Results 52851-52860 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
My last gave you some account of the situation of affairs in the Southern department. The total defeat of the army under gen l . Gates on the 16 th August left the enemy at liberty to over run S. Carolina without annoyance accept from the militia who being but thinly scattered over an extensive Country could not soon be collected in the face of a powerful and victorious enemy. However the...
52852Thursday July the 12th 1781. (Adams Papers)
Dusseldorp a small town strongly fortified on the land side, but open on the river Rhine which we were obliged to cross, (on one of the same machines that I have mention’d yesterday) before we got there, it is in the Dutchy of Burgin Berg and is subject to the King of Prussia. There is a famous cabinet of Paintings here, but as we only stopp’d here to dine, and the cabinet not being then open,...
By the United states in Congress assembled Resolved That the commission and instructions for negotiating a treaty of Commerce between these United states and Great Britain given to the honorable John Adams on the twenty ninth day of Sep­ tember one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine be and they are hereby revoked. Extract from the minutes The content of all or some notes that appeared on...
I send you the first number of a series of papers which I intend to publish on matters of the greatest importance to these States; I hope they will be read with as much candour and attention as the object of them deserve, and that no conclusions will be drawn till these are fully developed. I am, Sir ,   Your most obedient humble servant, A.B. The Continentalist. No. I . It would be the...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your Favour of the 5th. Instant. I approve of the Orders you have given relating to the Subsistance of the Prisoners. It will be well to put them into the first Cartel that shall arrive at Morlaix, or go from any Port near you, taking a Receipt from the Captain, as for so many Persons—Prisoners made by the Americans. There were seventeen left in the Prison...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress Je ne doute pas que le Congrès ne se fasse un Devoir de se conformer aux Intentions du Roy, et qu’en consequence il ne donne ordre de suspendre toutes Traittes et particulierement celles du Bureau d’Emprunt; mais toutes celles qui ont été faites avant cet ordre et qui n’ont pas encore paru, me seront certainement...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Major Franks, a young Gentleman who has been in the American Army since the beginning of the War, will deliver you this, I beg leave to introduce Him to your notice and Friendship, he can acquaint you all about the Children and Family, as he very frequently saw us all together— there is a Vesel to sail in a few days by which I shall write largely,...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Having several times attempted to get intelligence by letter from my kindred at St Quentin, in Picardie, the place of my nativity I take the liberty to trouble thee, my kind Friend, with the inclosed Packet for M Debrissac, my near kinsman, one of the principal traders there; a person whose acquaintaince would, in several respects, be agreable to thee;...
DS : American Philosophical Society Memoire des Bordures et verres fournis pour Son Excellence Monsieur de Francklin Ministre plenipotentiaire des Provinces unies de la Merique Septentrionnalle, fourni par Bligny pere Cour du Manége aux Thuilleries Savoir Le 12. Juillet 1781. deux Bordures pour les portrais de Washington de 2. pouces de profil a la grec à 2 ornemens apretté, dorée d’or Jaune...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je manque réellement d’expression pour vous faire mes très humbles et très sinceres remercimens, des Six bouteilles de madere que vous avez eu la bonté de m’envoyer. J’ai été d’abord épouvanté, Monsieur, à L’aspect de ce bataillon rangé sur ma commode, mais quand J’ai réfléchi qu’il n’etoit venu là que pour ma défense, pour chasser L’ennemi, et me ramener...