that were wanted we gave away gratis. There is no bounds to the Avidity of Officers in old...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Mr. Barclay, our Consul general, waits upon your Excellency with a Complaint of a gross affront and Injury offered to the Congress of the United States at L’Orient, by some English Merchants residing at Bourdeaux, to which I beg your Excellency’s Attention, and that you would order such Measures to...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library The esteem I have for America, permit me to lay before you, a few Remarks, which if they meet with your aprobation, the End will be answer’d, as America is become a new State, beware of Taxes Tax not her Land, let the Land and People be Free, encourage Agriculture do not Increase your Shipping too fast that may bring opulence to Individuals but Pride &...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: American Philosophical Society Les fournitures très-conséquentes qui m’ont été confiées pendant toute la Guerre pour le Service de la Marine du Roi, ne m’ont point distrait des expéditions particuliéres pour les différentes maisons Amériquaines, vos compatriotes, établies à Nantes et L’Orient; j’ai joui jusqu’à ce moment de Leur pleine...
ALS : Library of Congress Permettés Monsieur, que j’aie l’honneur de Vous adresser le Sr: Bidermann Conseiller de la Cour de Saxe. Il desire infiniment d’avoir celui de Vous faire sa cour, et de Vous consulter sur l’intention où il seroit d’établir quelques branches de Commerce entre l’Amerique Septentrionale et la Saxe. Comme ce Sont également les Sentimens de ma Cour, ainsi que j’ai eu...
Printed invitation with MS insertions: American Philosophical Society Vous êtes invité à assister à plusieurs expériences qu’on va faire en présence de MM. les Commissaires nommés par la Société Royale de Médecine. 1°. A celle d’un Vêtement qui peut rétablir la transpiration supprimée, en provoquer une abondante, & qui par-là peut obvier à bien des infirmités. 2°. A celle d’un autre Vêtement...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. Gallard de Bayonne, dont je vous ai déja parlé mon cher Papa a des affaires interressantes à traitter avec vous. Cest un homme très instruit et un de mes bons amis j’espere que vous voudréz bien le recevoir avec bonté, et qu’il S’appercevra que vous avéz un peu d’amitié pour nous. Ma petite femme est à peu près dans le meme Etat. Vous lui avéz promis de...
ALS : Yale University Library This letter will be deliver’d to you by Mr Redford , a Gentleman for whom I have a great regard and who has my best wishes. He is going to Settle for life in one of the thirteen united States; and he has already Sent thither a part of his fortune. May I take the liberty to request your notice of him? Any assistance or information which you may be pleased to give...
Transcript: American Philosophical Society According to Mr Mazzei’s Request, Dr. Franklin has the honour to inform him that there is no Court at Versailles on Tuesday next, consequently that he shall not be there.— Dr. Franklin desires the honour of Mr & Mrs Mazzei’s Company at Dinner on Wednesday the 12th Inst.—at ½ pst 2 Made in 1952 from a private collection in Geneva. Mazzei wrote in his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society There seems still an indecision in public affairs, as far as relates to ministry, but every body is glad to stand upon the clear ground of a peace; so that you need not fear that your treaty will be shaken. I find every plan I had heard spoken of, was in a great state of ripeness, when I arrived in London; and the grandest ideas prevailing about free trade,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to congratulate my ever respectable & honored friend on the events of late establishd between Great Britain & America, which naturally tend to restore both parties to their mutual good humor, & that common confidence in each other, wch the late fatal & ingloriously unnatural Contest had unhappily for this Country at least interrupted a...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society It is a long while since I have heard from you or indeed since I writ to you. I heartily congratulate you upon those pacific events which have already happened and wish to see all other final Steps of Conciliation succeed speedily. I send you Copies of two Papers which I have already communicated to Mr. Laurens the one called conciliatory Propositions in...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Yesterday Captain Barney brought me your much esteemed Favor of 26th: Decr.— I hope we shall not be long ’till we hear that Peace is concluded on, it is an Event much wished for here, except by a few self-interested Individuals— Should you upon a Peace determine upon returning to your native Country; my inclination would lead me to pay a visit to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I chearfully embrace this opportunity of writing to you, the rather, as the paper I write upon is to be the cover of a letter from a worthy old friend of yours & mine, who does not rejoice more sincerely or heartily than I do, in the honours & merit you have acquired by the services you have done to your country & the world. For the conveyance of this I am...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr: Nesbitt’s most respectful Compliments wait on Doctor Franklin, & requests that he will grant a Pasport for a Gentleman (a Mr. Bacon) who goes for England tomorrow. If Dr. Franklin has any Commands for England, Mr Bacon may be depended upon. Possibly the Bacon who received a passport the previous June: XXXVI , 379.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Please to accept My Sincere congratulations for the Restoration of Peace , and the Natural rights of Mankind , in America . That all the Provinces may be Settled and Governed by Laws calculated for the Mutual benefit of every individual is the Ardent wish of Sir Your Most Obedient Servt Pray did the things contained in the bottom of the Clock-Case come Safe...
