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Results 52901-52950 of 184,264 sorted by editorial placement
L : American Philosophical Society M le Mis de Castries a l’honneur de prévenir Monsieur franklin que la flûte la Pintade va être Expédiée pour l’Amérique septentrionale. Il le prie de vouloir bien lui envoyer ses Paquets s’il en a qui ayent cette destination. The Pintade would carry back to France the last of Rochambeau’s army, sailing from Baltimore on Oct. 5. Some 1,000 officers and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr delisle home tres honette tres Aimable et qui a Lhoneur de Vous conoitre mon respectable amis Mais qui Na pas encor eut Celui de diner chez Vous, sest Mis sous ma protection pour Venir Vous demander a diner aujourdhui, Comme il est tres Lies avec Nous et avec La pluspart de Vos amis jai penséz mon cher amis que Vous Ne desaprouveriez pas que je Vous...
LS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis tres flatté que Mes Services Pour la Liberté americaine, m’ayent merité Les Temoignages flatteurs que Votre Republique a Bien voulu m’en donner Par l’Envoy De la médaille que Vous avez eu la Bonte De M’addresser Comme son Ministre aupres de sa majesté. Je m’estimeray toujours heureux D’avoir formè & Executé Le projet De la Conquette D’Yorck-town qui...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ay Reçu la Médaille que son Excéllence Monsieur franklin ma fait L’honneur de menvoyer; Je Suis infiniment Sensible à Son attention et Je Supplie Son Excéllence d’en agréer mes Remerciments. J’ay L’honneur de lui renouveller en meme tems Les assurances de mon Respectueux attachement./. He undoubtedly received one of the Libertas Americana medals in...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. de Walterstorff is very sorry he cannot have the honour of dining to-day with Dr. Franklin, owing to his being previously engaged; but will have the pleasure of waiting on Dr. Franklin sometime this forenoon, if possibly he can. Walterstorff (1755–1820), currently chamberlain of the king of Denmark, had met BF during a visit to Paris in 1782: BF to...
ALS : Library of Congress I had the honor to address your Excellency some time ago by the Baron le Fort and to advise you that I should find myself under the necessity of calling on you for the advances made by our Bankers here for the Public— After having delayed as long as possible these payments, as well to comply with the request you made Mr Jay to give you all the time in his power at the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de faire tous mes remercimens a votre excellence de la bonté qu’elle a eüe de m’envoyer la belle médaille frappée pour les Etats-unis. C’est un monument du plus grand evenement qui soit dans les fastes du monde, et je ne vous dirai point en face quel est l’homme que cet evenement honore le plus. Vous avés plusieurs genres d’immortalité a la...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne Sais ou je prends la hardiesse d’oser incommoder de nouveau Votre Excellence, Si ce n’est Son Extreme bonté qui me la donne. Ayant eu celle de m’honorer d’une reponse sur une question que je pris la liberté de Lui faire au Sujet de l’abbé Raynal et de ses Ecrits, mais Sa gracieuse condescendance devroit me rendre plus circonspect a Son Egard pour ne...
LS , press copy of LS , and transcript: National Archives; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress You complain sometimes of not hearing from us. It is now near three Months since any of us have heard from America. I think our last Letter came with General de Rochambeau. There is now a Project under Consideration for establishing Monthly Packet Boats between France & New-York, which I hope...
Two press copies of LS , LS , and transcript: National Archives; AL (draft), copy, and press copy of copy: Library of Congress M. de Walterstorff has communicated to me a Letter from your Excellency to him, which affords me great Pleasure, as it expresses in clear and strong Terms the good Disposition of your Court to form Connections of Friendship and Commerce with the United States of...
