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Results 52981-53010 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Inclose You two Letters which I must trouble You to forward— It gives me pain that Necessity has...
We embrace the opportunity of Mr Leman & Mr Penrose two Gentn of the Light Horse to forward Seven...
I am requested by Mr Edward Nicholls to Address to you a letter on his behalf, respecting his...
Yr. Obliging favr. of the 21st. past, is just come to hand. The question concerning the power of...
Your Letter of the 13th. of June last arrived at the office here last week, but by reason of my...
I have recd. your letter of July 21. and offer my acknowledgements for its friendly enquiries...
52987Orderly Book, 2 November 1758 (Washington Papers)
Camp at Loyal Hannon, Thursday Novr 2d 1758 Parole Philadelphia Field Officer for to Morrow Majr...
Enclosed is another Specimen of Mr. Genets Indecent conduct towards the Executive Government of...
You will proceed forthwith to establish a Line of communication between Kings Ferry & Boston: you...
It is only under the apprehension of its being my duty, that I am induced to address a letter to...
I am honored with your letters of the 31st. May and 24h. instant. The wine mentioned in the first...
Named by a numerous meeting of the Citizens of New-Orleans in order to lay before you the...
5299312th. Wednesd. (Adams Papers)
We came this day as far as Warberg Varberg which is about 6. miles Swed: from Kungsbacka. The...
ADS : American Philosophical Society <Pontaniou Gaol, Brest, May 25, 1778: I wrote you on the 8th...
At a meeting of a large number of the inhabitants of Washington County; in the Court-house, in...
Lieut Lawrence and a detachment of Infantry are with Captain Morris’s Company of Artillery at...
Please allow me to tell you how honored I am to bear your name, and how much more so I would be,...
52998[Diary entry: 27 November 1768] (Washington Papers)
27. Wind at No. West & cold, with flying Clouds.
[ Philadelphia, December 22, 1792. On January 3, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Miller and referred to...
By the Presdent’s command T. Lear has the honor to transmit to the Secy of War a lettr from O....
Your letter of the 4th. is but this moment come to hand. I will pay for William Stewart the...
Proposals for concerted operation among the powers at war with the Pyratical states of Barbary....
From the Affidavits which I now do myself the Honor to Inclose You and which I must request you...
I was last Evening honored with your Letter of the 2nd Inst: & shall pay every practicable...
I lay before you the copy of a letter which I have received from the Governor of the Commonwealth...
The Law requiring that the sentence of a Court Martial, for the dismission of a comd. officer,...
I have been favd with yours of the 26th December. Soon after the Rect I had an opportunity of...
I have a Command from the Honble Continental Congress to propose an Exchange of Governor Skene...
Letter not found: to Adam Stephen, 4 Aug. 1756. On 5 Aug. 1756 GW wrote to Stephen: “Yesterday I...
Among other matters which Mr. Mazzei has desired me to wind up for him is the applying to you for...