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Results 52981-53010 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I herewith enclose a statement of what I consider as a just, or at lest, an equitable claim on the United States. You will probably think the narative connected with this statement tedious, but I have considered it necessary exhibit a full view of the subject—when I ingaged in this unfortunate contract, I was not in debt, nor was the Gentleman who has assisted me; within a few months of the...
I take the liberty of presenting the following statement, as the grounds of what I concider a fair & equitable claim on the United States. In the year 1798 I was applied to by the Treasury Department to undertake the erection of a stone lighthouse at Cape Hatteras, and a wooden one on a stone foundation at Shell castle, with dwelling houses, &c—after making what I considered the necessary...
It is long since I ought to have acknoleged your favor of May 20. 1801 which however I did not recieve till January 1802. my incessant occupations on matters which will not bear delay occasion those which can be put off to lie often for a considerable time. I rejoice that the opinion which I gave you on the removal hither proved useful. I knew it was not safe for you to take such a step until...
I have to acknolege the reciept of several letters from yourself and mr Short making a friendly tender of your services as a bookseller. but the fact is that my collection of books is now so extensive, & myself so far advanced in life that I have little occasion to add to it. being charged with procuring some books for Congress, and observing you had established a correspondence with mr Duane...
the following are the Dictionaries of the Encyclopedie Methodique which I possess, and the last article to which each . the sequel to that article is wanting. to be unbound, that is to say in boards. Agriculture. Ceteree. Amusemens des Sciences . Geometrie page 583 Antiquités. Ogulnia. Architecture. Coloris des fleurs. Art Militaire. Zigs Zags. Arts et Metiers. Zinc. Discours. Table...
4 February 1803, Havana. Wrote on 21 Jan. by the Jupiter bound for New York. Since then local merchant Tomás Cruz Muñoz has received a license granted to Francisco Figuera y Vargas allowing importation of U.S. produce to Cuba. It is said the house of Torrys of Cádiz purchased it from Figuera for $100,000 and sent it to their agent at Havana for execution. Encloses a copy. When the license was...
I wrote you on the 21st. u lt. by the ship Jupiter Captain Gernon for N ew york, to which I will refer you. Since that time a Licence hath been re ceived here, by a merchant of this place, T omas Cruz Muñoz, granted by his Catholic Majesty, to Dr. Francisco Figueros y Vargas, n amed therein, allowing the importation of Provision &c. from the United States, into t his Island. This Licence it is...
Mr. Dufief a bookseller of Philadelphia who possesses Dr. Franklin’s library, has inclosed me the catalogue with a desire that I would put it into the hands of the Committee charged with procuring a library for Congress, with an offer of the whole or any part of it at what he says shall be moderate prices. my dealings with him give me confidence that his prices would be moderate. without...
I take the liberty of enclosing a Memorial which has this day been presented me Soliciting my recommendation of Mr. Samuel Speake as a Justice of the peace, for the reasons therein stated— I will add nothing to what has been stated in the memorial—which I am sure will have its full weight with you—when ever you may enter upon further appointments then those in Commission— With Sentiments of...
I recieved from you some days ago the three volumes of les Moralistes Anciennes, and last night your letter of Jan. 31. with Doctr. Franklin’s catalogue, which I have this morning sent to the chairman of the library-committee of Congress. I observe in it the following books Athenaei Deipnosophistorum &c. fol. Philostratus works from the Greek. fol. Durham’s Physico and Astrotheology 8vo. which...
Having understood from conversation with Dr. Leib that it is his intention to withdraw from Congress by declining a reelection, we take the liberty of suggesting the propriety of assigning to him a place under the government, should any vacancies take place in Pennsylvania—To You, Sir, Who are well acquainted with the pretensions, qualifications and services of Dr Leib—it will be considered as...
Th: Jefferson requests the favour of The Honble. Capt. Jones to dine with him on Monday next, the 7th. Instant at half after three, or at whatever later hour the house may rise. Friday Febr: 4th. 1803. The favour of an answer is asked. RC ( PHi ); printed form, with blanks filled by Meriwether Lewis reproduced in italics; addressed by Lewis: “The Honble. Capt. Jones”; also on address sheet in...
3 February 1803, Department of State, Washington. Acknowledges Yrujo’s letters of 25 , 26 , and 27 Jan. “The last mentioned letter, relating to another department, when the necessary information is received from it, I shall communicate to you the result.” Encloses “an answer to the letter of His Catholic Majesty received with your’s of the 26th. ult.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol....
3 February 1803, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. Encloses a list of vessels that reported to his office from June to December 1802 [not found]. Since his letter of 10 Jan. [not found] the British have retained possession of the cape. Dutch troops are camped “a little way out of Cape Town.” No new dispatches from either the British or the Batavian government have arrived since the one of which he...
