53041To Benjamin Franklin from John Allen, 24 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honnor of writing the 29th. of Last Month to your Excellence, beging, you would be so good as to grant me a Register for the Brign Lovely Aglaé that I Purcheas’d at this Port, being without any Answer, I take the Liberty to request of your Excellence not to forget my just Demand, as my Brig is all Ready, and am only waiting for a favourable...
53042To Benjamin Franklin from the Duchesse de Deux-Ponts, 24 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Vous envoye Mon cher amis de Nouvelle Lecture en Vous priant de me renvoyer Celle que je Vous ait Confiéz Si Vous Nen avéz plus besoin et en vous demandant toujours Le plus grand Secret Sur La Comunication que je Vous fait de Ces feuilles. Je revient de Versaille ous il Ni a rien de Nouveau du moin de Ma Connessance et ous je retournerez a La fin de La...
53043To Benjamin Franklin from Elizabeth Holland, 25 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Husband Thomas Holland Was an officer in the Congress Service and Was kild, he left me with three Children in the outmost Distress in boy [body] and mind your Well Knowing goodness will take my Cause into your Serious Consideration and Communicate it to the Congress that I might meet with Such Relief as they Shall think most proper my Husband and me was...
53044To Benjamin Franklin from Gabriel Johonnot, 25 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Although I had the Honor of writing your Excellency a few Days since, I cannot omit Embracing the present Occasion, least some Accident may prevent its reaching your Hands before this, of Recapitulating its Contents which Assured your Excellency that Unforseen Circumstances, the Effects of the Reports of the Apprach of Peace for some Months before it took...
53045To Benjamin Franklin from the Chevalier de Kéralio, 25 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Notre Céleste amie accepte avec le plus grand plaisir la proposition de son respectable ami pour jeudi prochain, si elle ne lui mene pas ses enfants, ce n’est pas sa faute; elle leur a mandé qu’il leur avoit fait l’honneur de les inviter; mais ils sont à forbach a 90 Lieues de paris, et elle doute qu’ils puissent arriver à temps pour diner; vous ne les...
53046To Benjamin Franklin from Robert R. Livingston, 25 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; ALS (draft): New-York Historical Society Not knowing when it may be convenient for Mr Bingham to deliver this I confine myself merely to introduce him to your acquaintance— I am persuaded I need not, as his character is known to you to bespeak your civilities for him. It may however be prudent if, (as he proposes) Mrs Bingham should accompany him to...
53047To Benjamin Franklin from Charles-Etienne Gaucher, [before 26 May 1783] (Franklin Papers)
Printed invitation with MS insertions: American Philosophical Society T∴ C∴ F∴ L∴ R∴ L∴ des Neuf Sœurs, est convoquée pour le lundy 26 du 3e. mois D∴ L∴ D∴ L∴ V∴ L∴ 5783, en son local, rue Coquéron, à 4 heures précises. Il y aura Reception au 1er. Grade et affiliation, l’on fera la Nomination des officiers, ensuite Banquet . Vous êtes prié d’y venir augmenter les douceurs de l’union...
53048To Benjamin Franklin from ——— de Monteiro Bandeira, 26 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. de Monteiro Bandeira á L’honneur de faire bien des Compliments a Mr. Franklin, et Comm’il doit partir demain pour Lisbonne il prie Mr. Franklin de Lui envoyer Les Lettres qu’il Lui á dit vouloir Lui remetre: Mr. de Monteyro Bandeira á aussi L’honneur de faire rapeller Mr. Franklin de La part de Mr. L’Ambassadeur de Portugal de Ce qu’il Lui a promis....
53049To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Morris: Two Letters, 26 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
(I) LS and copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy and press copy of copy: American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress; (II) LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress By the enclosed Acts of the twenty eighth of April and second of May with the Copy of my Letter to Congress of the third of May you will perceive that I am to Continue somewhat...
