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Results 52931-52940 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
[ West Point ] September 8 , [ 1779 ]. Regrets inability to keep appointment for breakfast. ALS , Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Your Letter of the 6th by Lieut. Rose has been duly received. As the Secrety at War had undertaken to furlough all that part of the Army which lay South of the Delaware, I was much surprized, on the receipt of your Letter, to find that business so irregularly conducted at Fort Pitt; but on enquiry at the War Office, the difficulty seems evidently to have originated from circumstances that...
imediatly upon receipt of this Letter you are desired to march the remainder of your Battalion Directly to this City in order to embark for Albany on your Rout to Canada. the Congress have been pleasd to order that upon Your march or Imbarkation from hence for Canada, the pay of your men, Shall be the Same as those of other Regiments employd in the Same Service to wit 6⅔ds. dollars ⅌ month of...
Friday Evening is determined upon for the execution of the intended enterprize, unless prevented by the intervention of Weather or some unforeseen accident. I would however wish you to have your detachment in a state of perfect readiness. To avoid giving cause for suspicion, by withdrawing your Guards totally, I think you had best, tomorrow night or very early on Friday Morning, call in the...
The letter with which you favored me—dated the 6th instt enclosing a sketch of the Waters near the line which seperates your State from that of New York came duly to hand and for which I offer you my acknowledgments and thanks. The extensive inland Navigation with which this Country abounds, and the easy communications which many of them afford with the amazing Territory to the westward of us,...
From our great distress for the want of provision and the very remote prospect of getting a supply in any reasonable time, through the Ordinary channel—I have been compelled to address the Magistrates of the several Counties in this State to collect certain quantities of Grain and Cattle from the Inhabitants of each in a limited time; and have appointed Field Officers to present the Addresses...
You will proceed with all convenient dispatch to Fort Pitt the object of your command, and you will take such measures for the security of that post and for the defence of the Western Frontier as your Continental Force combined with the Militia of the neig h bouring Country will admit of. Under present appearances and circumstances, I cannot promise any further addition to your regular force,...
The state of the 4th and 11th Regiments of Pennsylvania in respect to Cloathing is represented to me as being so deplorable, that I must request you to endeavour to accomodate them immediately with the ready made Cloathing that came from Philada or at least so much of it as will cover those who are naked—this will make no odds in the end, and I doubt not but the Officers of those Regiments...
I have received your letter of the 17th —The affair of your line has had a train of disagreeable circumstances; but we can now only regret what we cannot remedy; and endeavour as soon and as far as possible to repair the evil. I have written to General St Clair to undertake the superintendence of the recruiting service —I am persuaded you will give him all the aid in your power. I am with...
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 16th June, apprizing me of the Disaster that befell the Militia at Sandusky. I am persuaded you did every thing in your Power to insure them Success. I cannot but regret the Misfortune & more especially for the Loss of Colo. Crawford, for whom I had a very great Regard. I am, Sir, Your most obt Sert. DLC : Papers of George Washington.