L : American Philosophical Society Note. Le Professeur Märter chargé par L’Empereur de recueillir dans les quatre parties du monde des animaux et des plantes pour la Ménagerie et les Jardins de Botanique de Sa Majesté, se propose de se mettre incessamment en route et de commencer sa tournée par les Provinces de la Domination des Etats unis de l’Amérique. Persuadé que le Succès de son...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr S Vaughan Junr. has the honor to present his most respectful compliments to Dr Franklin, & to send him, the 1 Number of Mr Linguets memoire, on the Bastile: The 2 & 3 Numbers he will do himself the pleasure of forwarding to him, as soon as they come to hand. He hopes Dr Franklin will excuse his requesting him, to return them as soon as perused, they being...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser Copie d’un Mémoire que je suis déterminé à présenter à M. Le Garde des Sceaux, à Monseigneur le Duc de Penthievre, à M. le Comte de Vergennes et à M. le Marquis de Castries, en faveur de notre Compatriote le Sr. fanning détenu dans la Prison de Dunkerque. Il a commandé le Corsaire l’Eclipse, pendant qu’il étoit en croisière il...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld a l’honneur de faire Ses complimens à Monsieur franklyn, et de le prévenir que l’impression des Traités avec la france et la hollande étant fine, l’imprimeur attend celui avec la suede pour terminer l’Ouvrage; le Duc de la Rochefoucauld prie Monsieur franklyn de vouloir bien le lui envoyer, ou lui mander Ses intentions à ce Sujet,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Wrote you that I Could not obtain a new addition of the Common prayer Book. I have Since found one. I take this oppertunity to send it by the Bearrer mr. [ blank ]. Your friends Wh. are many have expectations of Seing you here some time in the summer & I belive you will find them as harry & prehaps more so then ever. London is so much like home that I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai Recû, par le courier d’hier, la mèdaille que vous m’avès fait l’honneur de m’envoier; et j’ai celui de vous en Remércier de toute mon âme. On s’emprèsse icy, a contempler ce monument qui intérèsse toute L’Europe et Eternise la gloire de L’amèrique. Au Rèste, je dois prèvènir Votre Excéllence, qu’il ne m’èst pas possible de Repondre aux choses honnetes...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty of inclosing you the Act for the Repeal of the prohibitory acts relative to America the Bill rec’d the Royal assent Yesterday, there is another act in some degree of forwardness for taking away the necessity of certain documents that American Ships were required to bring— I hope it will be all that at present is necessary to remove the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jusqu’à présent, mon respectable ami, vous m’ avés constamment honoré de vos bontés; vous y mettés le comble en m’envoyant l’ingénieuse médaille qui éternisera Vôtre gloire et celle de Votre patrie. Je n’ai pu y contribuer que par mes Vœux, mais je verserois mon sang pour la défendre. Recevés l’hommage du tendre respect avec lequel je ne cesserai d’être,...
LS : American Philosophical Society Comme vous avez toujours eu des bontés pour moi, que ces mêmes bontés m’ont fait exister pendant bien du temps je vous prie de me les continuer en me faisant donner l’hôtel d’Invalide. Je présente un mémoire à Mr. de Ségur, qui d’après votre recommandation et l’apostille que vous voudrez bien y ajouter, l’hotel me sera accordé. La bonté avec laquelle vous...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 431. Although it is unnecessary for me to introduce to your acquaintance a gentleman so well known to you as Mr. Hartley, who will have the honour of delivering to you this letter, yet it may be proper for me to inform you that he has the full and entire...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Watson presents his respectfull compliments to His Excellency Doctr. Franklin & makes free to Send him a few papers. Watson’s business in Nantes was ruined by the French government suspending payment on American bills of exchange (for which see JW ’s letter of March 5 and Joly de Fleury’s letter of March 15). He left the city on March 30 and relocated to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le desir que javois Monsieur davoir une Correspondance avec vous me fit prendre avec empressement Les lettres que vous me chargeates de traduire; sans reflechir aux difficultes qui se sont presentees; pour une allemande qui a quitte Sa patrie depuis l’age de quatre ans la traduction d’une lettre de quatre pages devenoit un ouvrage; aussi ai je reste bien...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. de Pio a reçu avec le plus grand plaisir La Medaille, dont Monsieur Franklin a bien voulu lui faire le genéreux present. Il a l’honneur de Lui en faire tous ses remercimens, et de lui temoigner toute sa reconnaissance./. The Libertas Americana medal that he requested on March 20, above.
