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Results 52871-52880 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
To the Inhabitants of Washington County who convened at Hartford by public notice on the 9 Aug t 1798 The address with which you have honored me by your chairman and secretary contains Congratulations & Assurances which I recieve with Gratitude. I view the Conduct of France the French D France ^The french Directory^ towards this Country in the same Light that You do; and observe with pleasure...
Appreciating with due value the sentiments you are pleased to express for my station and character, I should fail in candor and respect not to avow the grateful sensations excited by your address, for which I thank you with unfeigned sincerity Reasoning from the rapid progress of improvement throughout the United States, and adverting to the facility which every undertaking must derive from a...
It gives us much concern to find that disturbances have arisen and still continue among you concerning the boundaries of our colonies. In the character in which we now address you, it is unnecessary to enquire into the origin of those unhappy disputes, and it would be improper for us to express our approbation or censure on either side: But as representatives of two of the colonies united,...
Your favor of May 25. is duly recieved & I have to observe that I used the mouldboard you mention with the common bar share plough; nothing about it being changed but the mouldboard. I can assure you that the same horses, in my farm, would make a furrow with this mouldboard 2. I. deeper than they could with the common mouldboard, owing to the difference of resistance. adhering to the principle...
This will be handed you by mr Monroe, a relation of our governor, who proposes to pay a visit to Kentuckey to look out for a settlement. he is a lawyer of reputation, a very honest man, and good republican. having no acquaintance in your state, I take the liberty of recommending him to your attentions & counsel, which the worth of his character will fully justify. we have no particular news...
I am in your debt for several letters received and not yet acknoleged . One of these is particularly to be noticed, as it was interesting to you; I mean that which concerned your slaves carried off by the Indians. I knew that the channel proposed in your letter would effect nothing. I therefore concluded to take the opportunity which I knew was to occur, of endeavoring to serve you through the...
Your favor of July 8. came to my hands Nov. 30. The infrequency of conveyances is an apology for this late answer. I receive with pleasure this recognition and renewal of our former acquaintance, and shall be happy to continue it by an exchange of epistolary communications. Your’s to me will be always welcome; your first gives me information in the line of Natural history, and the second (not...
No list of the Votes of the Electors of your district for a President and Vice President at the last election having yet been received by the President of the Senate, I do, in obedience to the law, send the Bearer hereof as special messenger, to desire that you will be pleased to transmit by him to the Seat of Government the list of the said Votes lodged in your hands by the Electors of your...
Your favor of Dec. 6. I recieved here on the 30th. of the same month, and have to thank you for the papers it contained. they serve to prove that if Cressap was not of the party of Logan’s murderers, yet no injury was done his character by believing it. I shall while here this winter publish such material testimony on the subject as I have recieved; which by the kindness of my friends will be...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of March the 2d. and to return you many thanks for it. I am very desirous to collect all the information I can relative to the murder of Logan’s family, who were the perpetrators, & how far Cresap had counselled or ordered it; for tho’ there exists a very general belief that he was present, yet the information I have recieved seems rather that he...