Results 52851-52860 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. Brongniart de l’académie Royale d’architecture a fait tirer Empreinte de la médaille destinée à consacrer l’union des Etats unis avec la france; il desire avoir l’honneur d’en présenter l’Epreuve à monsieur franklin. Je desire de mon coté avoir l’honneur de lui rendre mes devoirs, mais comme M. Brongniart et moi avons beaucoup d’occupations, chacun de...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Grubb presents his respectful Compliments to his Excellency Dr. Franklin, & requests him to grant him a passport for England via Callais. Mr. G. ill state of Health is the cause of the demand, & hopes his Excellency will in consequence, order one to be made out Addressed: His Excellency / Benjamin Franklin. / Passy Notation: Mr. Grubb Paris 13th. Jany. 1783
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received eleven little books for which I thank you. But why was there not one line with them? My poor mother was much disappointed, and I believe imagined that I did not speak truth when I told her there was no letter in the parcel. I know you will pay the tribute of a sigh for the loss of one who loved you with the most ardent affection. She lingered...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr & Mrs. Macarty present thier most Respectfull Compliments to Doctr. Franklin, and are Sorry they cannot have the honor of Dining with him to Day, being Engage’d; having only this moment Recieved Doctr Franklins polite Invitation of the 11th. Addressed: Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / Passy William Macarty’s wife joined him in Lorient in September, 1781:...
LS : American Philosophical Society, Independence National Historical Park; copy: Library of Congress I have received, in Addition to those already acknowledged, your Letters of the twelfth of August, twenty sixth of September, and fourteenth of October. I should therefore, regularly, have received two Copies of the Contract entered into on the sixteenth of July between you and the Count de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je n’ai reçû qu’avant hier La Lettre Que Vous avez bien Voulû m’Ecrire le 16 novembre dernier. Ce retardement etonnant a fait Que mon libraire n’a pû Vous Envoier de Basle l’Exemplaire Que Je Vous ai prié d’Agréer. Mais j’irai a paris dans Quelques Semaines et j’aurai l’honneur de Vous presenter en personne Mon hommage. Je desire d’autant plus Qu’il Vous...
(I) Press copy of copy: American Philosophical Society; (II) press copy of AL : American Philosophical Society It was in the Beginning of October that you inform’d me, the Prisoners would be immediately sent over hither to be exchang’d. There were then in the French Ports several American Vessels in which I could have sent them. I fear that I shall now be obliged to send a Vessel with them,...
ALS : William L. Clements Library; copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society, Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society I am much oblig’d by your Information of your intended Trip to England. I heartily wish you a good Journey, and a Speedy Return; & request your kind Care of a Pacquet for Mr Hodgson. I enclose two Papers that were read at different times by me...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I was honoured with your favour of the 12th. of Decr: by the last post, enclosing a Copy of the preliminary Treaty of Peace between his Britannic Majesty and the United-States. I most heartily congratulate with you upon this great event, in which you have had the honour of so distinguished a part. I think that we ought to be, and shall be satisfied with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope the enclosed will meet with your Excellency’s approbation, and that I am not guilty of an impropriety in requesting of you the favor of transmitting it to his Excellency General Washington. I am Sr with great respect your most obedient humble Servant Addressed: His Excellency Benjamn Franklin Sister and principal heir of Maj.-Gen. Charles Lee ( XXII...