George Washington Papers

General Orders, 21 July 1781

Head Quarters near Dobb’s Ferry Saturday July 21st 1781

Parole Providence
Countersigns Prudence

For the day Tomorrow

Brigadier General Huntington

Lieutenant Colonel Johnson

For Picquet Major Knap

Inspector Captain Warner

At a General Court Martial whereof Colonel Putnam is President—Stephen Dodge Soldier in the second regiment of Light Dragoons charged with "Desertion and reinlisting in the York Levies" was tried found Guilty and sentenced to receive one Hundred Lashes on his bare back.

Jonathan Day Soldier in the above regiment charg’d as above, was tried found guilty and sentenced to receive one hundred Lashes on his bare back.

Cornelius Corbett Soldier in the 10th Massachusetts regiment charged with "attempting the life of Ensign Moses Carlton" was tried and found Guilty of a breach of Article 5 Section 2d of the Rules and Articles of War and sentenced to receive one hundred Lashes on his bare back.

The Commander in Chief approves the foregoing sentences.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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