ALS : American Philosophical Society After congratulating your Excellency, on having established the United States of America on the Basis of Civil, Religious and Commercial Liberty; permit me to Sollicit your Protection of my Infant Sons, Natives of New York, who owe their Allegiance to the New Republick.— After the Death of my Husband Richard Nicholls Colden (eldest Son of Mr Alexander...
ALS : Library of Congress; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief J’ai reçu des mains de Mrs Wheelock la Lettre dont il vous a plu m’honorer; avec la juste sensibilité que j’aurai toujours pour toutes les marques que vous voulez bien me donner de votre précieux souvenir. Il y a effectivement trop longtemps que nous ne nous étions donné signe de vie, & que nous n’avons qu’indirectement des nouvelles...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens De Comettre unne Etourderie Dont je vous prie De Recevoir mes Excuses. Mr. gatellier ma Envoyé trois Exemplaires De son ouvrage pour vous Les faire passer, jay Cru que La Lettre qui Etoit De Dans Etoit pour moy, & dans Cette idee je Lay ouvertte, jespere que vous voudres bien avoir De Lindulgence pour unne fautte involontaire je vous Le Demande Et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous avez eu sansdoutte la complaisance de lire le prospectus sur la propagation du son dans des tuyaux que Monsieur Dufourni de Villers, eut la bonté de vous remettre au Musée le 6 du présent, et j’aime à croire que le projet d’une Experience de cette nature, quelqu’en soit l’issüe, n’a put manquer d’interesser un vrai savant, puis qu’elle tend à fixer nos...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr De Sarsfield a lhonneur de faire bien des Complimens a Monsieur franklin Et le prie d’avoir la bonté de luy envoyer la lettre de recommandation qu’il a eu celle de lui promettre En faveur De lady Juliana Penn dont un des fils va passer En pensilvanie. Addressed: hotel de sarsfield} a Monsieur / Monsieur franklin ministre / plenipotentiaire des Etats /...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Peter Boillat, Represents to your excellency the Circumstance in which I find myself with four Other Americans, I was Capt and have Served with honour during the War, in the Service of Congress, where I have been Severely Wounded, I have Served ever with Zeal my Country, And took the Command of the Privateer Called the Lawrens of Twelve Guns, I was taken...
ALS : Library of Congress I had the honor to receive, altho Somewhat Late the Communications you made to me of the Treaty signed the 30th of Novr. with G. Britain. Your Letter remained more than three weeks in the hands of this Ministry, If I may be Allowed to Judge from its Date & Delivery. I am Infinitely sensible for the Communication which you did me the honor to make of this Important...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 9. de ce mois avec l’état des Lettres de change tirées de l’Inde et de l’Amérique, pour le service de la Marine qui appartiennent aux Américains et dont le paiement est reculé d’une année, en vertu de l’arrêt du Conseil du Roi du 26. fevrier dernier. S’il étoit possible de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A very respectable planter of Antigua writes to desire of Mr Manning, “as a particular favor, that he would procure for his son a letter to Dr Franklin, as he is desirous he should know one of the first characters this age has produced.” The young gentleman, Mr Mackinnen, who presents you with this letter is the person alluded to, and though he is...
