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Results 52911-52920 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The Letter you did me the Honor to write Yesterday, enclosing one to Judge Cushing Judge Willson and myself, was delivered to me at M r Keans just before Dinner; and being detained by previous Engagem ts . late in the Even g . I have not had an opportunity of communicating it to those Gentlemen, but shall do it this Morning. I have not the least objection to re-examining the merits of the...
Altho I have not the Pleasure of being personally acquainted with you, yet your character renders your appointment to a Seat on the Bench, very satisfactory to me. I congratulate you on the occasion, and as your office will call you to this place at the ensuing Session of the Sup Court, my Endeavours shall not be wanting to make it agreable to You. The inclosed is an Extract from a Letter...
I have been fav[ore] d . with yours of the 16 th . of last month — Judge Cushing accidentally carried it with him to New Haven, from whence he sent it to me by the Post. He mentioned to me what had passed at Ph[iladelphi] a . relative to the circuits. The Difficulties attending that Subject can in my opinion be removed by Congress only. The Objections heretofore stated to a Rotation strike me...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to the Chevalier d’Yrujo, and asks the favor of a passport for Thomas Kanberg , a friend of his who is going to Europe on private business. he is a native of the North of Europe (perhaps of Germany) has been known to Th:J. these twenty years, is a most excellent character, and entirely out of the political line. whether he will take his passage from...
I recieved, my dear Sir, your note of yesterday, and am sensible of the friendly spirit which dictated it. but you must pardon me for repeating my request to inform me of the price of the wine. this is such a transaction of meum & tuum as must follow the same rules between us as between others. it is sufficient obligation to me to spare me so excellent a supply, and if not done on the usual &...
Your letter of the 7th. inst. came to hand on the 14th. only, by which it seems to have lost a post by the way. this therefore cannot be in Washington but on the evening of the 17th. no information has been recieved from mr Pinckney of the character which your letter supposes. the latest we have from him inclosed a letter to him from M. de Cevallos in a tone not as friendly as heretofore used...
Your favor of the 18th. is recieved. in the meantime you will have recieved one of the 19th. from me . I have inserted in a letter to Colo. Humphreys what might be said with effect on the subject mentioned in your letter. if in time, I hope it will weigh. if not, when you take leave, you will of course recieve a letter, the tenor of which shall do you the justice due to you. I am in hopes...
You will speedily receive orders to march, and you will therefore be pleased to put yourself in readiness for the purpose. With consideration I am Sir yr ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I have received a letter from your Father in which he informs me that you are in bad health, and requests that you may be indulged with leave of absence for a few months longer. This I cheerfully — assent to, hoping that it may be the mean of restoring you to health, and of — enabling you to return to the Service. You will therefore consider yourself as having liberty to be absent untill your...
In Answer to your letter of the 24 June I must inform you that the recruiting instructions were sent to you of course as being on the list of recruiting Officers. It is agreable to me that you should Join your company as soon as your health shall permit With consideration &c (Copy, in the handwriting of Ethan Brown, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).