Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Manal Monistros, 13 July 1781

From ——— Manal Monistros

LS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

a Lorient le 13 juillet 1781

Jay chargé ce Jour sur ma feuille d’avis pour Paris, un Pacquet a l’adresse de Monsieur franklin député des Etats unis de L’Amerique, lequel m’a eté remis par le Commis Greffier de l’amirauté de Vannes et duquel Jai donné reçû par Duplicata Conformement a l’ordonnance de Sa Majesté Concernant les Prises faites sur Les Ennemis de l’Etat.2

Manal Monistros

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2The packet probably contained eight documents concerning the prize Good Intent, captured on June 18 en route to England from Gibraltar by the American privateer Pilgrim (Joseph Robinson of Salem captain) and sent into Port Louis with a prizemaster named Valentine Bunker. Five of these are sets of extracts from the minutes of the Admiralty of Vannes (marked A through E) concerning the capture and the other three are documents from Gibraltar dated May 27 or May 28 concerning the Good Intent’s cargo. It also probably contained a covering letter from the commis greffier of the Admiralty of Vannes, a M. Marchand, dated Lorient, July 13, which like the other eight documents now is among BF’s papers at the Hist. Soc. of Pa. For the Pilgrim and her prize see Charles Henry Lincoln, comp., Naval Records of the American Revolution, 1775–1788 (Washington, D.C., 1906), p. 415; John A. McManemin, Captains of the Privateers during the Revolutionary War (Spring Lake, N.J., 1985), p. 223.

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