53011To Thomas Jefferson from Clement Storer and Others, 10 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Expecting that the Office of District Judge for the New-Hampshire District will soon be vacant,...
53012Topics for Consultation with Heads of Departments, 10 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Sy. War . Wafford’s settlemt . qu. if Indns. wd accept rent? instruct Meigs to bring settlemt. of...
53013To James Madison from Peder Blicherolsen, 9 February 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
9 February 1803, Washington. Presents the claim of several Danish subjects and citizens of...
53014To James Madison from George W. Erving, 9 February 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
9 February 1803, London. No. 14. Reports that since his 7 Feb. dispatch he has received from...
53015To James Madison from William Jarvis, 9 February 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
9 February 1803, Lisbon. Last wrote on 31 Jan. “inclosing the following Papers” and forwarding...
53016To James Madison from Rufus King, 9 February 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
9 February 1803, London. No. 81. “As I apprehended might be the case, Bird Savage & Bird have...
53017To James Madison from Carleton Walker and Timothy Bloodworth, 9 February 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
9 February 1803, Wilmington, North Carolina. “Some time since we had the honor to recommend to...
53018To James Madison from Edward Savage, 9 February 1803 (Madison Papers)
Letter not found. 9 February 1803, New York. Acknowledged in Brent to Savage, 25 Feb. 1803 (DNA:...
53019To James Madison from George W. Erving, 9 February 1803 (Madison Papers)
My last of the 7th. Instant communicated to you the very disagreeable intelligence that Messrs....
53020To James Madison from William Jarvis, 9 February 1803 (Madison Papers)
I had the pleasure to address you under date of the 31st. January ⅌ the Brig Drake, Captain...
53021To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 9 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Will you be good enough to let me see the recommendations for the enclosed nominations ? If my...
53022For the Evening Post, [8 February 1803] (Hamilton Papers)
Since the question of Independence, none has occurred more deeply interesting to the United...
53023From James Madison to Louis-André Pichon, 8 February 1803 (Madison Papers)
According to information which tho’ not official, deserves attention, orders have been received...
53024To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 8 February 1803 (Madison Papers)
I had before heard this matter spoken of, but did not suppose it seriously intended. If there be...
53025From James Madison to Albert Gallatin, 8 February 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 February 1803, Department of State. Asks that a $200 warrant be issued in the name of Peleg...
53026To James Madison from Jacob DeWitt, 8 February 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 February 1803, Norwich, Connecticut. “Finding it inconvenient to attend to the duties of...
53027To James Madison from William Eaton, 8 February 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 February 1803, Tunis. Evidence “from a variety of circumstances” having shown that the bey is...
53028To James Madison from John Graham, 8 February 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 February 1803, Madrid. Acknowledged receipt on 1 Feb. of JM’s 25 Oct., 27 Nov., and 1 Dec....
53029To James Madison from William E. Hũlings, 8 February 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 February 1803, New Orleans. Encloses a copy of the intendant’s decree respecting the entry of...
53030To James Madison from William E. Hũlings, 8 February 1803 (Madison Papers)
The inclosed is a Copy of the Intendt’s. decree respecting the entry of Provisions. There is no...
53031To Thomas Jefferson from William, Benjamin, and W. L. Bakewell, 8 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Although we are unknown to you, permit us to express our sense of the benefits resulting from...
53032To Thomas Jefferson from James Brobson and John Warner, 8 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
We enclose you a recommendation signed by ourselves & a number of respectable Republican...
53033From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 8 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I now inclose you eleven hundred and seventy dollars, and shall this day draw on you in favor of...
53034From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 8 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I had before heard this matter spoken of, but did not suppose it seriously intended. if there be...
53035From Thomas Jefferson to Craven Peyton, 8 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
In my letter of Nov. 2. I expressed a hope I might be able to pay you 1000. D. the 1st. week of...
53036To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Hobbes Scott, 8 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Tho’ a Stranger to your person yet not so to your fame, I have taken the liberty of forwarding to...
53037From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Smith, 8 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I have this day remitted to messrs. Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond 66⅔ Dollars for you, for which...
53038To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 8 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr Nicholson’s letter respecting the Marine Corps I have well considered and since I had the...
53039To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 7 February 1803 (Adams Papers)
In returning you my remarks—I hope to enjoy ere long the satisfaction, that, after a Second...
53040From James Madison to Robert R. Livingston, 7 February 1803 (Madison Papers)
I have the honor to inclose copies of a communication made to me by the Senat⟨ors⟩ from...