52831To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Goudar, 1 January 1778: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Aubenas, January 1, 1778, in French: A select company in the Vivarais has instructed me to express its admiration for the virtues of the incomparable Washington, which combine so well with your own talents. If anything made in Languedoc is of use to you or your countrymen, we will carry out your orders without charge. Please send me a print of the great...
52832To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Goudeman, 8 December 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ne croyez pas que je saisisse le moment de vos succès pour vous demander une juste faveur. Il y a longtemps que j’avois prévu cette victoire, et ce n’est pas la derniere que vos Braves et Vertueux compatriotes remporteront sur leurs tirans. Mais ce n’est pas de quoi il est ici question. Un de mes amis, de Province, me prie, Monsieur, de vous adresser le...
52833To Benjamin Franklin from Léonard-Louis Goueslard de Champigny, 3 May 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society En vous proposant de vive voix d’etablir dans votre patrie premierement une Manufacture D’Armes, secondement une fondrie D’Artillerie en cuivre, troisiemement enfin une fondrie D’artillerie en fer, dans laquelle non seulement on fondroit du canon; mais encore les crapaux destinés a monter les mortiers et Pierriers qui ne peuvent se monter sur des affuts de...
52834To George Washington from Harry Dorsey Gough, 17 August 1797 (Washington Papers)
I had the Honor to receive this morning your Letter by Mr John Anderson. I wish it was in my power to send the Sheep you desire; some few years ago I took much Delight in that part of my Stock and brought it to great perfection, but they have unfortunately been since deseased and so much degenerated that I would not recommend their introduction on your Farm. I flatter myself that you will...
52835To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Goüin, 8 January 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
A Thomas Jefferson, président des Etats Unis de l’Amérique. Les citoyens du district du Detroit representent humblement:— Que la coupe des Souffrances de ce pauvre paÿs est plus que remplie. Nos oppressions se sont accrüès a une magnitude quil est impossible de Souffrir plus long tems. De la profondeur de notre détresse et de notre désespoir nous élevons encor une fois nos Cris jusqué à vous...
52836To George Washington from Ensign Benjamin Gould, 21 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
Boston, 21 June 1776 . “Whereas I received orders from your Excellency to march the Guard under my Command at Genl Lees Qua[rte]rs to Guard the Magazeine at Winter Hill. accordingly I Did. . . . the Powder was moved into Boston, then General Ward Gave orders for me to march into Boston and be his Guard. accordingly I marched into Boston and remain his Guard; and as he Expects soon to Leave the...
52837To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin A. Gould, 14 July 1825 (Jefferson Papers)
I have sent by the Schooner Virginia, Capt. Otis, a Box containing a plaister Bust of Mr. Adams, which I beg you will do me the favour to accept. It is taken from the marble bust of Binon, which was made for the City of Boston, & is placed in Faneuil Hall. The likeness is considered most striking. No one can hesitate an instant in recognizing it, who has seen the original within ten years. The...
52838To John Adams from John Goulding, 24 May 1798 (Adams Papers)
Propelled by a cause equally serious and urgent; and encouraged by a Name , whose wise, benevolent & noble exertions, have regularly accompanied the dignity, and encreasing influence, which it maintains, in society.—Such is my apology for this intrusion. Shipwrecked as it were, and bereaved of my little all;—yet thank Heaven still possessed of Health, active and willing, my utmost efforts have...
52839To Thomas Jefferson from John Goulding, 16 November 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I have heretofore had the honor & the pleasure to know your gentle & amiable handwriting; of course I must feel on the present sudden occasion, the sensations of delight & surprize at once, upon seeing my name written by you, on any occasion: This being for some flour from Mr. Thomas, I have promptly pointed out to the bearer how the matter stood. It is not in words to express how much I wish...
52840To John Adams from John Goulding, 7 June 1798 (Adams Papers)
The man who took the liberty humbly to address your Excellency the 24th, of last month, begs leave to wait on your Excellency for an answer; with a hope that your Excellency would be graciously pleased to order him into some employment under the Government. It can be shewn to your Excellency, that his education and knowledge of accounts, would make him useful in the Naval Department, if that...