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Results 52861-52870 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
52861General Orders, 12 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major General Parsons Colonel Butler for Picquet Major Keith Inspector 2d Massachusetts brigade Untill further orders the Troops are constantly to be provided with three days allowance of baked bread and two days allowance of cooked beef. Colonel Scammell’s detachment is to be supplied occasionally with Ammunition by the regiments to which the men respectively belong, on...
Your Excellency’s favor I have been this day honor’d with, the contents of which shall be punctualy attended to: the 2d Regt is encamped at this place, and every thing kept in the most perfect readiness to embark on the shortest notice. This day I have written to Col. Hay on the subject of supplies for this department and pointed out the necessity of having a quantity of beef forwarded on...
I have recd your favr of this date. You will remain where you are ’till further orders, but you will make me an exact Return in the morning of the force which you have brought with you. However desirable a supply of Cloathing may be, I have no authority to allow it to be procured in the manner which Mr Caldwell mentions. I am Dear Sir yr most obt Servt CSmH .
I arrived at this place at 8 oClock this morning with the Jersey troops, excepting one subaltern and twenty men whom I ordered yesterday towards the new bridge for the purpose of seizing for our use some fat cattle of which we were in great want and which were most probably designed for the enemy. Enclosed is a letter I received from the Revd Mr Caldwell since we marched; I take the first...
I beg Leave to inform your Excellency that I have had the Honor to serve the United States of America under your command most of the time since the commencement of this unnatural Contest; and now am honor’d with a Captains Commission in the Same service; in which Capasity I should gladly have acted during the War, did not my private Affairs render it necessary for me to take my leave of the...
I have recd your favor of the 10th You will be pleased to let me have, as quick as possible, a Return of the Troops at West Point and its dependencies, as I want to ascertain our total Strength. If you will make me acquainted with the names of the prisoners under sentence and the Regiments to which they belong, I will endeavour to find out the Judgments against them and either have them put in...
I have to request that you will be pleased to send one of your Aides de Camp, to give Orders to Brigadr genl Waterbury from me, to put the whole of his Troops in motion to morrow morng & to march them to Marineck or North Street—at one of which places, he will recieve further orders, respecting the position he is to take. General Waterbury will move at the time appointed without fail & give...
I believe I have heretofore mentioned to your Excellency my disappoinment in respect to the number of horses supposed to be wintered in Pensylvania. Last January, or early in February, I sent to that state & to every other where horses were wintered, for returns of them, for the purpose of ascertaining what numbers would be fit for service this campaign: but I obtained none until May & June....
Tomorrow Evening will answer very well for the movement I mentiond to your Excellency Yesterday. and I will arrange matters accordingly—2000 French Troops besides Lauzuns Legien with the Troops I shall order from the American line will be sufficient to make the reconnoitre out hazarding an Insult from the my. I shall have the honor of sp ing more in detail to your Excellen on this subject...
I wrote to your Excellency the 4th and 7th Instant, from Hartford, Informing your Excellency the measures I had taken and the knowledge obtained of Supplies comeing on, which I expect your Excellency has received. I would now inform your Excellency that I find they are collecting and forwarding beef Cattle for the army in almost every place I came through, but that I could learn nothing from...