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Results 52851-52900 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
18 February 1803, Portland. “By reason of the resignation of Capt. Joseph McLellan, and the...
18 February 1803, Havana. Encloses a copy of the governor’s order respecting strangers. Although...
Ca. 18 February 1803, House of Representatives. “There is a report in circulation here that 4000...
A Vessel being about to get under way for New Port Rhode Island, I embrace the opertunity to...
I did myself the honour of addressing your Excellency on the 3d of January last, enclosing a...
Mr. Hill’s return to you offers so safe a conveyance for a letter that I feel myself irresistably...
I inclose you the reciept of Capt Sprogell of the Sloop Dolphin who sailed from Alexandria the...
Le soussigné, chargé d’affaires de la République française, a eu l’honneur de faire part à Mr....
17 February 1803, Washington. “In presenting the inclosed to You, I feel ashamed and sorry lest...
17 February 1803, Gibraltar. No. 114. “Since my last N: 113 under the 11: Int: [13 Feb. 1803] ,...
Since my last No. 113 under the 11: Inst., orders is come to the Emperours Agent here to get the...
I think the inclosed may properly furnish grounds for an amendment to the judiciary law, whenever...
It is difficult to ascertain the quantity of stone that can be raised in a given time by a given...
The expenses of Mr. Monroe’s mission to Paris and Madrid not being included in the estimate for...
Your favor of the 14th. was recieved on the same day, and will be duly attended to in the course...
Your favor of the 6th I received and am glad the Cyder had got to hand. I have not the acct. of...
As the Spanish Minister will have recd. Answers to his letters from this Governt. long ’ere this...
15 February 1803, Department of State. “The case of Captain Breck has been heretofore examined at...
15 February 1803, Cádiz. Transmits a copy of his 16 Dec. 1802 letter . Since that date “repeated...
The case of Captain Breck has been heretofore examined at this office, but as no appropriation is...
I had the honour of writing you the 16th. December ulto. whereof enclos ed is a Copy. Since said...
Having been informed by my Friend the Hon. Mr Cutler that he had shewn you some specimens of our...
bien peu de jours apres la lettre que vous m’avez ecrit et a laquelle je me fesois un grand...
The inclosed were sent to me by mr Bacon with permission to keep them. they may therefore be...
Mr Miller commissioner of the revenue applied to me to know whether there was any impropriety in...
Rispondendo il 10 Aprile 1802 alle sue pervenutemi da Milano coll’istesso corriere, una del 29...
Your letters of the 20th. & 21st. December and of January 3d have been duly received. The rigor...
14 February 1803, Museum. “Be pleased to accept the inclosed. Should you ever meet me in the...
14 February 1803, Washington. Wrote a few days ago notifying JM of rumors that a man named Wilson...
14 February 1803, Washington. Describes the land in the Mississippi Territory disputed by South...
Je viens d’arriver au Havre aprés une Traversée de 52. Jours, qui fut trés orageuse. J’ose...
I observe in your printed catalogue les Sermons de Massillon 15. tom. 12mo. 15. D. be pleased to...
Vous verrez par le Certificat-ci joint que je n’ai pu recevoir qu’aujourd’hui la Lettre dont vous...
I have lately seen two Gentlemen from the State of North Carolina who informed me that the Heirs...
I give you a hearty welcome on your arrival at the Seat of our Government, where I am glad to...
When I did myself the honor of waiting on you on Saturday , I was in hopes of finding you...
The enclosed essay on health is dressed to render it more worthy of your acceptance, and in this...
I nominate Aaron Vale of New York to be commercial agent of the United States at L’orient in...
In obedience to the Ordinance for the government of the territories of the United States,...
13 February 1803, Philadelphia. The house of Coxe and Frazier, in which he was formerly engaged,...
13 February 1803, Gibraltar. No. 113. Refers to his last dispatch, no. 112 [11 Feb. 1803] , which...
Letter not found. 13 February 1803. Acknowledged in Wagner’s 9 Mar. 1803 letter to Vail (DNA: RG...
I have the honor of Confirming my last No. 112 Covering a dispatch from Consul OBrien of Algier...
your favour of the 27th ult was duly received, I Should have acknoledged the recipt imediately,...
L’occasion que je rencontre d’un Officier de la Marine Francaise qui se rend aux Etats unis est...
Letter not found. 12 February 1803. Mentioned, with the following extract, in Kingston to John...
Honoured Sir I wish to inform your Excellency of the Cruell intreatment which I Have Met with in...
I have recieved your letter of January 18th. wherein you suppose that in my former answer to you...
No one can more seriously regret the Existance of a necessaty for this intrusion than I do; But...
11 February 1803, Gibraltar. No. 112. Has had no letters from JM since his dispatch no. 111 [not...