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Results 52861-52890 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Since my last No. 113 under the 11: Inst., orders is come to the Emperours Agent here to get the Ship in question ready for Sea and he further tells me Expects the Commander every moment from Tetuan with a Crew, and that She is at all events to go to Sea. I have the honor to be with respect Sir Your most obedt. and most he. Servt. Three french Ships the Line are aback of the Rock with Troops...
I think the inclosed may properly furnish grounds for an amendment to the judiciary law, whenever it is before Congress; to be proposed by a member. Judge Innis inclosed it to me with an idea that the proposition might go from me to Congress: but this is hardly within the regular compass of message. I therefore turn it over to you. RC ( DLC : Breckinridge Family Papers); addressed: “The honble...
It is difficult to ascertain the quantity of stone that can be raised in a given time by a given number of hands—because the rock is buried in the earth from 6 to 16 feet, & it cannot be known whether it is good or will cut well, untill the earth is removed, the removeing of which constitutes a considerable portion of the labour in quarrying; & it not unfrequently happens that the rock either...
The expenses of Mr. Monroe’s mission to Paris and Madrid not being included in the estimate for the service of the current year, it is necessary that they should be added to it. It has been usual to estimate such a mission to continue a year, on which supposition the following statement is founded. 1 Year’s Salary of the Minister including the allowance of a quarter for the expenses of...
Your favor of the 14th. was recieved on the same day, and will be duly attended to in the course of our affairs with the Creeks. in keeping Agents among the Indians two objects are principally kept in view. 1. the preservation of peace. 2. the obtaining lands. towards effecting the latter object we consider the leading the Indians to agriculture as the principal means from which we can expect...
Your favor of the 6th I received and am glad the Cyder had got to hand. I have not the acct. of it at present or should forward it. two pipes of Brazil wine shall be sent you the first good opty. if you wou’ld say how many you wou’d take yearly, I would order them with my own, of superior quality—my intentions are to send only for as many pipes as my freinds want & import none for promiscuous...
As the Spanish Minister will have recd. Answers to his letters from this Governt. long ’ere this reaches you, No doubt you are instructed by what authority Mr. Morales has anihilated the American Deposit. It is yet a profound secret here, Altho’ the Opinion has become pretty general that he coud not have acted without high authority. Two good reasons are given for the Opinion. First, That he...
15 February 1803, Department of State. “The case of Captain Breck has been heretofore examined at this office, but as no appropriation is supposed to be applicable to it, no relief could be afforded. Several others of the mutineers on board the Ulysses are received on board American vessels and brought to the United States. Some of them were tried and convicted at Boston.… Should the...
15 February 1803, Cádiz. Transmits a copy of his 16 Dec. 1802 letter . Since that date “repeated orders” have come from Madrid not to admit American vessels, even with health certificates from Spanish consuls in the U.S. Several ships with certificates were admitted at Cádiz and allowed to remain awaiting a final answer from Madrid, but “every post brought new orders” to turn away U.S. ships....
The case of Captain Breck has been heretofore examined at this office, but as no appropriation is supposed to be applicable to it, no relief could be afforded. Several others of the mutineers on board the Ulysses are received on board American vessels and brought to the United States. Some of them were tried and convicted at Boston. Should the Legislature grant compensation in the present...
I had the honour of writing you the 16th. December ulto. whereof enclos ed is a Copy. Since said period repeated orders came from Madrid not any American Vessels in to the Spanish Ports even with Certificates from the Spanish Consuls in the U.S. but several put in here quite in distre ss & some who brought Certificates were permitted to remain till an ord er from the Court of Madrid, would be...
Having been informed by my Friend the Hon. Mr Cutler that he had shewn you some specimens of our Manufacture, and that you had asked him some questions, particularly respecting the Wadding, which he could not answer, I observed to him in reply that I would do myself the honor of writing you on the subject.—The cotton is carded in an entire fleece (as we call it), then laid on a board & wet...
bien peu de jours apres la lettre que vous m’avez ecrit et a laquelle je me fesois un grand plaisir de repondre, jay eprouvé un cruel accident c’est une chutte qui ma cassé los du femeur de la Cuisse juste le même malheur que m de la fayette , je commence le 7eme mois je ne quitte presque jamais mon lit, et pour quelques pas dans ma chambre je souffre encor beaucoup, et boette si fort que je...
The inclosed were sent to me by mr Bacon with permission to keep them. they may therefore be filed in the War office. as we percieve that a light French breeze has already reached most of the Indians, it will be well for us to keep our eye on all their movements. I have therefore asked the favor of mr Bacon to continue to send me this correspondence. as I have no doubt the arrival of the...
Mr Miller commissioner of the revenue applied to me to know whether there was any impropriety in his acting as one of the directors of the Branch Bank in this city. To him personally it is of no importance; but the mother Bank seems very desirous that he should accept. They are much at a loss to find proper directors & wish to fill the vacancy caused by the refusal of John T. Mason to serve...
