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Results 52801-52850 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
52801 Hamilton, Alexander McHenry, James From Alexander Hamilton to James McHenry, 19 August … 1798-08-19 I write you herewith an official letter. Your private one of the 13th is before me. I regret that...
52802 Franklin, Benjamin Eliot, Jared From Benjamin Franklin to Jared Eliot, 31 August 1755 1755-08-31 ALS : Yale University Library I have been employ’d almost all this Summer in the Service of our...
52803 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston From John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 24 … 1826-06-24 I have received your Letter of the 17th. with deep concern at the purport of its contents—I will...
52804 Washington, George General Orders, 25 March 1778 1778-03-25 The Honorable the Congress having appointed Matthew Clarkson and Major John Clarke Esquires...
52805 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 29 March 1807 1807-03-29 A doubt is entertained whether the act of Congress respecting claims to lands in Orleans &...
52806 Claiborne, William C. C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William C. C. Claiborne, 1 … 1804-09-01 Having been informed that Doctor John Watkins had declined the appointment of Surgeon to the...
52807 Michaux, André Washington, George To George Washington from André Michaux, 20 June 1786 1786-06-20 You will find herewith, the Seeds, that I Spoke of, to Your Excelly Yesterday. I will accept of...
52808 Lyon, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Lyon, 16 May 1776 1776-05-16 Notwithstanding the favorable reception of a former letter, & the obliging answer it procured,...
52809 Madison, James Livingston, Robert R. From James Madison to Robert R. Livingston, 6 October … 1803-10-06 My last was of July 29th. written a few days before my departure for Virginia, whence I returned...
52810 Boudinot, Elias Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Elias Boudinot, 16 June 1801 1801-06-16 I duly recd. a Letter, without any signature , by a Mr Lesslie relative to a plan he proposed of...
52811 Washington, George [Diary entry: 6 September 1799] 1799-09-06 6. Much rain fell in the Night, without wind, thunder or lightning—making the ground wetter than...
52812 Virginia Delegates Harrison, Benjamin Virginia Delegates to Benjamin Harrison, 9 July 1782 1782-07-09 RC (Virginia State Library). In JM’s hand except for Arthur Lee’s signature. Addressed to “His...
52813 Washington, George Sullivan, John George Washington to John Sullivan, 21 January 1781 1781-01-21 New Windsor [ New York ] January 21, 1781 . Has sent troops to quell the mutiny in New Jersey....
52814 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 July 1795] 1795-07-03 3. Do. do. Clear & growing warm.
52815 Jay, John Haines, Charles G. From John Jay to Charles G. Haines, 27 November 1818 1818-11-27 Your obliging Letter of the 17 Inst, together with the interesting Pamphlet respecting the Great...
52816 Adams, John April 3d. 1761. 1761-04-03 Z. tells me, that Jona. Rawson is malicious and cruel as well as conceited. He spights Edd....
52817 Pickering, Timothy Washington, George To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 19 March … 1782-03-19 I was honoured with your letter of yesterday’s date, desiring to be informed when the...
52818 Hamilton, Alexander Electors of the City and County of New York From Alexander Hamilton to the Electors of the City and … 1789-03-03 Having been appointed by two different, and very numerous meetings of the inhabitants of this...
52819 Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the … 1792-06-25 As it is probable that doubts may arise, in regard to the construction of the fifth section of...
52820 Jefferson, Thomas Memorandum Books, 1817 1817-01-01 Jan. 1. Inclosed to Nichs. G. Dufief 50.D. to pay the 31.D. ante June 8. which Mr. Gibson did not...
52821 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 October 1769] 1769-10-23 23. Went to Poseys Sale. Returnd at Night with Colo. Mason Mr. Ross, Mr. Sebastian Mr. Harrison...
52822 Hamilton, Alexander Hoops, Adam, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Adam Hoops, 8 May 1799 1799-05-08 You will be so good as to inform me precisely upon what terms you engaged Dr Davis to attend upon...
52823 Washington, George Smallwood, William George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1778-05-19 Valley Forge, May 19, 1778 . Discusses crimes and court-martial of Jetson, a Loyalist. Denies...
52824 Jefferson, Thomas Newton, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Newton, 6 December 1804 1804-12-06 I pray that the subject of this Letter may be entirely confidential between you and myself. the...
52825 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John From John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 6 May 1822 1822-05-06 I have received your two Letters of 5 and 22. April—with much pleasure; and it would have been...
52826 Jefferson, Thomas Edwards, Enoch From Thomas Jefferson to Enoch Edwards, 28 August 1801 1801-08-28 I recieved yesterday your favor of the 20th. informing me that the carriage made for me is now...
