George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Brigadier General William Irvine, 6 June 1779

To Brigadier General William Irvine

[Ringwood, N.J.] After Sunset 6th June 1779


I just now received your letter;1 I am happy to inform you that our supplies, of provision are rather promising; every exertion has been used to forward them on this side; many waggon loads are not far off; and I flatter myself from the accounts handed to me that if necessary we may draw on the magazines over the North river.2 With respect to spirits I have, also given the necessary orders to forward what stock might be at Morris Town and its vicinity.

Your information concerning the enemy is intirely groundless, & so different, that I wish you to keep a vigilant watch.

Major Dun who is with you by this time will [h]ave delivered you my orders3—I am Sr Yr Most Obet

Go: Washington

P.S. some Vessels have gone down.

LS, in Richard Kidder Meade’s writing, PHi: Irvine Papers.

In a letter of 8 June written at Smith’s Tavern, N.Y., GW’s aide-de-camp Alexander Hamilton informed Irvine: “His Excellency requests you will be at Head Quarters this day at 10 oClock” (PHi: William Irvine Papers).

1This letter from Irvine to GW has not been found.

2See GW to Henry Champion, Sr., and to Jeremiah Wadsworth, both 4 June; GW to Charles Stewart, also 4 June, and the source note to that document; GW to Azariah Dunham, 5 June; and Udny Hay to GW, 5 June.

3Isaac Budd Dunn was brigade major to Maj. Gen. Arthur St. Clair, whose Pennsylvania division included Irvine’s brigade.

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