Results 52841-52850 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society When we were at Paris we took the Freedom to Call on your Excellency at Passe to request your Kind Assistance in giving us a letter of Recommendation to some Friends of yours in Philadelphia or Boston; and your Excellency was Kind Enough to Promise us; Provided you receiv’d a Letter from Doctor Percival of Manchester Certifying that we were the Men we...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je n’ai point oublié le bonheur que J’ai eu de vous voir à Paris et l’accueil que vous m’avez fait. J’ai lu avec transport les premieres loix que vous avez donné à La Pensilvanie, et c’est à ce double titre que j’ai l’honneur de vous faire hommage des deux premiers volumes du Dictionnaire de Jurisprudence et des arrets . Je ne vous propose point, Monsieur,...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin … (3d ed., 2 vols., London, 1818), I , 123–4. I received yesterday your favor of the 27th past, which I immediately answer, as you desire to know soon my opinion respecting the publication of a certain paper. I see no objection, and leave it entirely to your discretion. I have had several letters from...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I sent you sometime since 11 Pamphlets of the same kind with the enclos’d, supposing, as I had heard them well spoken of, that you who are so laudably attentive to the Education of your Children, might possibly find in them some Hints worth your Notice. I find the Work is to go on, and I will send you what comes out for the present Year, if you desire it. I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the pleasure of writing you some time ago per a friend in which I informed you how much I was hurt to find that Congress had refused to comply with the agreement made here for the Exchange of Prisoners, I have not since then been favored with any of yours. This day I have been at the Secretarys Office again relative to the Exchange of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous ecrire la presente laquelle vous Sera remise par le Sieur Thomas Connoly Americain Lequel a eu le malheur d’Etre pris dans le navire Le Blear Mc Clanaghan a Son Passage de L’orient a Philadelphie par un corsaire de Guernsey auquel endroit il a été conduit prisonnier. Il a trouvé le moyen de S’echaper & de Se rendre ici, & Comme il...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library Please to read the inclosed Letters to Lord shelburne & Mr Vaughan then please to deliver them to Mr Vaughan if with you or forward them to him if not.— The subject appears to me worth a national Claim if you think so please to add a Line to my Letter to Lord shelburne, if you think an official Claim not consistent & you in...
LS : Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri The Letter you did me the Honour of writing to me in August last, came to my Hands when I lay ill of two painful Disorders, which confin’d me near three Months, and with the Multiplicity of Business that follow’d oblig’d me to postpone much of my Correspondence. I have yesterday receiv’d a second Letter from you, and I now without farther Delay sit down to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Don Galva of and from Salem arrivd at this Port Yesterday he saild from Salem the 1 December Mons De Vaudrieul with the Fleet remaind at Boston and from the report of the Captain would not sail before the later end of the month the french Troops were arrivd at Boston to embark on board the Fleet. The Indians have committed some fresh Crueltys on the...
LS : American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress; copy: Library of Congress On the ninth Instant, from an Investigation of Mr. Grands Accounts, then lately received, I found that after making due Allowance for Loan Office Bills &ca. which might still come upon him, my Drafts (and those which I have directed) would exceed, by Something more than six Millions (exclusive of the Interest...