Rispondendo il 10 Aprile 1802 alle sue pervenutemi da Milano coll’istesso corriere, una del 29 Aprile 1800 e l’altra del 17 Marzo 1801, Le dissi le ragioni che m’inducevano ad intraprendere il viaggio di Pietroburgo. Da Venezia Le scrissi pochi versi, il 17 do. e dopo quella dei 6 xbre 1800, la quale Ella dice nella sua dei 17 Marzo d’aver ricevuto, Le avevo scritto il 5 Febb., il 2 e il 30...
Your letters of the 20th. & 21st. December and of January 3d have been duly received. The rigor in abolishing hospital [ sic ] intercourse between the Spaniards and the Citizens of the United States, navigating the Mississippi explained in the latter, justly increases the indignation excited by the original measure of the Intendant. Still the stronger presum[p]tion is that the whole proceeding...
14 February 1803, Museum. “Be pleased to accept the inclosed. Should you ever meet me in the Museum I may then tell you to whom the letter was originally intended. … It would give me pleasure to be able to trace out the probable progress of the museum while under my care, and to Devise with you the best means for its permanent Establishment.” FC ( PPAmP ). 1 p. Printed in Miller, Selected...
14 February 1803, Washington. Wrote a few days ago notifying JM of rumors that a man named Wilson and others in western Pennsylvania were attempting to collect a group of armed adventurers to join others from Kentucky and other western states to attack Louisiana. Stated in that letter how necessary it was that the government restrain this attempt, which might cause serious inconveniences...
14 February 1803, Washington. Describes the land in the Mississippi Territory disputed by South Carolina and Georgia and the land grant practices of Spain and Great Britain in the region. Defines the criteria for confirming grants as given in the articles of agreement and cession between the U.S. and Georgia. Lists the classes of claims derived from Spanish or British land grants, or from...
Je viens d’arriver au Havre aprés une Traversée de 52. Jours, qui fut trés orageuse. J’ose prendre la liberté Sachant combien ma famille doit avoir d’inquietudes à mon Egard, de vous adresser cy joint une Lettre pour ma Femme, a fin d’eviter Les retards, qui resultent Souvent de La négligence des Capitaines pour les mettre a la poste, quand elles ne Sont pas adressées a des personnes de...
I observe in your printed catalogue les Sermons de Massillon 15. tom. 12mo. 15. D. be pleased to forward them to me with the others, and accept my best wishes & respects. PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Dufief”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Dufief was offering a mixed edition of 15 volumes of collected sermons of Jean Baptiste massillon printed by various publishers between 1776 and 1801 (...
Vous verrez par le Certificat-ci joint que je n’ai pu recevoir qu’aujourd’hui la Lettre dont vous m’avez honoré le 4—Je vous envoie cette piece, d’abord, pour me justifier du Soupçon de manquer d’exactitude à votre égard, vous qui donnez dans la place éminente que vous occupez, un exemple si Glorieux, & en même tems si rare d’une régularité à laquelle rien n’échappe; & ensuite pourque si vous...
I have lately seen two Gentlemen from the State of North Carolina who informed me that the Heirs of Lord Granville had commenced a Suit in the Grand Federal Court against that State to recover a large body of Land there, which Suit will come on Tryal at the next Court which will be held in the Fedral City. My Wife and her Sisters, claim a right to five thousand acres of Land in that State...
I give you a hearty welcome on your arrival at the Seat of our Government, where I am glad to take you by the hand and to renew the Chain of Friendship between us: and I am thankful to the Great Spirit who has preserved you in health during your long journey at this inclement season of the year, and am hopefull his protection will cover you on your return. I sincerely lament with you,...
When I did myself the honor of waiting on you on Saturday , I was in hopes of finding you disengaged and that I could be indulged with a few moments of private attention—I wished to have shewn you two or three letters from Men who are true Republicans—have been warm and Zealous advocates for your gaining the Presidency and continue firm supporters of your administration—They express their...
The enclosed essay on health is dressed to render it more worthy of your acceptance, and in this neither seeking compliments on it, or supposing it can give you any light, but knowing you will appreciate my Motive for making the Publication, that of bringing some of my acquaintance to reflection and then reformation. Should that be the case in a single instance my labour will not be thrown...
I nominate Aaron Vale of New York to be commercial agent of the United States at L’orient in France. RC ( DNA : RG 46, EPEN ; 7th Cong., 2d sess.); endorsed by Senate clerks. PrC ( DLC ). Recorded in SJL with notation “nomination of Vale.” Meriwether Lewis delivered this nomination to the Senate on 14 Feb. and the next day it was read and ordered to lie for consideration. A week later it was...
In obedience to the Ordinance for the government of the territories of the United States, requiring that the laws adopted by the Governor & judges thereof shall be reported to Congress from time to time, I now transmit those which have been adopted in the Indiana territory from January 1801. to February 1802. as forwarded to the office of the Secretary of State. RC ( DNA : RG 233, PM , 7th...
13 February 1803, Philadelphia. The house of Coxe and Frazier, in which he was formerly engaged, has a claim to a tract of land “which is a part of a larger tract on or near to the waters of Bayou Pierre & the East Bank of the River Mississippi.” This was conveyed to him in 1790 by Edward Jones, who is now in Gallatin’s office. The original tract was granted by Great Britain to General Lyman,...