Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Gourlade & Moylan, 18 October 1779

From Gourlade & Moylan

ALS:9 American Philosophical Society

L’Orient 18 Octobr: 1779

Honord Sir

We received a letter from our friend Cap. Jones dated on board the ship of war Seraphis 3d. Inst. at Anchor off the Texel, giving us the very pleasing acct. of his victory of the 23d. Sepr. last1 and desiring us to forwd. through your hands, any letters we might have received for him: in complyance therwith, we inclose you a packet for him2 wch. we pray you will convey to his hands in the speediest manner possible.

We have the honor to be respectfully Honord sir Your most obt hle sts

Gourlade & Moylan

Notation: Gourlade & Moylan Oct 18. 79

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9In Moylan’s hand.

1In this letter (Bradford, Jones Papers, reel 4, no. 747) Jones accused the Alliance of repeatedly firing on the Bonhomme Richard.

2This packet must have contained a now-missing Oct. 15 letter from the firm to Jones; see Bradford, Jones Papers, reel 4, no. 859 for Jones’s response.

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