Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Sarah Bache, 12 July 1781

From Sarah Bache

ALS: University of Pennsylvania Library

Philadelphia July 12 1781

Dear & Honoured Sir

Major Franks, a young Gentleman who has been in the American Army since the beginning of the War, will deliver you this,4 I beg leave to introduce Him to your notice and Friendship, he can acquaint you all about the Children and Family, as he very frequently saw us all together— there is a Vesel to sail in a few days by which I shall write largely,5 remember me afectionately to Temple, any notice that he shall take of major Franks, I shall look upon myself obliged to him for.

I am as ever your Dutiful and Afectionate Daughter

S Bache

Major Franks

Addressed: His Excellency / Dr. Benjamin Franklin / Minister Plenipoy. from the United / States of No. America at the / Court of Versailles / Favored by Major Franks

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4Major David Salisbury Franks (c. 1740–1793) was the son of Abraham Franks, a prominent Montreal merchant. He joined General Richard Montgomery’s forces after the capture of Montreal in 1775 and served in the northern army for four years. He served as an aide-de-camp of Benedict Arnold, but was found innocent of any complicity in Arnold’s treason. Franks was leaving for Spain and carried letters from Robert Morris to Jay: Morris, Jay: Peace, 93–4n; Morris Papers, I, 255–6n; Morris to BF, July 13, below.

5Probably her letter of July 17, below.

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