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; ALS (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives Upon the receipt of the provisional Articles & a subsequent account bro’t by a Vessel dispatched by Count d’Estaing, I wrote the Letter No. 1. to Sr. Guy Carleton, & No. 2. to Admiral Digby: to which I recieved the Answers No. 3. & 4. You will find them cold & distant— Those they...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. le Mis. de brancas prie Mr. franclin de lui faire dire a qu’elle heure il pouroit avoir l’honneur de le voir le matin et quel jour lui conviendroit il s’interesse beaucoup a un jeune homme qui est a philadelphie et dont il voudroit lui parler. Louis-Paul de Brancas, marquis de Brancas (1718–after 1791), son of Louis, maréchal de France , was a...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr le prince de deuxponts desire Mon respectable amis d’avoir Lhoneur de faire Votre Connessance d’autant quil est charge de Vous parlér de La part des etats de baviere dun arrangement de Comerce, avec Les etats unis. Je Lui ait proposér de satisfaire Son desir en vous donnant a dinee avec Lui il sera Libre jeudis ous samedis. Voyéz, Mon charmant amis, Si...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs. Izard presents her Compliments to Dr. Franklin, & requests the favour of a passport for herself, & family, & Miss Stead, with their Servants, to go to Bourdeaux, & from thence to America. If Dr. Franklin has any commands for Philadelphia, Mrs. Izard will execute them with the greatest pleasure. Notation: Mlle. Beck chez la Mse D’Agne au Luxembourg Mary...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; AL (draft): American Philosophical Society M. Märter, Professor of Natural History in the Service of the Emperor, being appointed to make a Collection of Plants and Animals from the four Quarters of the World, for his Imperial Majesty’s Botanic Gardens and Menagerie, proposes to begin his Operations by a Journey thro’ the Countries under the Government...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I return your Excellency my most sincere and hearty Thanks for your Kindness & Condescension in answering my Letter, and for the candid & affectionate Manner in which you have given me your Advice on a Subject in which I feel myself deeply interested. This Advice shall be the Rule of my Conduct; and I will wait with Patience, till I hear from my Friends at...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay L’honneur de vous adresser cy joint Un memoire du Nommé Jaques Blanchet cy devant Cannier de La Legion de Luxembourg, Il Espere que Vous Voudréz Bien Luy faire Rendre La justice quil demande En Le faisant employer pour Sa cottepart dans l’Etat des prises dont est question, c’est Un Brave Soldat qui Sert depuis 17 ans dont 3 ont eté Employées a La...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettez Monseigneur La Liberté que je prends De Vous écrire que Sur Les Deux Lettre De recomandation que vous m’avez fait L’honneur De me Donner pour Philladelphia et Boston, Lorsqu’à mon arrivé ici Depuis Le 16 Du Courant, j’eus L’avantage De trouver une Navire prete a Parter pour Philladelphia que est Desendû au Bas De la Reviére Le 18 et Partira au...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received with an innexpressible gratitude the pretious pledge of esteem with which america, and your Excellency, have daigned to Reward Services of So little importance as mine; But which Could have deserved So great a favour: if the truest attachment, if the most Constant wishes for the Good Succes of So noble a Cause, if the tenderest veneration for the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am Requested to introduce to your Excellency Mr. D’Acosta gentleman of Nantes, Vho has some Business Relating to the north america. He Desires to have the honor of Waiting on your Excellency. If you Will Be so Kind as give me the notice of Day Vherein I may Lead this gentleman to Passy, in the Next Weeck, I shall traduce your Answer to Mr. D’acosta. I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permite me to join my most respectful compliments with Mr Stranges and to return You my sincere thanks for the many favours I owe You for Your kind care of my corrosponce— I presume once more on Your goodness and beg the inclos’d may be forwarded. It contains the Coppy of a will by which my Cousin Mrs Hunter and Her Family gets some Money by the Death of...
Draft: Library of Congress I have the honor to inclose to you, a Letter and Memorial I have just reced from Baron De L’Estrade—an Old Veteran who served with us at the Seige of York—from my acquaintance with this Officer, joined to the general good Character he had—I feel strongly inclined to serve him but there may be many Reasons to render such an interference as he Requests improper—all I...
ADS : Yale University Library A Wit’s a Feather, & a Chief’s a Rod; An honest Man’s the noblest Work of God. Pope. On April 10, WTF and others had visited François Hoffmann and participated in a demonstration of his polytype process, a method of reproducing handwriting or line drawings. (See the annotation of Samuel Vaughan, Jr., to BF , [April] 6, above.) BF visited Hoffmann on April 24 and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honnor to address your Excellency by my last letter of 11th. inst, 13 receipts for monies disbursed for Sundry american prisonners, & to advise of my drafts on your Excellency of £. 894. 8.—., & at the Same time to communicate Capn Coreil’s request to obtain a passport for his brig General Washington to proceed to Philadelphia; being Since...