Extracted from ALS : American Philosophical Society Le 6. de ce mois, notre Societé litteraire connue sous le nom de Musée de Paris a donnè une brillante fete pour la paix: le Dr Franklin l’honora de sa presence: il y avoit l’élite des Academies, des Ambassadeurs, de Paris: 400. Dames plus brillantes les unes que les autres: les lectures en vers & en prose commencerent un peu après 5 heur. Le...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères I received the Letter your Excellency did me the honour of writing to me respecting the Means of promoting the Commerce between France and America. Not being myself well acquainted with the State of that Commerce, I have endeavoured by Conversation with some of our Merchants to obtain Information. They complain in general of the Embarrassments...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I embrace this opportunity of letting you know that Papa is going to Passy to wait upon you home to Philadelphia; My Sister is going to boarding School to Miss Beckwith; there is a refugee Rowgally taken and brought in here. Bob says he is very glad to hear that you are in A good State of health. There are two French Frigates going out to Fight two British...
ALS : Yale University Library; press copy of ALS : Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I received the Letter your Lordship did me the honour of writing to me the 18th past, and am oblig’d by your kind Congratulations on the Return of Peace, which I hope will be lasting. With regard to the Terms on which Lands may be acquired in America, & the Manner of beginning new...
ALS : Yale University Library I duly received your obliging Letter of Nov. 15: You will have since learnt how much I was then and have been continually engag’d in public Affairs, and your Goodness will excuse my not having answered sooner. You announc’d your intended Marriage with my much respected Friend Miss Anna Maria, which I assure you gave me great Pleasure, as I cannot conceive a Match...
ALS : Yale University Library; copy: Library of Congress I received with great Pleasure my dear & respected Friend’s Letter of the 5th Instt. as it inform’d me of the Welfare of a Family I so much esteem & love. The Clamor against the Peace in your Parliament would alarm me for its Duration, if I were not of Opinion with you, that the Attack is rather against the Minister. I am confident none...
AL : American Philosophical Society Colonel DuBouchet, Deputy adjutant General to the french army in america, has the honor to present his Best Respects to his excellency doctor franklin. He is Very sorry to have Been hindered By Business to Wait upon his excellency, and to Give him the agreable information of the perfect state of health of all his relations and friends in philadelphia; he...
LS : Library of Congress; copy: South Carolina Historical Society I beg leave to refer to my letter of the 6th Instant by the hands of Mr. Storer—to speak in the current stile, Government is still a float. In the moment when it was thought an Administration would be formed, the prospects of the Coalition have been dashed— The K. it seems has been the stipulator, insisted upon keeping the Lord...
LS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons l’honneur de vous remettre Ci-jointe une requête qu’adressent à votre excellence d’infortunés Americains, victimes de la guerre. Leur objet est de repasser dans leur patrie Sur le Navire Le Pacifique que nous venons d’armer dans Notre port, pour l’amérique Septentrionale. Nous Sommes bien fachés que leurs blessures et le Complettement de Notre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai passé hier trois heures avec M. Robillard, chevalier de l’ordre du Roi, chirurgien majeur de l’armée francaise en Amérique. Il a Vu votre hémisphere en homme Instruit et me parait avoir rapporté de ce pays là des observations faites pour intéresser le lègislateur du nouveau monde. J’ai présumé que vous le Verriés utilement et Je lui ai proposé de le...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Now that the long wished-for point is finaly Obtained by the Spirit of the United States, in whose cause I have always been warm & never varied, I must Again in the most Earnest Manner press your Excellency to have Mr John Christopher Hornbostel appointed Consul for those states at Marsailles; he justly merits it to my own Knowledge and I think I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With the pleasing prospect of peace I Expected To See you arive in London with Public Entry and all my Romantick Ideas fullfilld this Winter.— But to My Mortification another Year longer before Bag and Bagage is Exported to Hannover — We are Framing parliment Laws for traid and other Delays To Fill up the History of this Kings Reign— The honour the American...
