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Results 52901-52950 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
52901 Jefferson, Thomas Innes, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Innes, 28 December 1779 1779-12-28 Since writing to you on the subject of the council proposed by Colo. Marshall, General and Colo....
52902 Jefferson, Thomas Innes, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Innes, 21 April 1781 1781-04-21 Within an hour after receiving your first Notification that the enemy were in movement we issued...
52903 Jefferson, Thomas Innes, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Innes, 22 February 1781 1781-02-22 I had written the inclosed before Capt. Richeson arrived. I transmit it open through you for your...
52904 Jefferson, Thomas Innes, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Innes, 3 February 1794 1794-02-03 Having occasion for information as to the practice [of the] Genl. court in a particular matter,...
52905 Jefferson, Thomas Innes, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Innes, 2 May 1781 1781-05-02 As it may be necessary to reestablish the Batteries at Gloucester and York Town, and for this...
52906 Washington, George Innes, James George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel James Innes, 29 … 1778-05-29 Valley Forge, May 29, 1778 . Orders Innes to return to Camp. Df , in writing of H, George...
52907 Washington, George Innes, James From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel James … 1778-05-29 I am a little surprised, that you have not yet returned to camp, as your stay has now...
52908 Washington, George Innes, James From George Washington to James Innes, 12 August 1754 1754-08-12 Since writing pr Express I have considerd and find it better to delay the other to Wmsburg till...
52909 Jefferson, Thomas Innes, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Innes, 13 March 1791 1791-03-13 Your favour of Feb. 20. came to my hands only four days ago, and I have taken the first moment in...
52910 Innes, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Innes, enclosing a Letter from William … 1781-04-20 Fourteen flatt bottomed Boats a ship two brigs two sloop’s and one schooner heavily manned, have...
52911 Jay, John Iredell, James From John Jay to James Iredell, 12 February 1791 1791-02-12 The Letter you did me the Honor to write Yesterday, enclosing one to Judge Cushing Judge Willson...
52912 Jay, John Iredell, James From John Jay to James Iredell, 10 March 1790 1790-03-10 Altho I have not the Pleasure of being personally acquainted with you, yet your character renders...
52913 Jay, John Iredell, James From John Jay to James Iredell, 3 March 1792 1792-03-03 I have been fav[ore] d . with yours of the 16 th . of last month — Judge Cushing accidentally...
52914 Jefferson, Thomas Irujo, Carlos Martínez de From Thomas Jefferson to Carlos Martínez de Irujo, 23 … 1798-03-23 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to the Chevalier d’Yrujo, and asks the favor of a passport...
52915 Jefferson, Thomas Irujo, Carlos Martínez de From Thomas Jefferson to Carlos Martínez de Irujo, 9 … 1802-12-09 I recieved, my dear Sir, your note of yesterday, and am sensible of the friendly spirit which...
52916 Jefferson, Thomas Irujo, Carlos Martínez de From Thomas Jefferson to Carlos Martínez de Irujo, 15 … 1804-09-15 Your letter of the 7th. inst. came to hand on the 14th. only, by which it seems to have lost a...
52917 Jefferson, Thomas Irujo, Carlos Martínez de From Thomas Jefferson to Carlos Martínez de Irujo, 24 … 1801-03-24 Your favor of the 18th. is recieved. in the meantime you will have recieved one of the 19th. from...
52918 Hamilton, Alexander Irvine, Callender From Alexander Hamilton to Callender Irvine, 12 October … 1799-10-12 You will speedily receive orders to march, and you will therefore be pleased to put yourself in...
52919 Hamilton, Alexander Irvine, Callender From Alexander Hamilton to Callender Irvine, 27 … 1800-02-27 I have received a letter from your Father in which he informs me that you are in bad health, and...
52920 Hamilton, Alexander Irvine, Callender From Alexander Hamilton to Callender Irvine, 2 July … 1799-07-02 In Answer to your letter of the 24 June I must inform you that the recruiting instructions were...
52921 Washington, George Irvine, James From George Washington to James Irvine, 12 December … 1783-12-12 The honorable manner in which you are pleased to notice my return to this City, is particularly...