Copy: Library of Congress I beg Leave to trouble your Excellency with the Delivery of the enclosed Letter which is left open for your Perusal that in Case the Baron should trouble you farther on the Subject you may be fully possessed of my Sentiments to him. I am respectfully, your Excellency’s most obedient and humble Servant He enclosed a letter of the same day to Baron d’Arendt ( Morris...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I feel ashamd & distressd when I think how long I have left your most obliging & valuable Letter unanswerd. Indeed great part of the time I have been under the deep affliction of parting with our eldest & most deserving Daughter to the distance of Bengal. I do not mean to depretiate the rest; but She had more of that domestick kindness & attention which You...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I shall give you pleasure by informing you that the Washington Capt Barney arrived at Phila the 12 March. This Comes by a Ship arrived at L’Orient from Virginia which brings no other news.— I suppose you know Mr Hardy is in Town. I am as ever most dutifully Yours. Addressed: A Son Excellence / Monsieur Franklin / A Passy. / Payez au Porteur 24 s. The first...
ALS : Yale University Library I received in its time your kind Letter of Feb. 22. I am sensible of the Prudence of your Advice, respecting my coming to England, and shall follow it.— Accept my Thanks for that, and for your kind Invitation to Cheam when I do come; but the little left of Life at my Age, will perhaps hurry me home as soon as I can be quit of my Employment here. I should indeed...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Notwithstanding I am at present a Being almost insensible to any Joy or Pleasure this miserable Life can afford, yet as I do still Exist , so do in me the strongest feelings of Gratitude, Respect, and Esteem, by which I must always be most sincerely attach’d to my ever dear & worthy Friend and Benefactor Doctor Franklin: & in consequence of such Attachment,...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous vous rappellerés, mon Digne ami, que je vous ai parlé de Vin de Bourgogne que le supérieur de notre école militaire d’auxerre vous proposoit. Quoique l’on préfére celui de Bordeaux dans votre patrie, Le Religieux qui vous remettra cette lettre vous donnera à ce sujet tous les renseignements possibles. Veuillés le recevoir avec votre bonté...
D : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Public Record Office David Hartley arrived in Paris on April 24. The following day he called on the individual American peace commissioners and found them eager to arrange for the opening of British and American ports to each other’s trade and to conclude as quickly as possible a definitive treaty of peace. On April 26 he went to Versailles,...
LS and transcript: National Archives The Count Del Verme, an Italian Nobleman of great Distinction, does me the honour to be the Bearer of this. I have not the satisfaction to be personally acquainted with this Gentleman, but am much sollicited by some of my particular Friends, to whom his Merits & Character are known, to afford him this Introduction to you.— He is, I understand, a great...
L : American Philosophical Society Made. La Douairiere de Deux-ponts embrasse son digne ami de tout son cœur; elle est bien fachée de ne pouvoir lui donner du Thé demain Lundi: mais elle va à la comédie italienne, et mardi à versailles pour le reste de la semaine: afin de se dédommager d’une privation aussi Longue, elle renouvelle sa priere à son ami de lui donner un jour dans la semaine...
AL : Historical Society of Delaware Mr Adams and Mr Jay present their Compliments to Dr Franklin and inform him, that they have just seen Mr Laurens and agreed with him upon a Meeting of the American Ministers Tomorrow at Eleven, at Mr Laurens’s Lodgings. The Drs Company is desired, and Mr Franklin Junr is requested also to attend. Addressed: Son Excellence / Monsieur Franklin / Ministre...
LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Library of Congress The Bearer Coll: Ogdin of the New Jersey Line, a Gentleman who has been greatly distinguished for his Bravery& good Conduct, from the first commencement of the present War, having received the permission of Congress to make a Voyage to France, on his private concerns; I must take the Liberty to reccommend him to your...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs. de choisy et de Béville Sont venu pour Saluer Son Excellence le Docteur Franklin et luy faire leur remerciments de la Medaille qu’il a bien voulu leur envoyer./. Choisy (b. 1723) was a maréchal de camp who had served with Rochambeau. Like Béville, he recently had returned to France aboard the frigate Emeraude: DBF; Bodinier, Dictionnaire; Six,...
L : American Philosophical Society Le Mis. De la fayette fait Ses compliments à Monsieur franklin et le prie de lui faire lhonneur de Venir diner chez luy jeudy prochain en Sa maison Rue de Bourbon. May 1. The other American peace commissioners went as well: Butterfield, John Adams Diary , III , 117. Having reached the age of majority (25 years), Lafayette was able to purchase a house on the...