53050To Benjamin Franklin from Charles (Johann Karl Philipp) Spener, 26 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ayant dessein de publier, vers la fin de Septembre, un Almanac américain en allemand pour l’année prochaine, & desirant le décorer de plusieurs Estampes y relatives, dont la composition ne doit point être idéale; c’est à Vous, Monsieur & à Votre portefeuille, qui doit être très riche en tout ce qui a rapport à l’histoire des Colonies anglo-americaines que...
53051To Benjamin Franklin from Louise-Geneviève Du Ponceau, 27 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pardonnéz Monsieur a linquiétude d’unne soeur qui étan obligeè devivre è loigneè dun frére que jaisme ausi tantdrement [tendrement] ne peut supporter les riguer de la panse que par les nouvelle frécante quelle peut avoir en ètant privèe depuis 8 mois josse vous suplier monsieur de vouloir bien avoir la bontez de lui faire tenir la lètre que je pren la...
53052To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Morris, 27 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress It was my earnest Desire from the first Moment when it was known that the Troops of his most Christian Majesty were intended for this Continent to promote his Service and forward the Views and Interests of his faithful Servants— It would appear like an empty Boast to say that I was early and frequently useful to them nor would I...
53053To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Foucher, Chevalier d’Obsonville, 27 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je n’ay point L’honneur d’etre Connu de votre excellence; mais en qualité d’homme pensant j’ay Crû vous devoir L’hommage d’un ecrit qui Semble offrir quelques points de vuë d’utilité generalle. Mde. La mqse. de Boisserolles soeur de Mr Law de lauriston et amie de Madame de Chaumont, avoit bien voulu me promettre de vous presenter elle même Cet exemplaire,...
53054Robert R. Livingston to the American Peace Commissioners, 28 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, South Carolina Historical Society; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives By the direction of Congress, contained in the enclosed resolutions, I have the honor to transmit you the Correspondence between General Washington & Sir Guy Carlton, together with minutes of their Conference, when, in pursuance of the invitation...
53055To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Banks, 28 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I cannot Miss the opportunity of Our Mutual Assistant in the Experiment of Pouring Whale Oil on the surface of the Sea Dr. Blagden who no doubt you remember Stationd on shore to mark the Effect of our process, I cannot I say Miss the opportunity of his Journey to Paris to present to you my sincere congratulations on the return of peace which in whatever...
53056To Benjamin Franklin from Wolfgang von Kempelen, 28 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si je ne vous ai averti plutot de mon retour de Versaille, et renouvellè ma priere d’assister a une representation de mon automate joueur d’échec, ce n’etoit que pour gagner encore quelques jours, qui m’etoient necessaires pour avancer une autre machine très interessante, que j’ai a l’ouvrage, et que je voudrois vous faire voir en même tems. Ayez donc...
53057To Benjamin Franklin from Pierre Richard, 28 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society La maniere honnete & affable avec laquelle, Son Excellence, a bien voulu m’accueillir, se charger de mes paquets pour l’amérique, & recommander mes intérêts au Président du congrès & à M. Bingham, m’enhardit á lui adresser une lettre pour ce dernier, avec priere de la lui faire passer: je continue á ne point avoir de ses nouvelles, & l’on me mande de la...
53058William Temple Franklin to Vergennes, 28 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Reprinted from John Bigelow, ed., The Works of Benjamin Franklin (12 vols., New York and London, 1904), X , 120. By direction of my grandfather, I have the honor to send your Excellency a copy of the proposition Mr. Hartley lately made to the American ministers, and which he has wrote to his court for permission to sign, provided the same is agreed to on our part. With great respect, I am sir,...
53059Wilhem & Jan Willink, Nicolaas & Jacob van Staphorst, and De la Lande & Fynje to the American Peace Commissioners, 29 … (Franklin Papers)
LS and copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; copy and incomplete copy: Library of Congress We observe by the favour of your Excellencies most honour’d letter of 22 Inst. that Mr. Grand has laid before your Excs. a state of the Affairs of the United States under his Care; and that the Dispositions made upon him are Such, that therefore your Excs. advise us to remit to Mr. Grand on account of...
