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Results 52981-53010 of 184,264 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society ’Tis but lately My good old Friend that a Marylander lent, & on his Departure gave me, a Collection of Pieces, Political, Miscellaneous &ca. said to be all Yours. I had never seen, or heard of it. With great Pleasure I perus’d it; & it was enhanced by my finding the Notes, understood to be all Yours, as printed in the Second Edition of my Principles of...
AL : Library of Congress Mr. de Rayneval à l’honneur de prévenir Monsieur franklin, qu’il Se presentera chez-lui demain avant diner pour l’entretenir sur différents objets; il renouvelle en attendant à Monsieur franklin les assûrances de son inviolable attachement. Endorsed: Note M. de Raynevall May 7. 83 Vergennes may have dispatched Gérard de Rayneval to discuss the three draft articles BF...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld a l’honneur de faire Ses complimens à Monsieur franklyn, et de lui envoier un projet de lettre à M. le Garde des sceaux; il ne l’a pas terminée parce qu’il ignore le protocole des fins de lettre pour les Ministres Etrangers avec ce Ministre qui en a un particulier avec les Nationaux; il aura l’honneur d’aller chercher Monsieur...
L : Library of Congress Le Duc de Manchester, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté Le Roi de la Grande Brétagne a l’honneur de faire part à Monsieur Francklin, qu’il a eu Mardi le 6 de ce Mois Ses premieres Audiences de Leurs Majestés Trés Chrétiennes, et de la Famille Royale. George Montagu, fourth Duke of Manchester, a former member of the opposition to Lord North,...
Copies: Public Record Office, William L. Clements Library, Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society Although the American peace commissioners refused to conduct formal negotiations with David Hartley until he received a commission granting him full powers, they took advantage of his presence to exchange ideas. On April 29 (above) they discussed three proposed articles for a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot let Coll Cambray go without a line to you tho I sit up to write in bed— I have had a fit of the Bilious Cholic that lasted twenty four hours, it went off yesterday but has left me very weak and with a bad head ake, I hope a good nights sleep will quite restore me, and then I shall be able to write you a long letter by Mr Oster who goes in a day or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote a few days past, by a french Gentleman, but now my dear friend thy daughter having procured me an oppertunity, which appears more sure, I make use of it to inform, that in my last was inclosed an earnest petition to thee from Francis Geay de la Gaconniere, the person to whom an Estate is fallen at Fontenay le Vicomte in Poitou, which I think thou...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La L∴ du Patriotisme regulierement assemblée pour arrêter ce qui Sera convenable à l’inauguration de Son nouveau Temple, laquelle doit Se faire Le mercredi 14e. jour de ce mois et S’occupant des moyens d’illustrer une fête aussi intéressante a unanimement député le T∴ ch∴ f∴ Nogaret vers vous pour vous engager à lui faire la faveur d’assister ce jour à Ses...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives We have yet had no information from you subsequent to the signature of the Preliminary Articles by France, Spain and Britain, tho’ we have seen a declaration for the cessation of Hostilities signed by you, Mr. Adams, and Mr Jay— We grow every day more anxious for the definitive...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I should have acknowledged sooner the receipt of your letter of the 24 March but I have been in the Country for some time past and therefore did not receive it till a few days since, I understand the News Papers have been regularly sent to you and in this, and all other occasions I shall be happy to obey your commands. I trust you will not deem these only...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Philip Nicklin an English Gentleman, going to Philadelphia to establish a House in the Linnen Trade in Connection with that of Dickinson Lloyd. & Nicklin in London and being an entire Stranger there is desirous of having a few Letters to some Persons of Note in that City; as several of My Friends in England interest themselves much in his Wellfare being...
Printed announcement: National Heritage Museum, Massachusetts Though the peace was publically celebrated all over Paris in the spring of 1783, this was the only celebration in which Franklin had a hand—or at least, to which he lent his name. Initially, the Nine Sisters planned to hold this fête académique on May 5 at its quarters on the rue Coquéron. They sent printed invitations to the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs. Le Cte. de Milly, Mis. De La Salle, & Cte. de Préaux Vble. Ex vble. & Membres de La Loge des IX soeurs Sont venus pour rendre leurs devoirs a Monsieur Franklin & le prevenir que la fête a L’occasion de La paix qui Se donne le 12. mai a la redoute chinoise fbg. & foire st. laurent Commencera a 6. heures du soir, & qu’il est instemment prié d’y être rendû...
LS : New-York Historical Society Permit me to introduce to you the Bearer Mr. Hogendorff, of an illustrious Family, and Lieutenant in the Dutch Guards. He is strongly recommended to me by Persons of Distinction, as a Gentleman of excellent Character: His principal Design in going to America is to make himself acquainted with the Country, & its Inhabitants: I beg you will favour him with your...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, Library of Congress; partial copy: Library of Congress It is some Months ago since I had the honor to write you, & am well persuaded, altho I received no Answer thereto, that it will have engaged your attention. I earnestly wish it may have been productive of an Improvement to the Finances of Congress which I then foresaw would be short of our Wants &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ravir la foudre aux cieux, et le Sceptre aux tyrans, est une double gloire que l’univers n’a jamais vue Se reunir sur une mesme téte, si ce n’est sur la votre. Daignés de grace laisser tomber un regard de bonté sur un ecrivain qui a fixé avec autant de zele que dassiduité, pendant tout le cours de la derniere guerre, linteret et les yeux de Ses lecteurs,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mon papa voila mon abbé qui part pour Londres ou il doit demeurer quelques Semaines avant de Retourner en irlande. Voulez vous le charger de quelques commissions? Il S’en acquitera bien et avec grand plaisir: il ira vous voir de ma part. Avant Son départ Si vous pouvez Luy donner quelques lettres de recommendation, cela me fera plaisir, il meritte tout le...
