Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 31 January 1783

From Jonathan Williams, Jr.

LS: American Philosophical Society

Nantes Jan. 31. 1783

Dear & hond. Sir

The Bearer is the Honble. John Wheelock President of Dartmouth College, who has come to Europe with a Deputation from the Trustees, supported by strong Recommendations from the first Characters in America, in order to obtain Donations for an Institution for the propagation of Knowledge & Virtue.4

The respectable Recommendations Mr. Wheelock has with him make it unnecessary for me to add to them & I assure myself his personal merit joined to the Importance of his mission will entitle him to your Friendship and support.

Mr. Wheelocks Brother accompanys him and I equaly recommend him to your Notice.

I am with the highest Respect Your dutifull & affectionate Kinsman5

Jona Williams J

His Excelly Benjn Franklin Esqr.

Notation: Williams Mr. Jona. Nantes Jany. 31. 1783

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4See XXXVIII, 134–5. John Wheelock and his brother James arrived in Nantes on Jan. 24 after a three-week passage from Boston: Leon B. Richardson, History of Dartmouth College (2 vols., Hanover, N.H., 1932), I, 205–6.

5JW wrote a similar letter to JA the same day (Mass. Hist. Soc.).

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