John Jay Papers

From John Jay to the Inhabitants of Washington County, 16 August 1798

To the Inhabitants of Washington County

To the Inhabitants of Washington County who convened at Hartford by public notice on the 9 Augt 1798

Albany 16 augt 1798—


The address with which you have honored me by your chairman and secretary contains Congratulations & Assurances which I recieve with Gratitude.1 I view the Conduct of France the French D France ^The french Directory^ towards this Country in the same Light that You do; and observe with pleasure that your Sentiments and Resolutions as respecting it are such as ^particularly^ become Americans ^the People of a County which bears the name of Washington^ ^Americans^. It is worthy of Consideration, that we have no Liberty to acquire, but much to preserve; for we already possess all the Liberty that men can have, the entire and perfect Liberty of governing ourselves. [illegible] Every Principle of Honor and Interest calls upon us to use this Liberty wisely, and to defend it at every Risque ^unite us in resolving^ and preparing to defend it at every Risque ^it^ with the like Spirit and Perseverance with with ^which^ it was obtained— accept my best wishes for the Prosperity of your County; and it may as may ever be distinguished by the noble ^excellent^ Principles as well as ^the Example of the^ virtuous manner of Washington ^that as it bears the name so it may also follow^ cherish the Patriotism & other virtues which distinguish the illustrious Washington.

John Jay

Dft, NNC (EJ: 09224). WJ description begins William Jay, ed., The Life of John Jay: With Selections from His Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers (2 vols.; New York, 1833) description ends , 1: 404–5.

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