LS : American Philosophical Society Daignés nous pardonner la liberté que nous osons prendre, en vous adressant avec la présente, les veux que nous n’avons cessé de former pour la conservation des jours precieux de Votre Excellence; Puisque envieux depuis longtems de ce bonheur, nous n’aurions pû encore y parvenir sans l’occasion favorable que nous fournit Monsieur Jerome Manfrin, Fermier...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I do not know with what foundation, that it is here generaly reported; that this Citty, will shortly be visited by You great Sr. Every one glow with pleasure at the thought of it, and Certainly I Should think it, one of the happyest period of my life, that moment in which I shall have the happiness, to know You personaly. In Jully eighty one, when I was on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As this will be delivered into your own hands by the bearer who is going to reside at Versailles I beg leave my Dr: Sir if she should have at any time occasion for your countenance I beg the favour that you will grant it her but I hope she will not want it. I wish Sir to know if there is any prospect of proceeding on the Copper Coin. May I also beg the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mde de Cologan est bien fachée de ne pouvoir pas avoir l’honneur de Dejeuner aujourdhui avec Monsieur franklin, quelle aime de tout son Cœur. Elle le prie daccepter quelques bouteilles de vin de Canaries des terres de Mr de Cologan. Les unes sont du Vidonia et les autres du Malvoisia, elle espere que Monsieur franklin les trouvera de son gout, aussi bien...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, Library of Congress Having Yesterday conferred with Count de Vergennes upon some Public Concerns, He requested I would tell you what, instead of troubling you with the Demand of a meeting, I think better to mention in this Note. The several Powers said he, are going to make up their Treaties, and when ready to sign, they will of Course meet to do it...
AL : American Philosophical Society Monsieur apres avoir eu le bonheur de vous voir je desir de le renouveller et vous demande votre heurs la plus Comode ou je puis avoir la bonheur de vous revoir Seul car jai besoin dun Confidant et jesper de le trouver dans L’etre que je revere le plus au monde. Jai l’honneur d’etre avec la plus grand veneration monsieur votre tres humble et tres obeisante...
AL : American Philosophical Society M Boers a l’honneur de presenter ses respects a M le Ministre Franklin en lui assurant, qu’il est, on ne peut plus, sensible a la complaisance, que M Franklin a bien voulu avoir pour lui. M Boers Sera toujours beaucoup flatté d’etre honoré des ordres de M Franklin et il les executera avec tout les sentimens de la reconnoissance, qu’il lui doit. This is the...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress The Bills drawn by Congress in their Necessities press very heavily upon me, and one of the greatest among many Evils attending them is the Confusion in which they have involved the Affairs of my Department. I have never yet been able to learn how many of these Bills have been paid nor how many remain due neither am I without my...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. & Mrs. Johnson presents their most respectfull compliments to Dr. Franklin & will do themselves the honor to wait on him. Mr. Johnson did not receive the honor of Dr. Franklin’s Billet til late last Evening or he would have returned an immediate answer. Mr. & Mrs. Ridleys Compliments & will do themselves the honor to attend Dr. Franklin today. Johnson’s...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Cte. de Proli prend la respectueuse liberté de rappeller au souvenir de Monsieur Francklin qu’il a bien voulu lui promettre un passeport pour le navire Impl. [Impérial] la Capriçieuse, une lettre de recommandation pour le Capne. Simpson qui la commande et deux passeports en blanc pour les batiments qui la suivront. Le Cte. de Proli ôse esperer que le...
D (draft): American Philosophical Society The Imperial Ship the Capricieuse, burthen about 350 Tons , Commanded by Capt. Simpson being bound from Trieste to Philadelphia, or some other Part of the United States , with Merchandize, but being uncertain what Port she may make; I hereby request that you would on his Arrival , favour the said Capt. Simpson with your Protection & Advice, for the...
AL : American Philosophical Society As there are Several Things which require the Deliberation of the American Ministers, Mr Adams has the Honour to propose to Dr Franklin a Meeting at the Hotel du Roi Tomorrow at Eleven, if that time and Place are convenient to his Excellency. Mr A. will give notice to the other Gentlemen. Addressed: Son Excellence / Monsieur Franklin / en son hotel / Paris...
AL : American Philosophical Society L’abbé de la Roche souhaite le bonjour à Monsieur franklin et le prévient que Made. et Mr. D’andlau partent demain à 7 heures du matin pour l’angleterre et qu’ils Se chargeront volontiers des paquets et des commissions de Monsieur franklin pour ses amis ou connoissances d’angleterre. Made. d’andlau auroit été elle même les lui demander. Son depart inopiné la...