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Results 53001-53010 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letter of the 4th. is but this moment come to hand. I will pay for William Stewart the £25.17 therein stated. but being in the habit of settling my pecuniary matters the first week in every month, & of then disposing of all the funds I can command, this has been already done for the present month, and I cannot make you the remittance till the first week of the next month. it shall go by...
Proposals for concerted operation among the powers at war with the Pyratical states of Barbary. 1. It is proposed that the several powers at war with the Pyratical states of Barbary (or any two or more of them who shall be willing) shall enter into a Convention to carry on their operations against those states in concert, beginning with the Algerines. 2. This convention shall remain open to...
From the Affidavits which I now do myself the Honor to Inclose You and which I must request you to lay before Congress it appears that the Usurped Government on the New Hampshire Grants so far from yielding Obedience to the Resolutions of Congress of the 5th. December last have repeated their Outrages on the well affected Subjects of this State. The distressed situation of our fellow Citizens...
I was last Evening honored with your Letter of the 2nd Inst: & shall pay every practicable attention to the Mandate therein contained; in the mean time the justice I owe my Character obliges me to assure your Excellency, that no Moment of my time since my Arrival in this place has been otherwise employed than in direct pursuit of the Interests of the Army & of the Public; and I am confident I...
I lay before you the copy of a letter which I have received from the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and of sundry documents which accompanied it, relative to a contract for the purchase of a certain tract of land bounding on Lake Erie; together with a copy of a report of the Secretary of State on the same subject. DS , DNA : RG 46, Second Congress, 1791–1793, Records of...
The Law requiring that the sentence of a Court Martial, for the dismission of a comd. officer, shall not be executed until approved of by the President of the United States, I have the honor to enclose for your consideration, the proceedings of a Court on Lt. Marner, of the Frigate Adams. The charges imply a degree of insubordination which cannot be tolerated in the Navy, without producing...
I have been favd with yours of the 26th December. Soon after the Rect I had an opportunity of communicating the substance of it, and one from Govr Livingston on the same subject, to the Director General. It is to be regretted, that a department for which such ample provision has been made, and on which so much depends, should yet be inadequate to the ends proposed. If the present medical...
I have a Command from the Honble Continental Congress to propose an Exchange of Governor Skene for Mr James Lovel & Family —If the Proposition is agreeable, you will please to signifie as much to me, & Mr Lovel that he may prepare for his Removal, whilst I cause Mr Skene to be brought to this place. I am Sir Your mo[st] humble s[ervan]t Copy, P.R.O. 30/55, Carleton Papers, document 116 (1);...
Letter not found: to Adam Stephen, 4 Aug. 1756. On 5 Aug. 1756 GW wrote to Stephen: “Yesterday I wrote you.”
Among other matters which Mr. Mazzei has desired me to wind up for him is the applying to you for a gun which he says your brother undertook to have mounted for him, but which was not done before he went away. If you will be so good as to deposit it with Mr. Joseph Jones of Fredericksburg, I hope he will be so good as to recieve it, and I shall find means of applying for it. Mr. Mazzei...