Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Sr., 31 January 1783

From Jonathan Williams, Sr.

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Nantes, Janry. 31, 1783

Hond sr

The bearer is the Honble. President Wheelock (in Company with his Brother) he is on a Benevolint Design & has the Best Recommendations, he wishes to Lay the Plan & his Credentials before you, for your Opinion or Advice.6

I take the Liberty to Recommend the above Gentm. to your Civilities as strangers in your City, which will ad to the many Obligations all Ready Conferd On Your Dutyfull Nephew & Most Hbe Servant

Jona. Williams

Notation: Williams Jona. Nantes Jany. 31. 1783.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6Jonathan Williams, Sr., sailed to France on the same ship as the Wheelocks. The brothers reached Paris on Feb. 5: Leon B. Richardson, History of Dartmouth College (2 vols., Hanover, N.H., 1932), I, 205–6.

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