Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Gourlade and Moylan, 23 April 1779

From Gourlade and Moylan

ALS:1 American Philosophical Society

L’Orient 23 Avril 1779

Honord Sir

The Schooner Betsey Cap: Barrett arrived here yesterday from James River Virginia, after a passage of twenty six days. He brings no public papers, but says both Main Armys were, when he saild, in winter Quarters, and that the British one in Georgia had made no material progress in it’s advances in that province, that Generals Moutry & Lincoln2 were marching with a reinforcement for the southern Army, that wou’d be sufficient, at least to recover that province, likewise that the British Sloop of war Swift had got a shore on the Coast of Virginia in chasing the Rattle-snake, who shar’d the same fate, and that the formers Crew was prisoners in Philadelphia.3 We remain with due respect Hond. Sir Your most obt hle sts

Gourlade & Moylan

The Honble. B. Franklin Esqr.

Addressed: The Honorable / Benja: Franklin Esqr. / at / Passy

Notation: Gourlade et Moylan L’orient 23 avril 1779.

1In Moylan’s hand.

2Brig. Gen. William Moultrie and Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln. For Moultrie see the DAB and for Lincoln our annotation of Bondfield’s letter of March 6.

3Captain Tathwell of the Swift set his vessel on fire before he and his ninety-one-man crew were captured. The Rattlesnake was also entirely destroyed in the fray. Pennsylvania Packet, Dec. 12, 1778.

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