James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George Graham, 12 September 1815

From George Graham

Sepr. 12th. 1815

Dear Sir

Agreeably to your directions Letters of appointment have been issued for filling up all the vacancies in the Medical staff of the Army except that of one Regimental Surgeons mate. I enclose a list of them, together with a Copy of the order to the Adt. General.1 Having ascertained from Genl. Parker that Dr. Thomas would accept the appointment of Regimental Surgeon; that vacancy has been given to him, & Drs. Blair & Buckner reduced to Hospital Surgeons mates. As we have as yet no Breveted Surgeons, there may perhaps be some little difficulty in fixing the date of the rank of the reduced surgeons; this can however be hereafter done. They will of course be entitled to preference in the event of an increase of the medical staff or of promotion. Yours very Sincerely

Geo: Graham

RC and second enclosure (DLC); letterbook copy (DNA: RG 107, LSP). For enclosures, see n. 1.

1The list of officers has not been found, but the enclosed copy of Graham’s 12 Sept. 1815 letter to Daniel Parker (1 p.) stated that Graham was enclosing the list and that Parker should make it known via a general order. Accordingly issued on 13 Sept. 1815, the order announced the appointments of Samuel Shaw as hospital surgeon; William H. Buckner, Alexander Blair, and Tobias P. Cambridge as hospital surgeon’s mates; Cuthbert G. Garrard, Samuel H. Littlejohn, Josiah Everett, John Gale, Jacob De Lamotte, Robert C. Lane, Stephen M. Ingersoll, and Samuel C. Muir as regimental surgeon’s mates; and William Thomas as Rifle Regiment surgeon (DNA: RG 94, General Orders; printed in Gordon, Compilation of Registers of the Army of the United States, 72).

Index Entries