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Results 53041-53070 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have the Honor to forward to you by this Mail a copy of a Letter received yesterday from Mr...
I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 26th Ult: and immediately called on Mr Bradley, who...
I have the Honor to forward to you some English News Papers received at this office on Saturday....
I had the Honor to receive this Morning your Letter of the 21st. with its inclosures. I...
I received this Morning the Letter which you did me the Honor to write to me on the 30th Ult. and...
I had the Honor to receive this Morning your Letter of the 26 th Feb y covering two Packets—the...
I arrived here a few days ago, after a very tedious passage from Natchez. If I am permitted to...
I went into the Country last Friday Evening to bring Home Mrs. Graham on Sunday, but owing to...
In corroboration of what is stated in this Letter, it may not be improper to remark to the...
I had the Honor by the last Mail to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 16th Inst....
I recieved the Night before the last a Packet from you in which I found your Letter of the 19th....
Capt Austin of the Ship Persia states the circumstances of an illegal Blockade to which he was...
As the order of the Board of Health of which I have had the honor to inclose you a Copy in my...
I have been unexpectedly so taken off by repeated interruptions that I have only a Moment to...
§ From John Graham. 2 September 1805, New Orleans . “A White Man by the Name of Le Grand, who is...
I hope you recieved the Letter I did myself the Honor to write you from Marietta on the 22d....
I have the honor to inform you, that the Court left Barcelona on the 8th. Inst. for Valencia, and...
Mr Monroe has, I presume, informed you that he had returned into the Country. He was not well...
The inclosed Paper was put into my hands yesterday by a Friend who called my attention to the...
Stimulated by those powerfull motives justice and humanity which ough to actuate the brest of...
Among the Papers which were recieved from you today is a Letter from Colo Johnson recommending...
Having had the Honour to hold an Office in the Court of Admiralety of this State, together with...
The Letter which you did me the Honor to write to me on the 10th Inst. I received yesterday,...
J Graham has the Honor to present his Compliments to the President and to inform him that Colo...
Yesterdays Mail brought on the Dispatches from Mr Pinkney which had been entrusted to Mr Erwing....
I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 2d. Inst last Night. The Copies which you directed...
1 February 1803, Madrid. Has “this day” received JM’s 25 Oct. , 27 Nov. , and 1 Dec. letters to...
Mr Monroe has written to me for certain Papers respecting Mr Kosloffs affair and among others for...
I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 27th. Inst and have in consequence given to the...
I have the pleasure to inform you, that I forwarded by M r Clay the Packet for M r Warden , which...