3 February 1803, Paris. “The Council of Liquidation having refused to liquidate several Claims committed to my charge, for supplies made at different Periods to the french Colonies by our Countrymen, & having refered the Claimants to the respective Colonial Administrations, I supposed these particular Decisions were the Effect of a general Regulation or Arrêté, and therefore I applied to them...
I beg leave to enclose semiannual List of American vessels which have been reported at my Office since June to Decr. last inclusive. I have only to add since mine of 10th. Jany. that the Cape is still in possession of the English. The Dutch Troops are encamped a little way out of Cape Town. No arrival later than the dispatch of which I gave you an account in mine of the above date either from...
The Council of Liquidation having refused to liquidate several Claims committed to my charge, for supplies made at different Periods to the french Colonies by our Countrymen, & having refered the Claimants to the respective Colonial Administrations I supposed these particular Decisions were the Effect of a general Regulation or Arrêté, and therefore I applied to them for an authentic Copy of...
I am not ignorant of the epithet that a Solicitation of this kind is intitled to, and that it ought to be treated accordingly, except the instance is Sufficiently Sympathetick with necessary quallifications to render it admisable. Which I trust when elucidated will in part if not in whole be an apoligy for this. I am a Single Citizen aged about 35 years whose family & Character I trust if...
I hope I shall escape the charge of presumption while I adress you on a Subject not less disagreable to myself than to you, I hope also that you will regard this rather as a compulsory measure on my part than agreable. I do assure you most pointedly that nothing is more Irckesome to me than the task of petitioning any Gentleman (particularly the chief Magistrate of this country who ought at...
Pardon me for requesting for a few moments your attention (though devoted to more important concerns) to my private affairs that I may lay before you my past misfortunes and present distress—It is at all times painful to relate untoward changes of fortune and still more painful to be compelled to apply to the benevolence of Strangers for releif but it is sometimes the Lot of Humanity to be...
In looking over the Acts of Congress passed last Session, I discovered the following, which in my opinion, will supersede the necessity of my resolution —It is, “An Act to provide for the establishment of certain districts , and therein to amend, “An Act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnages”; and for other purposes.—See page 145, Sect. 5. And be it further enacted, That...
The inclosed letters and affidavits exhibiting matter of complaint against John Pickering District judge of New Hampshire which is not within executive cognisance, I transmit them to the House of Representatives, to whom the constitution has confided a power of instituting proceedings of redress, if they shall be of opinion that the case calls for them. RC ( DNA : RG 233, PM , 7th Cong., 2d...
My last to you was by mr Dupont . since that I have recieved yours of May 22. mr Madison supposes you have written a subsequent one which has never come to hand.   A late suspension by the Intendant of N. Orleans of our right of deposit there, without which the right of navigation is impracticable has thrown this country into such a flame of hostile disposition as can scarcely be described....
I have taken the Liberty to write a few Lines to thee on a subject that would Perhaps be of great importance to the United States “and thinking that it would be better to Acquaint thee while Congress is Setting” this is to inform thy honer as the first Gentleman in America and wishing the wellfare of thy Country men I have the vanity to think that I have invented a machine that Can work a boat...
2 February 1803, Alicante. Received JM’s 20 Aug. circular “only yesterday” and has taken note of its contents. Discusses the case of an ailing seaman left with him “in July last” from the schooner Abigail of Boston, whose care has already cost over $200. The government limit of twelve cents per day for assistance is inadequate in Spain. The only expedient is to “ship them the first...
I received (only yesterday) your Circular of the 20 August last, and have taken due note to pay every respect to its contents. I have at this moment a seaman left with me by Capn. Dennis of the Schooner Abigail of Boston, in July last. The fellow was landed Sick, indeed almost incurable, and has cost me already above $200. I shall present the account to Mr. Pinckney and hope it will be...
Your prediction of the state of Navigation has been verified, our Journey from Washington was in slush, which I bore without repining as I had a prospect of an open river, but before the vesell was in readiness the Ice secured her. Today there is some prospect for tomorrow as it is warm and rains. Yesterday I received remittances from Jersey. Inclosed you will find $100 which you so kindly...
I am employed in writing an history of Virginia . My contract is made; the subscription fills beyond my expectations and I shall doubtless receive the stipulated sum, whether the work be excellent or otherwise: but my pride and my principles instruct me that something more is expected from me; that it is my duty to make my book, as far as my opportunities will admit, correct and interesting....
In compliance with your friendly request when I was at Monticello last fall I have taken the liberty of stating our account & hope youll find it Correct There is one payment you made Mr Burr as a fee in my unfortunate matter w Mr R Morris its amount I have forgot youll please take credit for it w interest on whatever it was till the 1st. of April next & state it when you are at leisure & if...
The Memorial of the subscribers, Merchants and others of the City of Philadelphia Respectfully sheweth— That they have heard with concern that applications have been made for the removal from Office of Allen McLane Esquire Collector of the Port or District of Wilmington in the State of Delaware— That your Memorialists have been for many years, well acquainted with the said Allen McLane, and...