Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Elize Winn, 20 February 1803

From Elize Winn

Louisville Ky Feby 20th 1803


Father of the nations our emperor the man we love

Next heaven if I said more twere scarce a Sin

You are all thats good and god like

In the full vintage of thy flowing honours Sat Still

And saw it presst by other hands fortune Came Smileing

To thy youth an wood it and purple greatness met thy

Ripend years

When first you Cam to Empire was borne on tides of people

To thy triumph the wish of nations and the willing word

Received as thy pledge of futer peace

O peace sweet union of States what else but thou gives

Strength and glory to a people me think again I see those gentle

days renewd that blessd our isle I see our

plains unbounded waveing with the gifts of harvest

Our Seas with Commerce Throng our busey ports

with Cheerful toil

Our nymphs and Shepherds Sporting in each vale inspire

New song and wake the pastoral reed—Come my Sons I long

To See this prince of whom the world Speaks largely

Well whose name Ile teach you to lisp whose fortunes

You shall follow

His cause thy nerveous arms shall defend and may those

wings that spreds from Shore to Shore Vouchsaf to Shelter me and

My little familey … and long may he live to rule america

O may he be blessd as he deserves is the prayers of his most Humbl and obedient Servt

Except as a pledge of my love and ready obedience a few peccans they were sent to me by a french lady from St vincenes I never opend them but send them On to you with my preyers and beg you may recieve them I am Dear Sir your ever faithful Servt

Elize Winn

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Presedt. of the U.S.”; endorsed by TJ as received 16 Mch. and so recorded in SJL.

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