George Washington Papers

Tobias Lear to Thomas Janney, 10 June 1793

Tobias Lear to Thomas Janney

Philada 10th June 1793


Colo. Lowrey informs me that you are possessed of a horse which he had recommended, previous to your owning him, to be purchased by the President;1 & that you are willing to part with him for one hundred & twenty five pounds. Altho’ this price far exceeds what the President had an idea of giving for him, yet as he is desirous of obtaining a good covering horse to put on his Estate at Mount Vernon—and this has been highly recommended by Colo. Lowrey, he thinks it is probable he may purchase him; but he will not engage to do so until he sees & approves of him himself. And if you will have him brought to Philadelphia immediately after receiving this letter, the President will take him if he should meets his approbation; but in case he should not like him at the price fixed, he will pay the expense of bringing him here, & returning again to Trenton.2 I am sir, &c.

Tobs. Lear.


1For GW’s earlier request for Thomas Lowrey’s assistance in finding a studhorse for Mount Vernon, see Lear to Lowrey & Abraham Hunt, 7 Mar. 1793, and note 3.

2GW paid Janney five dollars on 12 June “for bringing a Horse from Trenton” to examine. GW apparently did not purchase this horse (Household Accounts description begins Presidential Household Accounts, 1793–97. Manuscript, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. description ends ).

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