53060To Benjamin Franklin from David Hartley, 29 August [i.e., May?] 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Library of Congress Will you be so good as to send me Mr Maddison’s pamphlet, the time is come for me to return. Be so good as to send me the memorials of the merchants trading to Carolina & Georgia. I must take copies in case of any future correspondence upon the Subject— Can you & Mr Franklin do me the favour to dine with me on Saturday next at 3 o’clock Addressed: A Son Excellence /...
53061To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Franklin Bache, 30 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have receiv’d the 24 May your kind letter dated the 2 and Mme Montgomery’s which was inclosed in it, By Mr Ridley Conductor of the young Morris’s as well as the medal you please to Send me you Refuse me a wacth I dont Insist on asking it no more. I thought that I could obtain one for 2 reasons 1° Every Boy of my Society has one or gold or at lest Silver...
53062To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Morris, 30 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society I have received your private Letter of the twenty third of December. When I informed you of what was said by your Enemies I did not mean to insinuate any Doubt of your Exertions in my own mind. With Respect to your Resignation I personally lament it, and more so on the Part of the United States. But I shall readily agree that you will more consult your own...
53063Robert R. Livingston to the American Peace Commissioners, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives Congress were yesterday pleased to pass the enclosed Resolutions on the subject of the payment of British Debts— The language they speak requires no Comment— I complained in my last of your long Silence, or rather laid before you the Complaint of Congress. These I think receive...
53064To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Bache, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Musée de Blérancourt I have wrote repeatedly to you since the receipt of your last favor of 26 Decr.— I hope the Bills I sent you have reached you— There appears very little disposition in some of the States, to pass the necessary Laws for establishing a fund for the payment of the interest of the national Debt, notwithstanding the repeated recommendations of Congress for this good and...
53065To Benjamin Franklin from Bache & Shee, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society We were honored yesterday by your recommendatory Letter of 22d. February last, of Torris & Wante’s house of Dunkirk; their Brig Franklin with a supercargo on board, is safe arrived; but to a bad Market, as our Port is glutted with every species of Goods; we shall however do every thing in our power to serve the interest of this House, and we trust, not...
53066To Benjamin Franklin from William Barton, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Altho’ I am, personally, an entire Stranger to your Excellency, you may perhaps recollect the late Revd. Mr. Barton, a Clergyman of Lancaster in this State, whose Son I am. Permit me, Sir, to introduce to your Notice as an American, the Bearer of this, my Brother Matthias Barton; who has resided some Time at L’Orient, as a Merchant, in Copartnership with a...
53067To Benjamin Franklin from Robert R. Livingston, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives I informed you some time since, that I had written to the Court of Appeals on the subject of the Nostra Signora da Soledade Saint Miguel e Almas, and lay’d before them the papers you sent me, the cause has since been determined in such way as I hope will be satisfactory to her...
53068To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library With this you will receive a Letter from Capt Alexander Heguye(?) inclosing a Memoire to the Marquis de Castries.— The Favour requested is highly merited and is in itself such as ministers have frequently granted on Slight pretentions— It is only to have Lettres de Capitaine which in this Country is necessary to have, before a man (however he may be...
53069From Benjamin Franklin to Ingenhousz, 1 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be delivered to you by an ingenious young Friend of mine, Mr. S. Vaughan, who travels with a View of improving himself in Mineralogy. He will be much oblig’d by the Informations & Counsels that you can give him; and as I have a great Regard for him, and for his Family, I earnestly recommend him to those Civilities which you are accustomed to show...
53070David Hartley to the American Peace Commissioners: Memorial, 1 June 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Copies: National Archives (two), Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society, Public Record Office; transcript: National Archives The proposition which has been made for an universal & unlimited reciprocity of Intercourse & Commerce, between Great-Britain and the American United-States, requires a very serious Consideration on the part of Great-Britain, for the reasons already stated...