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Results 52951-53000 of 184,431 sorted by author
DS : Haverford College Library Robert Grace (see above, I, 209 n), whose parents died when he was...
I enclose a newspaper in which you will find a Copy of the Bill before the Legislature for...
Our feelings too well accord with those that dictated the resolution of which we have the honor...
Charge Craven Peyton £19–10 for fire & coal wood accounted for to him by Reuben Grady settled...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettes, et Excuses je vous prie ma liberté de vous...
Your Excellency will no doubt before the receipt of this be informed of the death of the late...
Your Excellency will have received a letter of the 22d Ulto containing two papers of the same...
Having worn a regimental & borne arms as an active Militia man as early as the Year 1776 in the...
Augsburg (the Capital in Suebia) Mylord! febry the 26th[–20 March] 1790 The worthy Speech of Your...
My husband James Graham haveing written to his Excellency J Madison some time cince requesting an...
By some of those unlucky incidents which attend the passage cross the Atlantic the letter with...
It is now about a year and a half since I had the honor of receiving a letter from you dated...
The intemperate heat of the air which prevailed on the morning when we parted with our...
The sentiments yr Excellency expressed in yr Letter of the 9th of January are worthy of yr...
The reports in Europe some months ago respecting yr Excellencies health gave the admirers of yr...
In the year 1772 a survey of 28,627 acres was made by William Crawford on the Ohio & the great &...
We recommend Daniel Carthy Esquire as entirely qualified to file the office of District attorney....
At the request of cap t M c D Reid & of Patrick I proceeded on the 7th of Nov r last to survey...
Your letter of the 22 d Ult o informing that you intended, if weather & health would allow, to be...
Nov r 7th 1817 Surveyed for Tho s Jefferson Esqr a tract of land including the Natural-bridge ,...
In compliance with the request of your letter of the 8th Ins t I send you a copy of my field...
The Acting Secretary of War has the honor to submit to the President, the report made by the...
Agreeably to your directions Letters of appointment have been issued for filling up all the...
The Acting Secretary of War to whom has been referred the resolution of the Senate of the 8th. of...
I have the honor to lay before you the following Selections for Military appointments viz Claude...
Copies of the enclosed papers respecting the pay of the Army, have been sent to Mr. Dallas, & he...
As it is the request of Capt. Hamilton, I forward to you the enclosed Letters. Capt. Hamilton is...
I have the honor to transmit a list of the names of all the applicants on the files of this...
Your favor of the 27th Ult. was received in due course of the mail, but as the Board of...
I hasten to forward you an extract of a Letter from Mr. Dallas to Mr. Monroe, & which he enclosed...
Since I wrote to you on the subject of the appointments, another vacancy in the 6th. Infantry has...
Agreeably to the request of Mr. Crawford, I have examined the recommendations & relative...
Extract of a letter from George Graham, chief clerk, in the department of War, to Col. Benjamin...
Your Letter of the 20th Inst. has been received, & the one enclosed for Mr. Smith delivered to...
I enclose a communication from General Macomb respecting the allowance of double rations to the...
I return you the Letter from Mr. Garrard; he is an unfortunate young man who belonged formerly to...
I enclose you a statement of the unexpended balances of several of the appropriations as they now...
Your very kind and obliging favor was duly received. In compliance with your request I enclose an...
The disposition evinced by Congress at the last session in relation to the defences of the United...
I have the honor to lay before you a list of appointments to fill vacancies in the army....
The enclosed memorandum from the Adjutant and Inspector General, was handed to me yesterday. Had...
Your favor of the 30th Ult. covering three hundred & forty five dollars was duly received, and I...
My brother arrived here last evening, and I have the honor now to forward a treaty signed at...
I now enclose the Copy of a fragment of a Letter from Coll. Geo: Mason dated the 2d of Octr....
Beleiving that you would be surprized to find my official conduct impeached, I now forward the...
I have the honor respectfully to propose for your approbation the appointment of John Edgar as a...
Letters of appointment have been issued to fill the vacancies in the Rifle Regiment agreeably to...
The Foreign Packet directed to Mr. Crawford & returned by you, was forwarded by the mail of that...
Yours of the 15th Inst, was received yesterday, there can be no necessity whatever for announcing...
I have the honor to lay before you a list of promotions for the Ordnance Department. Letterbook...