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Results 53011-53040 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor to introduce to your Notice George Wm: Smith Esqr. our Leiut. Govr: who having...
From Petersburg in Virginia to Charleston S.C. Via Edenton is 504 Miles. To wit. From Petersburg...
[ New York, November 19, 1799. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from General Hamilton to...
I this day receiv’d a Letter from the Count Rochambeau, a copy of which is inclos’d, respecting...
I had the Honor of addressing you yesterday Stating generally What had Occurred here, in...
Permit me to take the liberty of soliciting a favor at your hand, should you deem me worthy of...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President, and has the honor to...
I recd. last night or rather this morning yours of yesterday, and return the remarks of Genl. S....
530197. (Adams Papers)
C. Ital: Blaise et Babet, a la Clochette. See entry for 25 Aug., note 1 (above). La clochette ,...
53020[Diary entry: 8 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
8th. Set out about 7 oclock with the Doctr. (Craik) his Son William, and my Nephew Bushrod...
An Act of the Legislature of this State to prevent the bringing in and spreading of infectious...
Mr. Jefferson has the honour of presenting his compliments to Mr. Vieyra and is sorry to have...
The house then resolved itself into a committee of the whole, on the election bill, on the...
As it will contribute in some degree to relieve our distress on the subject of provision, I am to...
I obtained for you last June an order of council against Price for the 234. acres of land...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By this Time I hope his Lordship has recieved our Letters,...
Having been detained in New York on the business committed to me by your Excellency, much longer...
I received last night the enclosed from Mr. Alston, Burr’s son in law. A violent cold & swelled...
Your favor of the 8th instant was handed me yesterday evening. Should any of the New-York levies...
Letter not found. 20 March 1795. Acknowledged in Dohrman to JM, 24 Mar. 1795 . Concerns Dohrman’s...
on my arrival here, I found two letters and a bill of lading from Gowan and Marx, concerning the...
I returned last evening from a visit to Gloucester, and found your servant, Tom, who had arrived...
I this Moment received your Excelllency’s Order of the Day for sending 30,000 Wt of Hard-Bread...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; draft: Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv; copy and transcript:...
I have been honoured yesterday with your two letters dated the 23 July inst. Inclosed is a letter...
Senate . The term of two years is too short. Six years are not more than sufficient. A Senate is...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honor’d with your Favors of the 17 October last...
Mr Gibbs of this Town, who is doubtless known to you, will deliver you this. I have mentioned to...
M r Coleman, who was Yesterday appointed Cl[er] k . of the NYork Circuits, will be the Bearer of...
LS : American Philosophical Society; Haverford College Library; LS without postscript: Joseph E....