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Results 52931-52940 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
According to information which tho’ not official, deserves attention, orders have been received by the Spanish Officers at New Orleans, to deliver over that place, in pursuance of a cession in which it is included, made by Spain to the French Republic. It need not be observed to you Sir that the right of the United States cannot be in any manner whatever impaired by a transaction between two...
I had before heard this matter spoken of, but did not suppose it seriously intended. If there be any danger of it, the Secretary at war shall be desired to give orders at Màssac̀ & Fort Adams to stop them by force. But would it not be well to write to the Govr. of Kentucky to have the perso⟨ns⟩ arrested & bound to their good behavior or the peace? RC ( DNA : RG 59, NFL , Spain, vol. 2). Filed...
8 February 1803, Department of State. Asks that a $200 warrant be issued in the name of Peleg Wadsworth and charged to Richard O’Brien’s salary account. Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p. This was presumably O’Brien’s annuity to his mother ( PJM-SS Robert J. Brugger et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series (4 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va.,...
8 February 1803, Norwich, Connecticut. “Finding it inconvenient to attend to the duties of Commissioner of Bankruptcy,… you will be pleased to Consider this as my Resignation of that Office, excepting the finishing the Cases that I have been appointed in.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “DeWitt”). 1 p. Docketed by Jefferson, “Simeon Thomas put in his place.”
8 February 1803, Tunis. Evidence “from a variety of circumstances” having shown that the bey is resolved “to hunt our Commerce in the Atlantic,” and “all pacific means” that did not compromise U.S. rights having been ineffectual in averting this, “I have once more resorted to … refusing my Passports to his Cruisers—at the same time giving it in confidence to a courtier, who I knew would betray...
8 February 1803, Madrid. Acknowledged receipt on 1 Feb. of JM’s 25 Oct., 27 Nov., and 1 Dec. dispatches for Pinckney. Will meet Pinckney at Aranjuez with the dispatches, “sensible that not a moment ought to be lost” in obtaining a royal order countermanding that of the intendant of New Orleans, which he sees by the newspapers “has engaged the attention of Congress, & drawn a very solemn...
8 February 1803, New Orleans. Encloses a copy of the intendant’s decree respecting the entry of provisions. There is no change since he wrote on 26 Jan. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , New Orleans, vol. 1). RC 1 p. Marked “Duplicate, Original Via Natchez.” For enclosure, see n. 1. Hũlings enclosed a copy of Morales’s 5 Feb. 1803 proclamation (1 p.; in Spanish), which allowed the entry of...
The inclosed is a Copy of the Intendt’s. decree respecting the entry of Provisions. There is no change whatever since I had the honour to address you under date of 26th. Jany. by the Schooner. Capt. Danavre. I am Sir &c. The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was previously abstracted in The Papers of James Madison , Secretary of State series. The original abstract contains...
Although we are unknown to you, permit us to express our sense of the benefits resulting from your administration of the affairs of this Country; benefits the more valued, when contrasted with the state of other nations, which but for the happy example that America affords, might induce the friends of liberty, to despair of any amelioration of the political condition of mankind. To you, Sir,...
We enclose you a recommendation signed by ourselves & a number of respectable Republican Inhabitants of this Borough in favor of Conl. Nehemiah Tilton, to which we beg leave to draw your attention; being well convinced that his appointment will give the most general satisfaction to the Republicans of this place. at the same time we believe it will meet the approbation of our fellow citizens of...