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Results 53051-53060 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have received your Favor of the 19th inst. and have to assure you that I am perfectly satisfied with your Care, Attention & Diligence, being fully persuaded that no unnecessary Delay has, or will take Place thro’ your Means. I have too much Reason to apprehend, that from our Circumstances & Situation at the Time, many Irregularities & much Confusion, have crept among the Papers of 1775 &...
I congratulate you upon your having waded through what I may call the mud and mire of your Business—Where you find the papers either Copies or originals much out of shape you will reduce them to an equality upon formers—all the General wants is to have them made up compact and firm and if you can do it in the manner you propose, it will be sufficient—The endorsements need only comprehend...
The Army will make a Movement this Evening—You will march your Corps on the same route, & in such time & Manner & as to be at East Chester between daybreak & sunrise; as directed in my Letter of the 14th. Your Troops should be supplied (if possible) with three days cooked provisions, and the Movement of the Army as well as of your Troops must be kept a secret until the Moment you march. In...
Le Comte de Floridablanca fait bien ses compliments a M r de Jay et a l’honneur de lui faire savoir qu’il a reçu dans son temps ses deux Lettres datees du 2 et du 13 de ce Mois. Le court sejour de Madrid n’ayant pas donné lieu a vaquer a d’autres affaires qu’aux plus pressantes le Comte de Floridablanca n’a pas eté dans le cas de pouvoir prendre en consideration les points qui font l’objet des...
53055Sunday July 22d 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning at 4 o’clock we set off from Naumburg for Leipsic where we arriv’d at about 11 o’clock A.M. The distance is about 36 Miles. The first post was a little mountainous but pretty well cultivated, the last post is a large plain well cultivated also. A German Post Mile is 6 English Miles And a German post is generally two German Miles; You pay a German Guilder per post for each horse;...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Deshautesrayes, Professeur au College Royal Suplie Monsieur franklin de lui faire dire Sil a remis au Sieur favier le prix des onze volumes de lhistoire de la Chine et de la Soumission pour le douzieme. Il obligera son très humble et très obeissant serviteur Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin, ministre / plénipotentiaire / à Passi Des Hautesrayes...
53057[Diary entry: 22 July 1781] (Washington Papers)
22d. The enemy did not appear to have had the least intelligence of our movement or to know we were upon the height opposite to them till the whole Army were ready to display. After having fixed upon the ground, & formed our line, I began, with General Rochambeau and the Engineers, to reconnoitre the enemy’s position and Works first from Tippets hill opposite to their left and from hence it...
53058General Orders, 22 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day Tomorrow Major General Lincoln Lieutenant Colonel Fernald Major Keith Inspector Captain Converse The Troops will lay on their Arms and the officers will pay attention to their Platoons. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I had the honor of writing to your Excellency on the 4th inst. since which I have sent forward about 30 more Remounts to Camp, & I wish I could add that they were proper for the service. The Mechanicks whom I have employed are bringing in the Articles which they have been preparing for the Regt, which will be immediately packed, & as soon as I have settled my Accounts with the Auditors, I...
53060Wednesday July the 25th 1781. (Adams Papers)
On Monday at about 1 o’clock P.M. we set away from Leipsig for Berlin, Where we arriv’d this day at about 11 o’clock A.M. The distance is 120 English Miles; The soil, all the way is thin and sandy, and some part of the way foresty. We rode all night on Monday. At about half past eleven at Night, being in the middle of a Forest and the road being at the bottom of a hill, The postilon run our...