ALS : Princeton University Library I received your Favour of the 6th Instant, with a Copy of the Bill for the provisional Establishment of Commerce, & Mr Day’s Tract. I am much oblig’d by your kind Attention in sending them. I am glad you happen to be on the Spot to say what ought to be said respecting the pretended Loyalists. Setting them in their true Light must be of great Service. The...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Indulge me with this and I shall trouble no more. Establish no priest craft in the Land. Curtail the power of Executors viz a person Dies posess’d of Effects, left in the hands of Executors; let there be two Courts, an upper and a lower the lower Court to take Cognozience, & the Will to be Register’d, the Executor with an examiner to give in a just...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. de Pio a L’honneur de renouveller Les assurances de son respect à Monsieur Franklin, Ministre Plenipotentiaire des Etatsunis de l’amerique Septentrionale, et de lui dire, qu’il tient à sa disposition douze Exemplaires de l’ouvrage de Mr. le chevr. Filangieri de Naples, qui a pour titre “Science de La Legislation” Mr. de Pio attend les ordres de Mr....
LS : Robert J. Walker III, Jupiter, Florida (1969) The Bearer Mr John Darby, of excellent Character & Connections in England, and in very capital Business, goes over with a View of Visiting America; & may perhaps finally settle there.— I beg you will do every thing in you Power to render his stay as agreable as possible, by shewing him every Civility and Attention and by affording him your...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 227–8. You mention that I may now see verified all you said about binding down England to so hard a peace. I suppose you do not mean by the American treaty; for we were exceeding favourable in not insisting on the reparations so justly due for the wanton...
Retranslation: reprinted from Nina N. Bashkina et al. , eds., The United States and Russia: the Beginning of Relations, 1765–1815 ([Washington, D.C., 1980]), p. 179. Question 1: Are all the nations of Europe, including those of the North, allowed to trade freely and safely with the United States of North America, to land on their coast, to frequent their ports, harbors, etc.? Answer: Yes....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Dispatches for the Ministers of Foreign affairs & Finances have come safe to my hands, and agreeable to your directions I have deliver’d them to the Captain of the Frigate bound to America, who promised to take particular care of them. With the utmost respect I have the honor to be Honor’d Sir Your most obedt. & most hle Servt Addressed: A Monsieur /...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By the Desire of Some of the honest membrs in Parliment this Inclosd proposals for a very useful paper (which is much wanted at this time)—the news papers are So undr the Direction of the Party of george—that no truth Comes out to inform the People—the people grone undr the tyrant and by assistance from America will through Such useful papers open the way...
(I) LS : American Philosophical Society; draft: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; (II) LS : Library of Congress; draft: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; (III) draft: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai l’honneur de vous envoÿer, Monsieur, Copie de la réponse que j’ai reçue de Mr. le Mis. [Marquis] de Castries relativemt. à la Saisie faite sur les...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy and press copy of LS : Library of Congress Permit me to congratulate your Excellency on your Advancement to the Presidency of Pennsylvania, wherein I hope you may find Opportunities of doing much good to your Country, the only Consideration that can make an elevated Situation agreable to a reasonable Mind. Mr Penn, Son of our late Proprietary,...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 428. I received the letter you did me the honour of writing to me requesting a recommendation to America of Mr. Joshua Grigby. I have accordingly written one; and having an opportunity the other day, I sent it under cover to Mr. Benjamin Vaughan. The...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you a few Days since by Mr Williams, but I omitted some Newspapers which I had intended to send by him: I now inclose them. They contain sundry Articles relating to the Barbarities exercis’d by the British in America; and as you had borrow’d of me a Paper containing an Account of those committed by Lord Cornwallis, and thought there might be some...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay prié Monsieur Déshoteux de Vous remettre un Exemplaire de Mon Essai Sur l’attaque et la deffense des petits postes. Ce n’est qu’après avoir Surmontée bien des dificultees que je suis parvenus à Former des artistes capables déxécuter ce genre de gravure utile aux militaires. Il procure plus de clartée dans les déscriptions, et létude en devient plus...