52922 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 6 August 1782 1782-08-06 I have to acknowlege the Receipt of your two Letters of the 1st & 11th of July—the former...
52923 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 22 May 1782 1782-05-22 I have been Favored with your two Letters of 20th April & 2d May, and am much obliged by your...
52924 Hamilton, Alexander Irvine, William From Alexander Hamilton to Brigadier General William … 1779-09-21 [ West Point ] September 21 , [ 1779 ]. Explains that no clothing is available, for the “few...
52925 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1780-01-04 We are not under less embarrassing and distressful circumstances in this quarter for provisions,...
52926 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1780-01-10 I have determined in case the present condition of the Ice, & prospect of its continuance will...
52927 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 11 December … 1782-12-11 Your Letter of the 29th October came to hand a few days since. Viewing the matter on every side I...
52928 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1779-06-06 I just now received your letter; I am happy to inform you that our supplies, of provision are...
52929 Brown, John Irvine, William Enclosure: John Brown to William Irvine, [22 August … 1791-08-22 An Express from Gen: Wilkinson has this moment reached this place informing of his success. He...
52930 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 5 June 1782 1782-06-05 If you think that Lieut. Colo. Wuybert can be spared from your Post I have no objection to your...
52931 Hamilton, Alexander Irvine, William From Alexander Hamilton to Brigadier General William … 1779-09-08 [ West Point ] September 8 , [ 1779 ]. Regrets inability to keep appointment for breakfast. ALS ,...
52932 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 16 September … 1783-09-16 Your Letter of the 6th by Lieut. Rose has been duly received. As the Secrety at War had...
52933 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to Colonel William Irvine, 26 … 1776-04-26 imediatly upon receipt of this Letter you are desired to march the remainder of your Battalion...
52934 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1780-01-12 Friday Evening is determined upon for the execution of the intended enterprize, unless prevented...
52935 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 31 October … 1788-10-31 The letter with which you favored me—dated the 6th instt enclosing a sketch of the Waters near...
52936 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1780-01-09 From our great distress for the want of provision and the very remote prospect of getting a...
52937 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 8 March 1782 1782-03-08 You will proceed with all convenient dispatch to Fort Pitt the object of your command, and you...
52938 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1779-12-23 The state of the 4th and 11th Regiments of Pennsylvania in respect to Cloathing is represented to...
52939 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1781-02-03 I have received your letter of the 17th —The affair of your line has had a train of disagreeable...
52940 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 10 July 1782 1782-07-10 I have been favoured with your Letter of the 16th June, apprizing me of the Disaster that befell...
52941 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 22 March 1782 1782-03-22 You will be pleased to make yourself acquainted as accurately but with as much secrecy as...
52942 Hamilton, Alexander Irvine, William From Alexander Hamilton to Brigadier General William … 1779-06-08 Smith’s Tavern [ New York ] June 8 [ 1779 ]. Transmits Washington’s request that Irvine report to...
52943 Madison, James Irvine, William From James Madison to William Irvine, 5 May 1787 1787-05-05 When I left N. York which was on thursday last nothing had been done in the business which you...
52944 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 18 December … 1781-12-18 I have received your favor of the 2d instant. I am not at all surprised to hear that you found...
52945 Washington, George Irvine, William George Washington to Brigadier General William Irvine … 1781-02-03 New Windsor [ New York ] February 3, 1781 . Asks Irvine to aid Major General Arthur St. Clair in...
52946 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1780-02-06 The inclosed is a request to General Hand to return to Camp. I shall be obliged to you for...
52947 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 1 November … 1781-11-01 During the Time of my being occupied in the Seige of York, I received a Letter from Colo. Gibson...
52948 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 23 June 1781 1781-06-23 I have just been favored with your Letter of the 14th Inst. I can easily conceive the...
52949 Hamilton, Alexander Irvine, William From Alexander Hamilton to Brigadier General William … 1779-09-07 [ West Point ] September 7 [ 1779 ]. Hopes to have breakfast with Irvine the next day. ALS ,...
52950 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 21 December … 1781-12-21 The secretary at War, to whom your letter of the 3d instant to Congress was referred, reported...