Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to William Jackson, 11 June 1793

To William Jackson

Philadelphia June 11. 1793.

Dear Sir

The letter on public business which I took the liberty of troubling you with to Mr. Pinckney was intended to go by the packet. Touching therefore on a particular subject, I mentioned that I should avoid saying more through that channel of conveyance. Hearing you were about to go, I detained the letter and sent it to you. The expression, by this change of channel, would convey to Mr. Pinckney ideas as unjust as unintended, which I will pray you to correct by shewing him this letter, which I write in the first moment of recollecting the circumstance. I have the honour to be with great esteem Dear Sir Your most obedt. humble servt

Th: Jefferson

PrC (DLC); at foot of text: “Majr. Jackson.”

TJ’s letter to Thomas Pinckney was dated 4 June 1793.

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