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Results 52931-52940 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Oserois-je vous offrir Le fruit de plusieurs années d’un travail assidu et reflechi, dont le resumé n’exige pas un quart d’heure de Lecture, et dont le resultat seroit d’operer, d’une maniere simple et peu dispendieuse, la Liquidation de la majeure partie des Dettes d’un Etat, Sans en alterer les fonds, et Sans en diminuer les revenus, ny en aggraver...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), I , 59–63. When I had read over your sheets of minutes of the principal incidents of your life, recovered for you by your Quaker acquaintance; I told you I would send you a letter expressing my reasons why I thought it would be useful to complete and publish it...
LS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer is the Honble. John Wheelock President of Dartmouth College, who has come to Europe with a Deputation from the Trustees, supported by strong Recommendations from the first Characters in America, in order to obtain Donations for an Institution for the propagation of Knowledge & Virtue. The respectable Recommendations Mr. Wheelock has with him make...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The bearer is the Honble. President Wheelock (in Company with his Brother) he is on a Benevolint Design & has the Best Recommendations, he wishes to Lay the Plan & his Credentials before you, for your Opinion or Advice. I take the Liberty to Recommend the above Gentm. to your Civilities as strangers in your City, which will ad to the many Obligations all...
AL : American Philosophical Society Votre Excellence est invitée d’honorer de Sa présence le Concert des Amateurs qui Se donnera le 1er. février 1783, dans la Salle du Contrat Social, Rue Coqhéron de la part de Madelle. St. huberti et de Mr. hartman Directeur dudit Concert./. Son Excellence voudra bien accepter les deux Billets d’Entrée ci-joints./. The celebrated soprano Saint-Huberti...
DS : Massachusetts Historical Society, American Philosophical Society Exchanging ships’ passports was the first official act between the former belligerent nations, whose vessels needed protection until the news of the armistice was generally known, and whose merchants were anxious to race their cargo to newly opened ports. But were those ports truly open? Franklin maintained that until the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Miss Laurens presents her respectful Compliments to his Excellency Doctor Franklin, & will be much obliged to him if he has any Letters directed for her, to send them by the Bearer of this Billet— Addressed: His Excellency Dr Franklin / Passy— Notation: Miss Laurens.— The day she left for London, after a brief stopover in Paris. Accompanied only by a maid,...
AL : Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Mr Adams having Something of Consequence to communicate to the American Ministers Plenipotentiary, for the Peace, requests the Honour of His Excellency Dr Franklin’s Attendance, with the other Ministers, at Mr Adams’s Lodgings, at Eleven O Clock Tomorrow Morning. The Points to be considered, are 1. Passports to be given to and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Monsieur paris, Rue de Bourgogne En face du palais Bourbon petit hôtel de Lordat, Ce dimanche matin 2 fevrier 1783. Vous Etes trop Certain de l’intèrêt que j’ai pris dez le principe a la Cause des Etats-unis de l’amérique, pour pouvoir douter de la joye Extrême que j’ai ressenti En apprenant que vous Etiez Enfin reconnus indépendans par Ceux même qui...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty inclosing you a power of Attorney executed by me & to beg you will affix a Certificate there to with your Seal annexed— I should not have given your Excellency this Trouble had not some difficulties been made by the Notary here as to the Form— I would not pretend to dictate to you the form of a Certificate but wish if agreeable to you...