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Results 52851-52860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
My last to you was of July 29. Since that I have received yours of May 27. June 13. & 30. The tranquillity of the city has not been disturbed since my last. Dissensions between the French & Swiss guards occasioned some private combats in which five or six were killed. These dissensions are made up. The want of bread for some days past has greatly endangered the peace of the city. Some get a...
I will write to you again, and untill I learn from you, that you have taken your passage home.—I have now to acknowledge a succession of Letters from you, arriveing nearly all together No 106. No 107 No 108 No 109 No 10010 and No 111 March the 16th which is the late date— I hope you did not think, when I wrote to you pressing your return to America, that my object was the office to which you...
Your favor of the 13th. is recieved. in the paper which your partiality for me proposes to prefix to your work I have ventured to make an alteration in the first paragraph because it contained an unnecessary & perhaps injurious reflection on foreign characters. Certainly it must be to every man the greatest of gratifications to enjoy the good opinion of his fellow citizens, & especially of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Son Exce. M. l’Ambr. de fce. [France], qui étoit allé accompagner Made. la Duchesse Son Epouse retournant en fce., est revenu. Il doit être parti pour Amsterdam. Je le saurai demain, Avant Son voyage, je lui avois fait ouverture de l’affaire de Saba , & des papiers que vous m’avez envoyés à ce sujet. Il est disposé à interposer ses bons offices dans cette...
An Estimate of the cost of the Rotunda as far as the contracts that have been made towards the completion of it go. Am t Paid for Materials for the brick work $6905.47 “p ⅌ Thorn & Chamberlain for the work— 2856.25 9,761.72 “ To complete the brick work of the Lbrary & Terras Say 1,000.00 Am t Contract with G. Raggi for 10 Bases & 2 Pilaster bases } 715.00 Cost of Capetels in Italy Say 7000.00
I think it proper to inform you that I have directed the collector of Baltimore to divide his deposits, hereafter, between the Bank of Maryland and the Office of Discount and Deposit of the United States Bank, until the 1st of October, ensuing; and thenceforth to deposit the public moneys wholly with the said office or branch bank. I am, gentlemen, &c. ASP American State Papers, Documents,...
I have received and read with great pleasure your brilliant oration. It is as sensible as it is eloquent. It is one of the most precious morsels that our country has produced upon such occasions. I hope it will be the means of bringing you forward out of that domestic repose in which you seem to place too much of your delight. I cannot blame you, however. I love you the better for the motto on...
With very sincere pleasure I received your private letter of the 11th instant. This pleasure was not a little enhanced by your reiterated assurance of my still holding that place in your estimation which, on more occasions than one, you have given me the most flattering testimony—highly gratifying to my mind. This assurance came opportunely, as I had begun to conceive (though unable to assign...
I have duly received but not duly answered your favor of April 3 d . It is a misfortune that a man can never be spoken to by a projectors without being misunderstood or misrepresented I told M r. Forbisher that if he expected any thing from the general government, he must apply to it by petition. But I never told him, that I had the least suspicion that the general government would ever do...
I have received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me, on the 23 of May, relative to the seizure of the Brigantine Nancy, Cap t. John Limeburner, by the Pilot Cutter Commanded by Leiu t. Seymor Lynn. You desire me, Sir, to demand from the Court of Great Britain, that the Ship and Cargo be given up, with Damages for the detention, but this is not in my power. The Laws of every Country...