52827 Adams, John [April 20. Monday 1778.] 1778-04-20 April 20. Monday 1778. My Son had been with me since Saturday. This was delicious repast for me:...
52828 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 30 July 1793 1793-07-30 My last was of the 22d inst. I have since red. yours covering the paper now returned, that...
52829 Nathan, Simon Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Simon Nathan, 4 November 1803 1803-11-04 Having had the Honor of your personal acquaintance during our Revolution in 1777. 1778. & 1779....
52830 Adams, John Dana, Francis From John Adams to Francis Dana, 5 February 1782 1782-02-05 Your favor of Decr. 31st/Jany. 11th 1781.2 I recieved Yesterday, and in an hour or two after the...
52831 Duportail, Antoine-Jean-Louis Le Bègue de Presle Washington, George To George Washington from Duportail, 16 June 1784 1784-06-16 I thank you for the kind letter you have honored me with by Count de laval —I wish I Could Carry...
52832 Ewell, Thomas Beale Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Beale Ewell, 9 December … 1806-12-09 Were I not sensible that great men, like the authors of their existence, derive pleasure from...
52833 Bourne, Sylvanus Madison, James To James Madison from Sylvanus Bourne, 22 February 1802 … 1802-02-22 22 February 1802, Amsterdam. States that he has decided to send his wife “to the Country for her...
52834 Randolph, Edmund Madison, James To James Madison from Edmund Randolph, 16 August 1782 1782-08-16 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). In Randolph’s hand but lacks signature, cover, and docket. The words...
52835 Jefferson, Thomas Brown, Samuel From Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Brown, 10 May 1800 1800-05-10 I am much indebted to you for your aid in procuring evidence on the subject of the murder of...
52836 Garrett, Alexander Jefferson, Thomas Alexander Garrett to Thomas Jefferson, 3 October 1821 1821-10-03 I send you herewith a list of drafts furnished me this evening by Mr. Brockenbrough which he...
52837 Forrest, Uriah Adams, John To John Adams from Uriah Forrest, 28 April 1799 1799-04-28 I feel how improper it is in so inconsiderable an individual as I am, to be intruding on your...
52838 Franklin, Benjamin Pomeroy, Mr. —— From Benjamin Franklin to Mr. Pomeroy, 1 August 1767 1767-08-01 Draft: American Philosophical Society I yesterday had the Pleasure of receiving the enclosed from...
52839 Washington, George General Orders, 22 April 1781 1781-04-22 John Williams alias Andrew Forster soldier in the 6th Massachusetts’ regiment tried the 19th...
52840 Collinson, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, 3 June 1752 1752-06-03 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have wrote you before possibly you may receive Two Letters...
52841 Boston, Citizens of Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Citizens of Boston, 9 August … 1808-08-09 The Inhabitants of the Town of Boston in legal Town Meeting assembled, beg leave respectfully to...
52842 Jefferson, Thomas Gilmer, Francis Walker From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Walker Gilmer, 23 … 1825-10-23 I am very anxious to see you, and the sooner the more I shall be gratified. the dissensions at...
52843 Pennsylvania Board of War Washington, George To George Washington from the Pennsylvania Board of … 1777-04-19 In the course of this week we have been very fortunate in detecting the stratagems of a number of...
52844 Jefferson, Thomas Say, Jean Baptiste From Thomas Jefferson to Jean Baptiste Say, 1 February … 1804-02-01 I have to acknolege the reciept of your obliging letter , and, with it, of two very interesting...
52845 Tompkins, Daniel D. Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel D. Tompkins, 6 October … 1814-10-06 Your letter of the 28th. of September was received by me last evening. I have reflected, in the...
52846 Editorial Note German lieutenant general Wilhelm von Knyphausen temporarily commanded at New York while British...
52847 Hamilton, Alexander Stevens, Ebenezer From Alexander Hamilton to Ebenezer Stevens, 15 May … 1800-05-15 There being no other existing provision for the purpose—You will in future furnish Hospital...
52848 Jefferson, Thomas Burling, Ebenezer From Thomas Jefferson to Ebenezer Burling, 11 January … 1801-01-11 I should with great delight deliver myself up to the investigation of the subject proposed in...
52849 Pleasants, James Jefferson, Thomas James Pleasants to Thomas Jefferson, 21 April 1822 1822-04-21 I enclose to you a statement of the balance of p r incipal & interest due on Ronald ’s debt to...
52850 Madison, James Gallatin, Albert From James Madison to Albert Gallatin, 27 June 1806 … 1806-06-27 § To Albert Gallatin. 27 June 1806, Department of State. “Be pleased to issue your warrant on the...